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Ralph Mold Information for Choice Policy and Project Manager

Providing reliable, timely information for better healthcare decisions. Enhancing control and independence for long-term condition management. Successful pilot program paving the way for national implementation. Cost-effective and user-friendly approach.

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Ralph Mold Information for Choice Policy and Project Manager

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  1. Information Prescriptions The right information at the right time Ralph Mold Information for Choice Policy and Project Manager

  2. Information in context All public services should put the person who uses them at their heart. This applies especially to health and social care because all care is personal. ‘Our health, our care, our say’ Without information there is no choice…It gives patients the power and confidence to engage as partners with their health service. ‘Better information, better choices, better health’

  3. Our goal Information is essential for people making choices about their care. We are creating new ways to make information relevant, trustworthy and timely for everybody, so that in the future everybody has the right to choose.

  4. The Information Maze The Information Maze • 77% of people surveyed said they had looked for health or social care information in the last 12 months. • 91% of people surveyed think that there should be some way that the public can tell whether or not information is from a trusted source. • In consultations, the majority of people surveyed said more information about their health would give them more control over their health and well being

  5. InformationPrescriptions Vision:the right information at the right time Everyone with a long-term condition or social care need will be guided to reliable sources of information to allow them to feel more in control, better able to manage their condition and to stay independent. We want information prescriptions to become a routine part of care – just like prescriptions for medicines.

  6. Piloting Programme Evaluation and co-ordination Twenty pilots • Impact: • Patients • Social Care Users • Carers • Professionals • Organisations • Process: • Content • Directories • Template • Issuing • Accessing 2007 Developing the process Understanding impacts and benefits Behaviour changes 2008 Policy Development and National Implementation

  7. Development of IP Identifying Content The information individuals need to access Personalised Generating a specific IP for each condition, stage, and locality Accessing the IP Helping the person to use the IP Maintaining Directories Links to the Content Issuing the IP Generate an IP and transfer it to the individual

  8. Success Factors Information • …should support people with all aspects of their lives in managing their condition, • Evidence-based high quality information. • Accessible and different formats • Identification of appropriate information sources with accreditation.

  9. Success Factors People • User Involvement essential. • Professional engagement essential • Partnership working essential. • Appropriately trained professionals and information providers.

  10. Success Factors User Friendly • Seamless provision of information. • Personalised. • Respond to changing needs. and Finally… Cost-effective and affordable.

  11. Learning Lessons • More evaluation to take place on pilots. • Refine and check initial finding. • Learning from pilots will be invaluable to National roll-out.

  12. Ways to find out more… • DH Information Prescriptions Conference 19th March 2008. • For more information on the interim findings of the pilot programme visit www.informationprescription.info .

  13. In summary… • More information leads to better health. • People want more information. • Information Prescriptions can help to address this need.

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