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Mr. Mark Harrison Facilities Engineering Services Governmental Hazardous Waste Branch Alabama Department of Environmental Management Montgomery, Alabama.
Mr. Mark Harrison Facilities Engineering ServicesGovernmental Hazardous Waste BranchAlabama Department of Environmental ManagementMontgomery, Alabama For the professional manner in which you worked with the military installations in Alabama, specifically at Fort Rucker. As the State Remedial Project Manager, you were instrumental in the accelerated investigation and remediation of environmental sites to meet reuse requirements for the benefit of the citizens of the United States and the soldiers and their families at Fort Rucker. Your professionalism and rapport created an atmosphere of trust and cooperation among the remedial team members from the Mobile District Corps of Engineers, the Fort Rucker Environmental Division and the Performance Based Contractor. Your professional knowledge and experience assisted in the development and implementation of the Fort Rucker Installation Restoration Program Management Plan. Your positive leadership, attention to detail and commitment to site completion ensured the program stayed on track and assisted immensely in reaching team consensus on difficult remedial decisions. You are hereby commended for fulfilling the true meaning of partnering through leadership, communication and trust and demonstrating exceptional technical skills to achieve quality results.
Dr. James CraneFederal Programs PG AdministratorFlorida Department of Environmental ProtectionTallahassee, Florida For your outstanding leadership and support of the Department of Defense Installation Restoration Program in Region 4. As one of the few remaining charter members of the Regional Tier III Restoration Partnering Team and the Florida-Navy-Air Force Tier II Partnering Teams, you were instrumental in creating the unique framework for Tiered Partnering. You were a key leader in the formation of these environmental management alliances and you continue to provide the leadership necessary to ensure success during this time of funding cuts, reduction of personnel and agency reorganizations. From the beginning, you recognized that a successful restoration program began with supporting Tier I Teams and making sure that their needs were met. You have done a lot of your work “behind the scene” and in a manner such that others got the credit. You have also championed innovative concepts such as exit strategies that have resulted in improving tracking of projects and planning future project activities. Furthermore, you have been an invaluable advocate of partnering, including assisting in establishing compliance partnerships in Florida. Through your extraordinary efforts, both the partnerships and the Restoration Program in Region 4 are benchmarks for other states and agencies.
Ms. Jan SimmonsDoD Environmental Program ManagerGeorgia Environmental Protection DivisionAtlanta, Georgia For your outstanding leadership and commitment to the environmental program and the professional manner in which you worked with the military installations in Georgia. As a valued member of the regonal Tier III Restoration Partnering Team, your contributions have been instrumental in accelerating the military cleanup process while protecting human health and the environment. Your involvement with the numerous agencies linked to the Department of Defense Environmental Restoration Program (Air Force, Army, and EPA Region 4) allowed the program to exceed all Defense Environmental Restoration Program Goals and obtained positive ratings on EPA's Environmental Indicators. The true measure of your contributions are reflected in the outstanding performance of the team you direct in protecting the environment of Georgia, promoting sustainable defense installations, and revitalizing communities impacted by base closures. Through your diligent efforts in providing timely advice and review of documentation, a major BRAC action in Georgia can move forward ahead of schedule. You are hereby commended for the outstanding professional qualities of leadership, communication and trust you demonstrate as the DoD Environmental Program Manager for the State of Georgia.
Mr. Dale BurtonHazardous Waste Branch – Corrective SectionDivision of Waste ManagementKentucky Department of Environmental ProtectionFrankfort, Kentucky For your outstanding leadership and commitment to the environmental program and the professional manner in which you worked with the military installations in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. You have been a strong advocate of the partnering process and have stayed true to the charter of working as a team, that everyone is treated with respect and that open communication and trust are the cornerstones for success in the environmental cleanup efforts. You were instrumental in assisting Fort Campbell develop their cleanup strategy for the Old Hospital Complex that will result in 77 acres of property being returned for unrestricted use. Using your exceptional management skills and unparalleled knowledge and experience of the complex remediation process, you assembled the KDEP staff to guide Fort Campbell thru risk assessment activities to reach remedial goals for the cleanup. Through your proactive involvement and support, the Blue Grass Army Depot cleanup program is moving toward no-further-action status. Your diligence, determination and willingness to accept partnering as the “most effective way to do business” created a working relationship that has paid monumental dividends. You are hereby commended for your outstanding leadership, communication and trust in moving the environmental program forward to achieve quality results and support our nation’s defense mission.
Mr. Joseph Curro, P.E.Office of Pollution Control – Underground Storage TanksMississippi Department of Environment QualityJackson, Mississippi For the professional manner in which you worked with the Columbus AFB in Mississippi, specifically at site ST-13, ST-24, Building 322, SS-26 and SS-29. As the State Remedial Project Manager, your knowledge, skill and experience were instrumental in the assessment and remediation of these sites. Your contributions to the cleanup team allowed these cleanup activities to move forward and allow for the early reuse of the properties. Your positive leadership and commitment to partnering ensured that the project stayed on track and your professional knowledge and expertise contributed immensely to the team’s ability to reach consensus on difficult remedial decisions. Through positive relationships, your team enabled all parties to stay focused on getting the required remedies in place. You are hereby commended for fulfilling the true meaning of partnering through leadership, communication and trust and demonstrating exceptional technical skills to achieve quality results.
Ms. Marti MorganDivision of Waste Management – Superfund SectionNorth Carolina’s Department of Environment and Natural ResourcesRaleigh, North Carolina For your outstanding leadership and commitment to the environmental program and the professional manner in which you worked with the military installations in North Carolina, specifically Fort Bragg. You not only served as the remedial project manager for Fort Bragg but took on the additional responsibility of the Underground Storage Tank coordinator for the installation. You continually provided Fort Bragg with guidance and knowledge that demonstrated that you not only cared about the environment but that you also cared about the Army mission and the soldiers who carry out that mission. Your efforts assisted and guided the Fort Bragg partnering team to achieve final remedy with Army-required Decision Documents at 11 RCRA SWMU sites. You are recognized as the back bone of Fort Bragg’s Partnering Team. Without you, the installation would not have been able to return land to the garrison inventory to accommodate the large influx of BRAC soldiers. You are hereby commended for your outstanding leadership, communication and trust in moving the environmental program forward to achieve quality results and support our nation’s defense mission.
Ms. Stacey FrenchDepartment of Defense Unit ManagerSouth Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlColumbia, South Carolina For your outstanding leadership and commitment to the environmental program and the professional manner in which you worked with the military installations in South Carolina. You were actively involved in identifying and resolving issues related to cleanup of contaminated sites on military installations. Your exemplary efforts in expediting the Base Realignment and Closure documents review for Myrtle Beach allowed several parcels of property to meet or surpass transfer milestones. You not only served as the primary program manager but dedicating significant time and effort as a remedial project manager to meet scheduled deadlines. Your diligence, determination and commitment to your duties are reflected in your proactive efforts in addressing the challenges confronting citizens of the state. In a concerted effort to resolve encroachment issues at military installations and surrounding communities, you initiated joint DoD/State meetings to address this critical challenge, develop a better understanding of the specific issues and work toward resolution. You are hereby commended for your outstanding leadership, communication and trust in moving the environmental program forward to achieve quality results and support our nation’s defense mission.
Mr. Donald EySenior Environmental Protection SpecialistNashville Environmental Field OfficeTennessee Department of Environment and ConservationNashville, Tennessee For the professional manner and technical leadership you consistently demonstrated while working water pollution control initiatives at Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee. You were instrumental in providing technical and practical guidance in the replacement of a 40 year old activated sludge sewage treatment plant for our Military Family Housing Area. As a Senior Environmental Protection Specialist for the State, you were a leader and committed partner in the design of a new wastewater collection and treatment system, guiding the Air Force and fellow permitting engineers to selection of the best technology to fit the particular application. Your knowledge of the base operations combined with practical knowledge of various treatment options allowed Arnold AFB to design and construct a facility that minimizes operational costs and complexity, while protecting our natural resources. You are hereby commended for fulfilling the true meaning of partnering through leadership, communication and trust and demonstrating exceptional technical skills which were culminated by the successful completion of the new wastewater system.