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Summary of NICT’s Technical Proposals for TGaf

Summary of NICT’s Technical Proposals for TGaf. Date: 2010-03-09. Authors:. Executive Summary. This document presents the summary of the 7 proposals submitted by NICT to TGaf The fundamental concern highlighted by these proposals is the adaptation of the 802.11 system to the FCC rules

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Summary of NICT’s Technical Proposals for TGaf

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  1. Summary of NICT’s Technical Proposals for TGaf Date: 2010-03-09 Authors: Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  2. Executive Summary • This document presents the summary of the 7 proposals submitted by NICT to TGaf • The fundamental concern highlighted by these proposals is the adaptation of the 802.11 system to the FCC rules • Each proposal is summarized by a one-page summary featuring the problem to be solved, the proposed solution and features of the proposal Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  3. List of NICT’s Proposals • Distributed Measurement Report Period for Interference Detection in 802.11af MAC • 10/248r1 – C.W. Pyo • Modification on DFS and DCF procedure adapting to FCC rules in TVWS: Hidden Node • 10/253r1 – C.S. Sum • Synchronization of Quiet Periods for Incumbent User Detection • 10/256r1 – Z. Lan • Regulatory/Operating Classes Specifications • 10/257r1 – T. Baykas • Radio Resource Measurement Type and Procedure for TVWS application under FCC rules • 10/260r1 – Y. Alemseged • Enabling Procedure of Communication in TVWS under FCC rules • 10/261r1 - C. Sun • Requirements and Amendments Regarding TVWS Database Access • 10/262r0 – H.N Tran Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  4. Distributed Measurement Report Period for Interference Detection in 802.11af MAC • Document number • C.W. Pyo - IEEE 802.11-10/0248r1 • Problem to tackle • Interfere with TV broadcasting from the failure of measurement report within every 60s (FCC rule) • Proposed Solution • Allocating Measurement Report Period (MRP) for each STA enables to avoid the failure of measurement report • Features of proposal • Beacon/Probe response informs the location of MRP to STAs • Each STA reports the measurement result in its MRP to AP • AP determines channel switching or network termination from the measurement report • If AP does not have any report from STA in MRP, AP determines channel switching or network termination • Proposed changes • Define a new information element of MRP Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  5. Modification on DFS and DCF procedure adapting to FCC rules in TVWS: Hidden Node • Document number • C.S. Sum - IEEE 802.11-10/0253r1 • Problem to tackle • Multiple transmission power levels due to FCC regulations further elevate the seriousness of hidden node problem • Proposed Solution • Relayed-RTS-CTS mechanism to extend RTS range of influence • Features of proposal • Initiating STA sends out RTS • RTS relayed (max 4 relays) until it reaches the destination STA • CTS sent by the destination STA • Proposed changes • Minor modifications to existing RTS-CTS procedures • Minor modifications to existing RTS frame format Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  6. Synchronization of Quiet Periods for Incumbent User Detection • Document number • Z. Lan - IEEE 802.11-10/0256r1 • Problem to tackle • 802.11 2007 DFS has defined the procedure to quiet the current channel so the channel can be tested for the presence of the incumbent services • However according to the procedure (11.9.1 IEEE Std 802.11-2007), the affected STAs are confined inside the same BSS or IBSS • During the period when STAs in a certain BSS are quieted, STAs in an adjacent BSS may still be allowed to transmit • As a direct consequence, in the quiet period which is supposed to be used to detect incumbent users, there might be signals from adjacent BSSs, which interfere the detection of incumbent users • This document reviews the 802.11-2007 DFS procedure and proposes an amendment of Quiet Period Synchronization mechanism for 802.11af to guarantee the detection of the incumbent users • The procedure utilizes the original Quieting Channel procedure • And proposes new Public Action Frames to facilitate the synchronization of the quiet periods Chen SUN, NICT

  7. Regulatory/Operating Classes Specifications • Document number • T. Baykas - IEEE 802.11-10/0257r1 • Problem to tackle • How channelization should be numbered in TVWS in USA/Canada for 802.11 systems • Proposed Solution • Using IEEE 802.11 channelization system • Features of proposal • 5,10,20 MHz • 5 starting frequencies for CANADA/USA. 50 MHz, 51 MHz, 52 MHz , 53 MHz, 54MHz with dot11ChannelStartingFactors of 100, 102, 104,106,108 respectively. • 5 MHz channels are located in the center of TV channels. • 10 MHz channels are located in the center of 2 adjacent TV channels. • 20 MHz channels are located in the center of 4 adjacent TV channels. Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  8. Radio Resource Measurement Type and Procedure for TVWS application under FCC rules • Document number • Y. Alemseged - IEEE 802.11-10/0260r1 • Problem to tackle • All the sensing capability of 802.11k are optional which cannot be may not be useful for 802.11af due to the mandatory requirements of FCC • The sensing capability of 802.11 system in TVWS should be extended to address the sensing of primary signals • Proposed solution • Addition of new measurement frame type and corresponding measurement procedures • Features of proposal • The proposal does not specify any rules regarding the behavior of 802.11af • The proposal merely extends the capability of the 802.11 system to be able to comply to the FCC rules • Proposed changes • Primary signal measurement frame • Corresponding procedures on request and report of the measurement frame Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  9. Enabling Procedure of Communication in TVWS under FCC rules • Document number • C. Sun - IEEE 802.11-10/0261r1 • Problem to tackle • FCC has specified rules for operating a fixed station and personal/portable station • The DSE procedure defined in 802.11y doesn’t provide sufficient procedure to support fixed station, personal/portable stations which do not have access to the database • This proposal proposes to modify the DSE procedure defined in 802.11y to support the operation of fixed station and personal/portable station under FCC rules • Procedure A is for STAs with compatibility to 802.11y to satisfy the FCC rules. • Procedure B is for STAs without compatibility to 802.11y. It enables communication not only to satisfy mandatory FCC rules but also to have additional benefits such as better incumbent user protection, reduced transmit power, etc. Chen SUN, NICT

  10. Requirements and Amendments Regarding TVWS Database Access • Document number • H.N Tran - IEEE 802.11-10/0262r0 • Problem to tackle • FCC specified rules to establish connection to the database as a requirement to access the TVWS • The current 802.11 specification may not be feasible to facilitate connection to the database • Concern raised • This document summarizes the technical requirements to support TVWS database access • Proposed amendments • New interfaces to obtain FCC ID, serial number, IP address of the TVWS DB • Modification of existing timer to accommodate long-time counting Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

  11. Conclusion • This document summarizes the 7 proposals submitted by NICT to 802.11af • The primary concern of the proposals is surrounding the adaptation of the 802.11 system to the FCC rules • It is the intention of the proposers to collect feedback from the group in the Orlando meeting for further improvement Chin-Sean Sum, NICT

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