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436 或這樣,或那樣 IN SOME WAY OR OTHER. 或這樣,或那樣,主總必預備; In some way or other the Lord will provide: 雖不照我方法,也不照你方法, It may not be my way, it may not be thy way; 主要照祂方法,為我們預備。 And yet in His own way, "the Lord will provide.". (副). 我安心靠主,因主必預備; then we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide;
436 或這樣,或那樣IN SOME WAY OR OTHER 或這樣,或那樣,主總必預備; In some way or other the Lord will provide: 雖不照我方法,也不照你方法, It may not be my way, it may not be thy way; 主要照祂方法,為我們預備。 And yet in His own way, "the Lord will provide." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 我安心靠主,因主必預備; then we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide; 我完全望主,因主要預備。 Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(二) 或這時,或那時,主總必預備: At some time or other the Lord will provide: 雖不照我時候,也不照你時候, It may not be my time, it may not be thy time; 在主所定時候,主總必預備。 And yet in His own time, "The Lord will provide." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 我安心靠主,因主必預備; then we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide; 我完全望主,因主要預備。 Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(三) 所以不要懷疑,因主必預備: Despond then no longer, the Lord will provide: 我主所有應許,那裏曾有一句 And this be the token - no word He hath spoken 變作烏有空虛?主總必預備。 Was ever yet broken: "The Lord will provide." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 我安心靠主,因主必預備; then we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide; 我完全望主,因主要預備。 Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(四) 因此,應當進前,進前不疲憊; March on then right boldly: the sea shall divide; 海水必定分開,嗎哪要從天來, The pathway make glorious, with shoutings victorious, 仇敵都要失敗,主總必預備。 We'll join in the chorus, "The Lord will provide." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 我安心靠主,因主必預備; then we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide; 我完全望主,因主要預備。 Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly