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Done by: Matthew Woo

Done by: Matthew Woo. What is nuclear power?. The use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and to do useful work A form of energy that is powerful yet dangerous Radioactive. AMAZING FACTS!!. There are 443 nuclear plants in 47 countries.

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Done by: Matthew Woo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Done by: Matthew Woo

  2. What is nuclear power? • The use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and to do useful work • A form of energy that is powerful yet dangerous • Radioactive

  3. AMAZING FACTS!! • There are 443 nuclear plants in 47 countries. • It accounted for 14% of the world’s total production of electricity • Produces ¾ of electrical energy in France and over ¾ in Lithuana (20% of US electricity) • Water is the natural absorber of nuclear energy.

  4. How does nuclear energy match against other sources

  5. Nuclear plants • There are four types of nuclear plants: Boiling water reactor (in Fukushima Dai Ichi NPP) Pressurised water reactor (PWR)  US, France Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) Channel High Capacity Reactor (RBMK)  USSR

  6. Assembly of reactor cores in NPP • Fast facts: • The number of fuel rods per reactor core depends on the type of nuclear plant (e.g. BWR) • There are 350 pellets in each fuel rod

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