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Due to intermittent connectivity and lack of continuous end-to-end paths between nodes, routing is challenging in these networks. Analyzing social relations between nodes requires defining friendships based on behavior, metrics, and encounter histories. The paper introduces a new approach to measure friendship behavior and differentiates friendships based on time of day. Node relations are analyzed using a social pressure metric to quantify social interactions. Friendship community formation is based on link quality and conditional social pressure metrics to identify indirect friendships. The forwarding strategy relies on friendship communities to determine message forwarding between nodes in a dynamic environment.
Friendship Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Mobile Social Networks 양유진
INTRODUCTION • due to the intermittent connectivity and lack of continuousend-to-end path between the nodes, routing is a challenging problem in these networks • The connectivity (opportunity for message transfers) between human-carrieddevices is achieved when they get into the range of each other. • To analyze social relations between nodes (i.e. people), we need to define their friendshipsin terms of their behavior • We define a new metric measuring different aspects of friendship behavior recorded in the history of their encounters with other nodes • We consider both direct and indirect friendship. We also differentiate friendships according to time of day and propose to use different friendship communities in different time periods
A. Analysis of Node Relations • Previously, several metrics, including encounter frequency, total or average contact period and average separation period [15] were used to extract the quality of links between pairs of nodes. • Consider the six different encounter histories of two nodes, i and j in Figure 1. Shaded boxes show the encounter durations between these nodes in the time interval T
A. Analysis of Node Relations • we have considered the following three behavioral features of close friendship: high frequency, longevity, regularity. • To account these properties in one metric, we introduce a new metric called social pressure metric (SPM) that may be interpreted as a measure of a social pressure that motivates friends to meet to share their experiences.
A. Analysis of Node Relations • We define the link quality () between each pair as the inverse of this computed value. • f(t) : returns the remaining time to the first encounter of these nodes after time t • The bigger the value of , the closer the friendship between the nodes i and j. • This metric does not compute the average duration that the node pairs are away from each other. For example, if node i is in contact with node j in the first 5 minutes, then stays away for 3 minutes and contacts node j for 2 more minutes, over the total period of 10 minutes, = (3+2+1)/10 = 0.6. Also note that, evaluating all cases in Figure 1, will accurately give preference to cases which offer more forwarding opportunities.
B.FriendshipCommunity Formation • it can define its friendship community as a set of nodes with link quality with itself larger than a threshold (). But this set will include only direct friends. • To find such indirect friendships between nodes, we propose to use conditional SPM (or simply CSPM) between nodes.
B.FriendshipCommunity Formation • the upper one shows the contacts between nodes i and j, the lower one shows the contacts between nodes j and k. • as the average time it takes node j to give node k the message received from node i.
B.FriendshipCommunity Formation • basically consider the links between node pairs separately and assume a virtual link between node i and k if > • node j has a weak link with node k, may be less than • However, if node j usually meets node k in a short time right after its meeting with node i, our metric can still consider node k as a friend of node i.
B.FriendshipCommunity Formation • The above equation enables nodes to detect their one-hop direct and two-hop indirect friends.Indirect friendship can easily be generalized to friends more than two hops away.
B.FriendshipCommunity Formation • the distribution of contact times of two different nodes (28 and 56) with other nodes (with ids [0-96]) in MIT traces. • nodes encounter other nodes in some specific periods of the day. • For example, node 28 meets with node 38 usually between 9am to 7pm while it meets with node 48 usually between 1pm to 7pm.
B.FriendshipCommunity Formation • around 7pm, the link quality of node 56 with node 38 (see Figure 3) starts to decrease with aging effect2 and still keeps a high value for some time, however node 56 usually does not meet with node 38 until 10am next day. • Therefore, forwarding a message considering an aged but still strong link quality may cause high delays when the link is already in its periodic low.
B.FriendshipCommunity Formation • node 85 can be the only friend of node 56 in period 3am-6am, whereas nodes 28, 85 and 95 can be friends of node 56 in period 9pm-12am.
C. Forwarding Strategy • If a node i having a message destined to d meets with node j, it forwards the message to j if and only if node j’s current friendship community (in the current period) includes node d and node j is a stronger friend of node d than node i is. • It should be noted that even if node j has a better link with node d than node i’s has, if node j does not include d in its current friendship community, node i will not forward the message to node j.
C. Forwarding Strategy • We also need to handle period boundary cases which arise when the encounter of two nodes is close to the end of the current period. • if we use three hour periods for community formation and node imeets node j at 2:45pm, it would be better if the nodes use their communities in the next three hour period (3pm − 6pm) to check whether the destination is included.
EVALUATIONS • A. Simulation Setup - To evaluate our algorithm, we used real trace-driven simulations based on MIT Reality data [21]. - data consists of the traces of 97 Nokia 6600 smart phones which were carried by students and staff at MIT over nine months. • In the simulations, we generate 5000 messages, each from a random source node to a random destination node3 at every two minutes - To form friendship communities, we used three hour periods and set = 1/80 min−1 and = 15 min - We repeated each simulation 10 times with different random seeds and took the average of each run as result.
while our algorithm achieves 72% of delivery ratio, Prophet and SimBetcould only deliver 60% and 58% of all messages • As a result, the routing efficiency achieved by our algorithm is 20% higher than the efficiency of SimBet and 170% higher than the efficiency of Prophet.