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FCC Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act

This act addresses the accessibility challenges of 21st century technologies, ensuring equal access for Americans with disabilities. It promotes innovation, competition, and accessibility during design stages. The act also requires accessible communications and video programming, with a timeline for statutory implementation.

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FCC Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act

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  2. Disability protections enacted by Congress and implemented by the FCC during the 1980s and 1990s have not kept pace with emerging technologies Focus was on telecom products and services Applied to legacy analog technologies New Act addresses accessibility challenges of 21st century technologies Broadband, digital, and mobile innovations Historic Role for the Commission

  3. Implementation of the National Broadband Plan Recommendation 9.10 – Congress and the FCC “should modernize accessibility laws” 36 million Americans with disabilitieswith hearing loss 25 million Americans with disabilities with significant vision loss 42% of Americans with disabilities have broadband at home, compared with national average of 65% Non-adoption in large part due to physical barriers

  4. The Act Fulfills Commission Goals • Advances Core Goals: • Addresses Consumer Needs: Enables access to 21st Century technologies needed for employment, education, civic participation • Promotes Innovation: Encourages industries to innovate for accessibility; allows industry flexibility • Encourages Competition: Promotes competition to win disability market share • Promotes accessibility during design stages • Fills accessibility gaps in current laws • Accessibility has benefits for all consumers

  5. Title I – Communications Access • Requires access to advanced telecommunications (all VoIP, electronic messaging, interoperable video conferencing) • Requires accessible Internet browsers on mobile devices • Applies hearing aid compatibility mandates to advanced communication devices • Updates relay service definition and requires VoIP contributions to support these services • Authorizes funding support for national deaf-blind equipment distribution program • Authorizes rules for reliable and interoperable access to Next Generation (NG) 9-1-1 emergency services

  6. Title I – Communications Access • Requires creation of FCC Accessibility Clearinghouse • Requires outreach on Accessibility Clearinghouse • Requires improved complaint procedures for consumers and tightened deadlines for complaint resolution • Requires biennial reporting to Congress by FCC • Requires 5 year report to Congress by the Comptroller General

  7. Title II- Video Programming - Content • Reinstates and updates FCC’s video description rules from year 2000 • Requires closed captioning to be carried on Internet programs that have already been shown on television with captions • Requires accessible emergency video programming for people who are blind

  8. Title II- Video Programming - Devices • Requires, if achievable, the pass through/rendering of closed captions, video description, and accessible emergency information on video devices, including recording devices and via digital video interconnection mechanisms • Requires accessible user interfaces (controls) on video devices for people who are blind or visually impaired • Requires easier access to closed captioning functions through a button, key or icon • Requires audibly accessible programming selection in real-time when using on-screen guides and text menus provided by navigation devices

  9. Implementation Has Begun! • August 5, 2010; October 12, 2010 – NPRM and PN on hearing aid compatibility • October 19, 2010 – PNs seeking nominations for VPEAAC/EAAC – First meetings scheduled: • Video Programming and Emergency Access Advisory Committee (VPEAAC) • Emergency Access Advisory Committee (EAAC) • October 21, 2010 – PN on advanced communications • November 3, 2010 –PN on national deaf-blind equipment distribution program

  10. Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act Statutory Implementation Timeline

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