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I.D.I.S mais - INSTITUTO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO E INOVAÇÃO SOCIAL, was founded in 2010 and results from the association of university teachers, investigators , project managers, consultants and trainers with high experience in fields such as psychology, sociology, social services, management, marketing and communication, among others. This different fields, allows to build projects and consulting in profit or non profit organizations as well to develop different social intervention projects. We create innovative solutions to give answers to the daily challenges ! www.idismais.com
More Social Innovation Ourvisionis to acheive a sustainablesocietywithsustainableorganizations. Ourmissionis to promoteskillsdevelopment in profitor non-profitorganizations as wellcreatevaluetruecommunitydevelopmentalongwithallthestakeholdersenvolved. More Development www.idismais.com
Independent Project Evaluation HumanResourcesManagment SERVICES Marketing andCommunication Organizational Social Responsibility Social and Cultural Projects www.idismais.com
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Social Responsibility Social Economy Educationand Training WorkingLabs IntergenerationalandSeniors InnovationandCreativity CommunityDevelopmentandProjects www.idismais.com
Presentation Coordenador Pedro Patraquim pedropatraquim@idismais.com Av. Júlio Dinis, 23 – S/L 1050-130 Lisboa www.idismais.com