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Romeo & Juliet . Higher. Introduction .
Romeo & Juliet Higher
Introduction • The play is primarily a tragedy but it blends elements of comedy seamlessly into the narrative without appearing out of place. It can be seen as a comedy (the bawdy way in which the first characters speak, the Nurse’s rambling speech about her “dug”) that becomes a tragedy. • It is argued that it is not one of the great Shakespearean tragedies because its protagonists (R&J) lack the kind of inner turmoil seen in other plays such as Othello.
Setting • Verona, Italy during the Renaissance. • Romeo and Juliet come from feuding powerful, wealthy families in Verona. The Montagues and Capulets are as misguided as each other and the older generation are portrayed as somewhat foolish and staid compared to the young, vital and passionate younger generation. The play mirrors other Shakespeare plays such as “As You Like It” with the disregard for authority.
Courtly love • The Prologue itself is a sonnet, which is typically where the idea of courtly love is exemplified. Courtly love has a spiritual, but often secret side to it and is often unrequited. • "a love at once illicit and morally elevating, passionate and disciplined, humiliating and exalting, human and transcendent". • Romeo acknowledges that his feelings for Rosaline have made him lose a part of himself: “Tut, I have lostmyself, I am not here. / This is not Romeo; he's some other where" • Romeo’s ideas of love can be seen in his speech to Benvolio as perhaps immature. Is he merely in love with the idea of being in love? Does this change when he meets Juliet?
The prologue • Form of a sonnet • Simple function – it introduces the play and tells us that the lovers will die. • On a deeper level, The Prologue introduces the theme of fate and the idea of the “star-crossed” lovers. The audience therefore watches the play with the knowledge that Romeo and Juliet are on a path (idea of stars controlling our destiny) that they cannot escape from. They are meant to meet, fall in love, and then die together.
Discussion Questions • 1. Which is the most significant event in Act I? The brawl and the family hatred it shows? The decree of the Prince? The courtship of Count Paris? The meeting of the Lovers? Why? • 2. How are all the other events linked to that one, so as to give it dominance? • 3. Why has the Poet made the lovers' hand-clasp so significant? Is true love, love at first sight?
Act 1 • - The brawl provides the background information for the audience. The violence, particularly among the youth of the play, the social layers (servants, the Houses of Montague and Capulet, the Prince (who embodies law and order). The fight brings in ideas of family honour, the demands of the social world and its conflict with private passion (shown by Romeo) • It introduces Tybalt (who appears to embody hatred “What drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word/As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.” • Benvolio (Romeo’s friend who represents a foil to Romeo. He is thoughtful and logical whereas Romeo is withdrawn and self-involved in his ideals of courtly love at this point in the play)
Act 1 • Romeo meets the servant with the guest list for Capulet’s feast by chance, therefore reinforcing the idea of fate that he will meet Juliet. It also causes rising action in the play as the audience will now have expectations that Romeo and Juliet will be about to meet. How will Romeo be distracted from Rosaline? • Juliet’s parents are planning her marriage to Paris. She does not truly have a say in this. The social world can be seen to be interfering in private passion. It is also a device by which their love may be thwarted. Juliet cannot control the world around her so it is a force of fate and society working against her.
Act 1 • Romeo’s conversation with Mercutio conveys the idea of fate and foreshadows what is to come: • “I fear too early, for my mind misgives/Some consequence yet hanging in the stars/Shall bitterly begin his fearful date/With this night’s revels and expire the term/Of a despised life clos’d in my breast/By some vile forfeit of untimely death” • Mercutio is a man led by his passions, just as Romeo and Tybalt are but he is free of social pressures and arguably the cleverest character. His long speech displays the quickness of his mind, he mocks other characters and in doing so, exposes truths about them. Mercutio offers a darker interpretation of the play – by mocking dreams he is also mocking ideals and presents a nihilistic vision of the world – perhaps a world where love is not real. He offers an alternative reality through his famous “Queen Mab” speech.
Act 1 • Romeo sees Juliet and declares: “Did my heart love til now? forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty until this night!” – is this just the new object of his affection or does he view Juliet in a truer, more pure way? The use of light imagery suggests he may love her in more fundamental way . • The hand-clasp scene is rightly very famous and shows a physicality missing with Romeo’s relationship with Rosaline. • The speech is full of religious imagery. R&J are connecting on a spiritual level as well as a physical level. • The Act ends with a sonnet as it began – the Chorus reiterating that the destinies of the lovers are already cast, and nothing can be done.
Elements of humour • The Nurse’s bawdy (sexually vulgur) tale • Mercutio’s mocking of Romeo’s dramatic declarations about love. • The servant being unable to read (the servants offer a comic reality to their masters’ high blown ideals of love and family honour)
Homework • Why do we not meet Romeo at the very start of R&J, and is there any significance in the language Shakespeare uses when we do meet Romeo? • At least one side of A4 complete with quotations to support! • Enjoy!
Helpful Sites • http://www.englishbiz.co.uk/mainguides/shakespeare.html • http://www.misterking.co.uk/?tag=romeo-and-juliet
Today’s Lesson • Timed essay practice – reference to notes needs to be minimal! • Homework is due • Next homework has been emailed – questions on Act 2.
Act 2 - Prologue • This device s used by Shakespeare to remind us of: • The new love between Romeo and Juliet • The enmity between the families which makes it difficult for them to meet • But their love gives them the power and determination to overcome these obstacles • “But passion lends them power, time means, to meet, / Temp’ring extremities with extreme sweet” (2.Prologue.13–14) – this creates suspense by suggesting that love may find a way after all.
Act II, Scene i - Summary • Having left the feast, Romeo feels he can’t go home, but longs to be with Juliet • He leaps the Capulet orchard wall, and hears Benvolio and Mercutio making rude remarks about his obsession with Rosaline • He is in terrible danger if he is found there – he knows this, but does not care due to his need to see Juliet again
Romeo and Isolation • In this scene, Romeo begins a separation from his friends that continues throughout the play • His inability to reveal his love of a Capulet heightens his isolation • By leaping the wall surrounding the Capulet orchard, Romeo physically separates himself from Mercutio and Benvolio—a separation that reflects the distance he feels from society, his friends, and his family
Mercutio and Love • Mercutio calls to Romeo using physical and sexual innuendo • To Mercutio, love is a conquest, a physical endeavour • He reveals a crude understanding of love—“quivering thigh, / And the demesnes that there adjacent lie” • His view of love contrasts sharply to Romeo’s- this elevates the love of Romeo and Juliet • Romeo’s leap over the Capulet wall is symbolic of his flight to a spiritual love as he moves away from Mercutio’s crude understanding of love
Act II, Scene ii - Summary • Romeo stands beneath Juliet’s bedroom window • Juliet appears on the balcony and thinking she’s alone, reveals her love for Romeo • She despairs over the feud and the problems it creates • Romeo listens and when Juliet calls on him to “doff” his name, he reveals himself • They exchange expressions of love and devotion • Nurse calls Juliet away, but she returns • They agree to marry • Juliet promises to send a messenger the next day so that Romeo can explain the wedding arrangements • The scene concludes as day breaks and Romeo leaves to seek the advice of Friar Lawrence
Light Imagery • Shakespeare uses light and dark imagery in this scene to describe the blossoming of Romeo and Juliet’s romance • Juliet is compared to the sun and stars, and as a ‘bright angel’ • As Romeo stands in the shadows, he looks to the balcony and compares Juliet to the sun • Romeo implies that her very appearance is enough to banish night-time • Thus, as Romeo steps from the moonlit darkness into the light from Juliet’s balcony, he has left behind his melodramatic woes and moved toward a more genuine, mature understanding of love
Light and Dark interplay • Importance of light and dark in Act 1 • Romeo compares Juliet to, "a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear" (1.5.43) when he first sees her. This play on the comparison of dark and light shows up frequently in subsequent scenes • It is a central part of their love that important love scenes take place in the dark, away from the disorder of the day. Thus Romeo loves Juliet at night, but kills Tybalt during the day. • It especially shows up in the first act in the way Romeo shuts out the daylight while he is pining for Rosaline.
Light and dark in act 2 • The interaction and conflict of night and day is raised to new levels within the second act. Benvolio states that, "Blind is his love, and best befits the dark" (2.1.32), in reference to Romeo's passion. • And when Romeo finally sees Juliet again, he wonders, "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? / It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. / Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon" (2.1.44-46). Romeo then invokes the darkness as a form of protection from harm, "I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes" (2.1.117). • This conflict will not end until the disorder of the day eventually overcomes the passionate nights and destroys the lives of both lovers.
Love and purity • Shakespeare describes the pure and innocent quality of their love by juxtaposing the balcony scene with Mercutio’s lewd sexual jokes in the previous scene • Romeo returns to the religious imagery when he describes Juliet as, “a bright angel” and “dear saint” • The recurring use of religious imagery emphasises the purity of Romeo and Juliet’s love
Darkness • The scene takes place at night, illustrating the way Romeo and Juliet’s love exists in a world separate from others • Throughout the play, their love flourishes at night - an allusion to the forbidden nature of their relationship • As night ends and dawn breaks, the two are forced to part to avoid being discovered by the Capulets
Romeo • Romeo begins to display signs of increasing maturity • His speeches are now natural rather than the rehearsed rhymed couplets • Romeo is no longer the melancholy lover of Act I • He is no longer concerned with himself, but thinks of Juliet • He is willing to sacrifice his family, society and his life for her • Although Romeo has matured to an extent, he remains somewhat immature when compared with Juliet • She considers practical and logical ideas • He is impetuous, headstrong breaking into his enemy’s garden and risking his life • He continues speaking in romantic exaggerated images
Juliet • Juliet reveals intelligence through complex philosophical thought concerning the nature of identity • Compares Romeo to a rose and reasons that if a rose were given another name, it would still be a rose • Shows increasing self-possession and confidence - introduces the idea of marriage • Practical, concerned with Romeo’s safety • Realist: stops Romeo from swearing his love on the moon as it is too “inconstant” and “variable” - encourages him to express his love genuinely • Mature in understanding they are moving too quickly and that their love may not last: “It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden”
Marriage • ‘I have no joy of this contract tonight’ - She is aware that they are both in the grip of a passion and possession that they cannot fight – and that it may not necessarily end well for them (foreshadowing) • Very quickly, she demands that if Romeo’s ‘love be honourable’, then they should marry immediately, and she will give up everything for him (including her name) • At Juliet’s suggestion, they plan to marry
Tension • Fear Romeo will be discovered by the Capulets • Feel anxious for Juliet who is unaware that she is exposing her innermost feelings to Romeo • Interruptions from the Nurse add to the atmosphere of intense urgency as the lovers frantically say good-bye • It also reveals the way in which others intrude upon and destroy their love • The anticipation of their forthcoming marriage continues to build further tension and increase the pace of the play • However, this is the most positive, joyful, problem free scene in the play • It is the only scene where their love is developed and explored, with the possibility of a happy conclusion
Fate • Juliet seeks her own fate rather than a destiny imposed upon her by her parents as she introduces the idea of marriage to Romeo • Juliet’s promise to Romeo to “follow thee my lord throughout the world” foreshadows the final scene of the play, when Juliet follows Romeo into death
Society • Juliet refuses to accept that Romeo must be her enemy, but she cannot make him NOT be a Montague, and all that that name stands for • In the garden, they are able to pretend that names (or language) does not matter, and that only the language of love holds sway • But the language of society will prevail in the end – Romeo IS a Montague and will only ever be seen as such by his enemies
Act II, Scene iii - Summary • Friar Laurence speaks a lengthy meditation on the duality of good and evil that exists in nature • This alerts us to the fact that he has a deep knowledge of the properties of plants and herbs • Romeo arrives, tells him of his love for Juliet and asks the Friar to marry them later that day • The Friar is amazed and concerned at the speed with which Romeo has transferred his love from Rosaline to Juliet • But he agrees to marry the couple hoping it will ease the feud between the families
Conflict between Good and Evil • The dual nature within the Friar’s plants suggests a coexistence of good and evil: “Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied; / And vice sometimes by action dignified.” • The tension between good and evil is a constant force in this play • The Friar is a good example as his intentions are good, in that he wishes to end the feud, but his plan precipitates the tragic end to the play • He is naive in his underestimation of the feud and the workings of fate
Friar and Romeo • The Friar acts as a father figure to Romeo • He is the only person to whom Romeo can confide the secret of his love for Juliet and his plans to marry • He also knew about his love for Roseline, and yet Romeo’s parents did not • Equally he cares about Romeo offering him advice
Love • The Friar’s disbelief at the speed of Romeo’s love for Rosaline turning to love of Juliet causes us to question if his love is genuine • He describes Romeo as a ‘young waverer’ • This suggests Romeo’s emotions fluctuate • Although Romeo may appear superficial at this stage he will prove his love for Juliet throughout the action of the play
Romeo’s Flaw • Romeo is typically impulsive and wants to be married that day • The Friar advises caution, reminding Romeo of the love he recently had for Rosaline and the speed with which he has abandoned that love • Romeo’s flaw is that he acts without thought and impulsively follows his emotions
Act II, Scene iv - Summary • It is the morning after the Capulet feast • Benvolio explains that Tybalt has sent Romeo a challenge to fight • Mercutio suggests Tybalt is a good fighter • Romeo arrives and we see a change in him – he is lively, funny and quick-witted • The marriage plans proceed as Nurse arrives to find out information for Juliet • Mercutio exasperates her with his sharp mocking words • Romeo tells the Nurse that Juliet should meet him at Friar Laurence’s cell at 2 p.m. that afternoon to be married • The Nurse is to collect a rope ladder from Romeo so that he can climb to Juliet’s window to celebrate their wedding night
Romeo Development • We see a change in Romeo • He is now rejuvenated, buoyed by romantic energy • Thoughts of his marriage have enlivened him and his mind enabling him to meet all of Mercutio’s verbal challenges with equally intelligent, rapid retorts – he outwits Mercutio • An air of excited anticipation energizes the atmosphere • Mercutio notices this change: ‘is this not better than groaning for love? Now art thou Romeo.’ • This ‘sociable’ Romeo is the ‘real’ Romeo
Tybalt’s Threat • Mercutio doubts Romeo’s ability to fight with Tybalt: ‘Alas, poor Romeo, he is already dead!’ • Dramatic irony, as Romeo will kill Tybalt • Tybalt’s challenge embroils Romeo in the feud even though he has a peaceable nature • Tybalt’s anger is caused by a trivial incident - he is determined to confront Romeo despite Capulet’s opposition • The mischievous repartee contrasts with the darkly ominous threats of Tybalt’s challenge • As in other parts of the play, vastly contrasting ideas coexist – love/hate; euphoria/despair
The Nurse • Brings news of Juliet to Romeo, and warns that ‘the gentlewoman is very young’ and that if he should ‘deal double’ with her, it would be an ‘ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing’ • She is concerned for Juliet and acts as a mother • Romeo reassures her that he is serious in his intent
Tension • The sense of anticipation increases in this scene through repeated references to time • The Nurse’s delay in finding Romeo amplifies an already intense sense of urgency • News that the wedding ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. illustrates the speed with which Romeo and Juliet meet and are to be married - in less than 24 hours!
Act II, Scene v - Summary • Juliet waits impatiently for the nurse to return (she has been gone three hours) • Whether deliberately or not – the Nurse delays telling her Romeo’s news, thus building up dramatic tension for Juliet (and the audience..) • Instead, she complains about her aches and pains • Nurse relents when Juliet becomes forceful • The Nurse then leaves to collect the rope ladder • Again, Juliet reveals the practical, no-nonsense, and direct aspects of her character and personality
Time and Tension • The dizzying speed with which the lovers fell in love is contrasted with the long hours Juliet waits for news • It emphasises the nature of time dragging when parted from a loved one • The Nurse’s comic role increases the tension in this scene as she deliberately refuses to be hurried by Juliet • Juliet is forced to wait and coax the news from the Nurse, stifling her impatience when the Nurse continually changes the subject
Juliet’s Development • The scene echoes Romeo’s discussions with the Friar because both Romeo and Juliet are desperately impatient to wed • Juliet’s soliloquy and her subsequent exchanges with the Nurse show her desire to be with Romeo and her growing impetuous nature • Unlike her demeanor in other scenes, Juliet reveals little patience for deferred gratification • However, marriage suggests Juliet’s necessary maturity with ominous, fateful overtones - can she be mature at 13?
The plan • Juliet has to pretend to be going to confession, and in Friar Laurence’s cell, she and Romeo will be secretly married by the Friar • A servant of Romeo’s will bring a rope ladder to the Nurse, who will so arrange this as to allow Romeo access to Juliet’s room (wherein the marriage can be consummated) • Consummation was an important legal, moral, emotional and religious concept
Act II, Scene vi - Summary • Romeo and Friar Laurence wait for Juliet • The Friar has misgivings about the hastiness of the decision to marry • He hopes that fate will favour their actions: ‘so smile the heavens upon this holy act..’ • Romeo – reckless as ever – does not care about the consequences, but believes wholeheartedly in the power of love • Juliet arrives and the Friar takes them into the church to be married
Power of Love • Romeo believes in the strength of love to overcome all difficulties • He believes that not even death can counteract the pleasure he feels in marrying Juliet • He boldly believes love has the power to defeat death: “love-devouring death” • He asserts that no matter what miseries await love overrides them all: ‘But come what sorrow can, It cannot countervail the exchange of joy That one short minute gives me in her sight’
Foreshadowing and Fate • The Friar counsels moderation, warning that ‘these violent delights have violent ends’ • However, he is becoming embroiled in the rash actions of Romeo and Juliet • The wedding scene is notable for its brevity and pervasive atmosphere of impending doom • Images of happiness and marriage are repeatedly paired with images of violence and death • Although he is unhesitating in his desire to be married to Juliet, Romeo’s challenge to fate is prophetic and full of dramatic irony because it foreshadows the final outcome; that death triumphs over both protagonists
At the end of Act 2 • These are the final ‘happy’ scenes • Shakespeare emphasises the thrilling and ecstatic joy of young, romantic love • The mood and tone are euphoric, with only a few small notes of foreshadowing included to remind the audience that this is a tragedy, and there will be no ‘happy ending’ for Romeo and Juliet
Writing task • Read Act II Scene iii closely once more, then write brief answers to the following: • What does Friar Laurence’s opening speech tell us about him, and his views on nature..? • What does this scene tell us about Romeo’s character (and Friar Laurence’s opinion of him..)