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U M I. URSULINES OF MARY IMMACULATE. UMI Provinces. ITALY BRAZIL INDIA. NORTH PROVINCE. CENTRAL PROVINCE. SOUTH PROVINCE. MOTHER BRIGIDA OF JESUS The Foundress and Model. Present Sarathi Rev. Sr. Bernadina. Aim of the Institute. Search for the glory of God
MOTHER BRIGIDA OF JESUSThe Foundress and Model Present Sarathi Rev. Sr. Bernadina
Aim of the Institute • Search for the glory of God • Total gift of self to God • Love for others • The benefit of the people • Promotion of Christian life • Formation of the young • Zeal for every form of service to the neighbour.
God’s Own Country was blessed to have a good beginning for the Ursulines….. The 5 Pioneers from Italy had taken an adventure to implant UMI congregation to this nation… it is grown and branched out and produced much fruit……. in the atmosphere of….
Wars,Communal hatred, Political instability and Religious Fundamentalism…
31 communities…. 234 sisters ….in 9 states …capitalized in Lucknow, U.P. UMIs - the wide spread ministry, touch the heart of the people of North India - through Medical, Educational and Socialwelfare activities
Is our identity questioned here ... ? Is our Congregational mission has any particular identity to recognize us, as Ursulines of Mary Immaculate…..?
THE PORTRAIT OF A PERFECTURSULINE Life starts ….. HolyEucharist becomes the Heart of the day…. The source of light and energy….. We go forth …. as an angel with our daily activities…. a kind, loving, dedicated, authentic service….. Are we…. ?
CONTEMPLATION IN ACTION “Strive to do all your actions in the presence of God so that the soul advances swiftly towards God.”
The last batch who have vowed to sing the music of Ursuline life and service……the fresh smiles on their face tell us that they are ready to face the new challenges…… Music is the most intimate Language of the heart. It is the in-depth emotion....an effective art goes nearest to the Infinite !
The Consecrated Life • …FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN…. [Mt. 19:12] … A precious gift of grace …. Deeper intimacy…. … apostolic… preferential love for the Lord…. Spiritual and ascetical practices….togetherness with serenity and joy….. • …. though HE was rich, yet for your sake…HE became poor.. • [2Cor 8:9] ….total gift of self … in HIM alone we find our security… a sober life style with the Spirit of detachment … a total surrender… renunciation… love of poverty…. Sharing of life … witnessing poverty…. Interiordetachment….
“ MY FOOD IS TO DO THE WILL OF HIM WHO SENT ME” [Jn: 4:34] Complete submission to the Trinity……. An exercise of faith and freedom …… FIAT…. A total offering of our willl….. Obedience with faith and transparent simplicity…. Exercise authority in a spirit of service…for the Kingdom…….. Miles to travel…. …. to achieve The Eternal Goal….
“The fruits of good prayer are a greater knowledge of God and his greatness and power and in particular of His holy Love..a greater knowledge of ourselves and of our imperfections.”
A soul consecrated to God never places impediments to God’s grace in whichever way it may be imparted to her, but with determination and joy embraces whatever He may send her and whatever her spiritual director prescribes for her.
Be assured that God lovingly accepts the smallest acts done out of love for Him….
The FIRST essential, is to love Godwith our whole heart- with an undivided heart……! God must be loved above all things and all things must be loved only for God and in God….. We love things loved by God such as virtues and other things that lead to the love of God…..
Secondly, we must love God with our whole heart….. We love God alone and find no pleasure outside of God.
One should love with all fortitude, so that all difficulties and adverse circumstances from whichever source they come will be overcome through our love for God……..
Let’s take heart, and offer to God a resolute will to persevere in His holy love , lovingly accepting trial He will send us to test our love…
Charity is a great teacher and it willsuggest the right way of dealing with others… To teach us the perfection of charity and to share its beauty with us, Jesus not only became man, suffered and died for love of us, but He made Himself our food in the sacrament of love so that He may feed us continually with this food of Love.
Ctrl+Alt+Delete ….When the life seems to be an end……. store whatever you have gained permanently in Him alone… that it may not be lost… the sources are – Holy Eucharist … Sacrament of Reconciliation … Spiritual reading, Examination of conscience, retreat, Recollection … Word of God… Seek Him in silence … He alone suffices……
Observe how many feathers however tiny, combine to make a mattress soft and comfortable for the body to lie on, so also, many acts of virtue, even small ones, bring divine goodness to the heart.
Relax…. His LOVE is boundless… unconditional…. ever lasting…. Seek Him alone… You will find peace, joy and serenity… Sit at HIS feet… His wounded hands will envelop you … with a healing touch…. You will enjoy HIS presence like a soothing balm…. like a heavy shower upon the dry earth… If you reached the end, you are truly amazing
Like a butterfly searches for honey… like a deer pants for the water…. Like the sunflower which turns towards the sun… Let us thirst for HIM … and the divine nectar increase our thirst more and more …so that we may always immerse into Him …
To follow CHRIST crucified and Risen… To face the new challenges in this country of HINDUTA… To launch out with new visions…. To witness the KINGDOM values…. To serve the poorest of the poor…. To become one with the wounded as an wounded healer… To serve the least and not to be served… Are the UMIs ready..? Today’s world need such missionaries who can be an all rounder… not a specialist….is it so ?