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Stream 6 : Enhancing diversity and quality of governance

Learn how Madagascar tripled its Protected Areas, improved governance, identified governance schemes, and implemented sustainable financing mechanisms while facing barriers and future challenges.

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Stream 6 : Enhancing diversity and quality of governance

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  1. Madagascar Stream 6 : Enhancing diversity and quality of governance Madagascar from Durban to Sydney How the Island Nation tripled the surface of its Protected Areas Friday 14th november 2014 13:30 PM

  2. From Durban to Sydney : Main steps 2003 Durban Vision SAPM creation Madagascar Legal framework Institutional framework Tools elaboration 2014 PA cover tripled

  3. * ca. 4 Mha are under temporary protection status final PA status will be gazeeted before May 2015 (SAPM) From Durban to Sydney : Achievements (1/3) Protected Areas coverage tripled (area) Madagascar PAs management operational structures settled • Governance schemes identified and under development • Management structures and collaborative co-management effective for Madagascar National Parks PAs • PAs promoters identified and operational for NPAs

  4. 2014 2003 From Durban to Sydney : Achievements (1/3) Protected Areas coverage tripled (maps) Madagascar

  5. From Durban to Sydney : Achievements (2/3) Marine Protected Areas coverage improved (number - area) Madagascar International recognition of Madagascar PAs value

  6. 2014 2003 From Durban to Sydney : Achievements (3/3) Reduction of major threats Madagascar Management Effectiveness Index rising

  7. From Durban to Sydney : Governance evolution Madagascar

  8. From Durban to Sydney : Sustainable financing Different funding mechanisms implemented Madagascar Other complementary mechanisms are also currently implemented by numerous PA managers in order to alleviate proverty around PAs leading to threats reduction thus implying costs reduction : algae cultivation, organic spices, community-based tourism, civil-private tourism ventures, community-private reforestation joint ventures,...

  9. From Durban to Sydney : Main barriers Encountered issues during Durban implementation • Clear roadmap (x3) but weak coordination means (SAPM) • Uncomplete legal framework (new categories management) • Approaches discordances amongst stakeholders/managers • Lack of experienced managers for all PA and PA categories • Laws incoherence amongst sectors (land, extractive, forests) • Low interactions between concerned sectors • On-going decentralization process (authority confusion) Madagascar • Risky co-management strategy regarding country situation : low state governance, associations capacity, leadership • Insufficient funds for strategy implementation in such context • Global economic crisis (lower funds invested, lower interests) • National crisis (security, tourism, law enforcement, donors) • Weak state governance -> Civil disobedience • Weak law enforcement -> increase in poaching (tortoises, lemurs, corals), logging (rosewood affair) and deforestation

  10. From Durban to Sydney : Implemented levers Durban Vision SAPM creation Legal framework: - 6 IUCN PA categories recognized - PA law (COAP) - Decree on funds - Inter-ministerial Decrees - Institutional framework: - Environmental Plan - EIA facilitation for PA creation - Land tenure adapted framework - Inter-ministerial comittees - PA orientation committees Madagascar Tools elaboration : - PAs gap analysis (marxan,zonation) - Co-management options shared - Management indicators developped Sustainable financing: - Madagascar Biodiversity Fund (FAPBM) - PA entrance fees - Management efficiency: - PA METT harmonization - SAPM monitoring - Threats monitoring system PA coverage tripled

  11. From Durban to Sydney : Future challenges Main challenges for the future • Stop illegal biodiversity trade (rosewood etc...) • State strategy : Extractive industries • State governance : law enforcement • Sectorial legislation harmonization Madagascar • Delegation arrangements for NPAs • PA management performance monitoring by SAPM • PA managers capacity-building (professional training) • Decentralization and co-management (Dina) • Sustainable funding • Poverty alleviation around PA • Climate change risk and adaptation strategies

  12. Madagascar Presented by A. Mamy RAKOTOARIJAONA Madagascar National Parks Operations Director www.parcs-madagascar.com

  13. Madagascar Misaotra Thank you Merci Gracias

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