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ACP WG-F/11 – WP/25 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION ELEVENTH INFORMAL MEETING ON THE AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATION PANEL WORKING GROUP F (ACP WG-F/11) (Nairobi, 20 – 27 February 2004) AGENDA ITEM 9: Review of agenda for WRC07; development of the draft ICAO position Resolution 415(WRC –03) AFISNET:An instrument of Intra/Inter Regional Co-operation supporting Air Navigation services • (Presented by ASECNA)
I- SUMMARY The present Working Paper is a contribution as an existing solution to the resolution 415; it is a cooperative approach, which has permitted to set up in AFI Region an appropriate communication infrastructure that meets the evolving requirements of modern civil aviation. From the beginning, AFISNET(African and Indian Ocean Satellite Network) has been designed as an instrument for regional integration, to provide digital and modern aeronautical satellite communications. It also permitted to eliminate the shortcomings and deficiencies in terms of ATS services implementation. In so doing, it contributes to improve the air navigation safety in AFI Region.
II- BACKGROUND For the reliability of the Aeronautical Fixed and Mobile services in the ACCRA, BRAZZAVILLE, KANO, N’DJAMENA and NIAMEY FIR, a satellite telecommunications network for Central and West Africa named initially AEROSATEL and now AFISNET was Initiated by ICAO and Funded by the European Economic Community (EEC).
It was Implemented by ALCATEL from 1992 to 1995. AEROSATEL comprised a total of fifteen earth stations. In KANO and LAGOS two INTELSAT standard B earth stations (Antenna of 11m) and thirteen INTELSAT standard F2 earth stations (antenna of 7.30m) in ACCRA, ABUJA, BANGUI, BRAZZAVILLE,DOUALA, ILORIN, JOS, LIBREVILLE, MAIDIGURI, NDJAMENA,NIAMEY, PORT HARCOURT and SOKOTO. A representation of the network is shown in Figure 1
III- AN INSTRUMENT OF INTRA/INTER REGIONALCO-OPERATION SUPPORTING AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES: • INTRA-REGIONAL CO-OPERATION: Within the framework of the project, a Satellite Network Management Committee (SNMC) was set up, involving: • GCAA for GHANA, NAMA for NIGERIA, ASECNA, ROBERTS FIR, ICAO and European Union • The suppliers of equipment: (ALCATEL, ALENIA and CORIS), participating in the Committee as Observer
An Engineer from IAL(English design Office) named by the European Union ensured the co-ordination. The objectives of the management Committee are : • the network extension on free participation basis • the interoperability (integration) with other African networks • the periodic review of the technical and operational performance of the network • the co-operation in various areas, between the responsible for the concerned centres in terms of exchange of technicians, experience sharing, mutual assistance in case of earth station system failure.
This co-operation allowed a transfer of technology and an undeniable know-how to the members participating in the network life. • In so doing, The members gained significant experience and expertise in respect of the implementation, installation, exploitation and maintenance of ground station systems, supporting aeronautical telecommunications. • Due to the non-renewable by the European Union of the technical assistance contract; the current members decided for : • Meeting Co-ordination : • the hosting administration should act as the co-ordinator • with assistance from ICAO ; • Frequency Of Meetings: • the SNMC meeting shall be held once a year on a rotation basis
Considering APIRG/10 guideline and in accordance with AFI/7recommendation 9/2, it was noted a remarkable extension of the basic network in: • all ASECNA area(including Madagascar) • ROBERTS FIR • MAURITIUS, • REUNION and MAYOTTE • the COMOROS • SOUTH AFRICA • FRANCE • AFISNET comprises today fifty four earth stations(of which , thirty nine(39) belong to ASECNA)distributed in twenty-two States, as indicated in figures 2 and 3. • Negotiations in progress will expand the network in Angola, Algeria and Sao Tome &Principe.
INTER-REGIONAL CO-OPERATION • According to APIRG/13 Conclusion 13/14, the interconnection between AFISNET and SADC network is implemented(figure 4). • Other interoperability projects in progress, notably with MEDSAT network (figure 5), will permit to extend AFISNET in the Mediterranean • It should also be noted the realization of a gateway between AFISNET and CAFSAT network (Figure 6)
Consolidation of ATS services on a single satellite: • According to APIRG/13 Conclusion 13/11; all the AFI VSAT • networks will migrate to the same INTELSAT satellite • IS 10-02@359° East. • In the short terms, using of the single transponder , will create aseamless network . • Anyway, the target is the full interoperability of all the existing AFI VSAT networks(AFISNET, SADC, CAFSAT) and those in progress(NAFISAT and MIDVSAT), by using the same satellite access , the same operating mode and the plug to plug compatible protocols. • In so doing, it will permit, notably: • a smooth implementation of the ATN in AFI Region and above all, the implementation of air/ground link by a cooperative and proactive approach. ASECNA will propose possible solutions, for review.
the portability of applications and in particular the implementation of the links to Hönefoss(ESTB centre in Norway) for the extension of the Test Bed EGNOS trials in Zone B and C . • It should be noted that ASECNA for the purpose of the Test Bed EGNOS trials in its area of competence(zone A), has successfully implemented the link to Hönefoss(ESTB in Norway) using AFISNET, as illustrated in figure 7. • The ICAO regional meeting dealing with the review of migration issues with INTELSAT, will be held • in Johannesburg(31 March- 01 April 2004).
AFISNET:INSTRUMENTSUPPORTING AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES • Support for the ATS services implementation, AFISNET allowed to eliminate most of the shortcomings and deficiencies as regards communications, which prevailed in AFI Region • AERONAUTICAL FIXED SERVICE • According to AFI/7 Recommendations 9/2, 9/8, 14/20, • APIRG/12 Conclusions 12/12, 12/13, 12/15 and • APIRG/13 Conclusion 13/17; the services implemented are summarized below. • AFTN 92 circuits • GTS 30 circuits • ATS/DS 88 circuits • Maintenance phone: 100 circuits
AERONAUTICAL MOBILE SERVICE • An important programme of the extension of VHF • coverage is carried out within the concerned FIR as indicated in table 2. • The details of this important VHF programme in ASECNA area , are given in table 3. • It should be noted that, other remote VHF stations will be operational before end of 2004, in particular the remote VHF station in Santiago(Cape Verde), for the VHF coverage extension of the Dakar Oceanic FIR
NON AERONAUTICAL SERVICES It should be noted that in its area, ASECNA has implemented an Administrative network including: • Phone communications between operational centres and with the bodies of Headquarter in Dakar • Exchange of messages(Aeronautical Intranet) • Distance learning facilities.
III – CONCLUSION: • The meeting is invited to: • take note of the above information • encourage and consolidate the intra/inter regional • cooperation in the implementation of quality ATS services • recommend the use of the available ground facilities, • supporting aeronautical telecommunications, to improve the • services given to the users