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OUR SCHOOL. The building of High School in Nisko is a beautiful point of the town . It’s located in the town centre. At the beginning of the 20th century there was no high school in Nisko. Our school , founded in 1912, was the first one.
The building of High Schoolin Nisko is a beautiful point of thetown. It’slocatedinthetowncentre.
Atthebeginning of the 20th centurythere was no high schoolin Nisko. Ourschool, foundedin 1912, was the first one. In 1935 it was namedinhonour of Stefan Czarniecki - a military commander, regarded as a Polish national hero. In 1944 the first Matura examin post war Poland took place on schoolpremises.
Ourschoolhas 100 years of tradition. Thisyearwe’vehad an anniversary.
A vastmajority of schoolleavershavevisitedschoolthisyear.
Studniówka — studentshavefun one hundreddaysbeforefinalexams.
Otrzęsiny — we welcomenewstudentsinourschool. 2nd and 3rd yearstudentspreparegames and contests for their 1st yearschoolmateswhobecomerealstudentsthatday.
11 November — National Independence Day. We celebrate a joyfulfestivalinourschool. We take part incompetitions (bakingcakes, dressing up as people of the past, history and artcontests).
On our travels we relax, admire beautiful views, visitinterestingplaces and have a good time.
16 thousandpeople live in Nisko. Nisko islocatedinthe southern part of Poland. Itisa historical place with many old buildings. In thetownthereisa park, a cinema, a fewschools and multifunctional football pitches.
Our hospital which used to be a palace of the Resseguier family The centre of the town with its monument and our school in Wolności Square. This photo depicts a bird’s-eye view of our town. “Niżańskie Centrum Kultury” is famous for its cinema, concert hall, exhibitions and performances, which promote local culture and traditions. The park which functions as a meeting place Near the hospital there is one of our banks. „Planty” as a kind of a local park Sports centre in Nisko The centre of the town The first Catholic Church in Nisko Our Town Council