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Find 23% of €650.

1. Find 23% of €650. 2. There are 320 eggs in a box. Given that 3·5% of the eggs are broken, how many eggs were unbroken. 320 − 11·2 = 308·8 eggs unbroken. 308 whole eggs. 3.

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Find 23% of €650.

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  1. 1. Find 23% of €650.

  2. 2. There are 320 eggs in a box. Given that 3·5% of the eggs are broken, how many eggs were unbroken. 320 − 11·2 = 308·8 eggs unbroken 308 whole eggs

  3. 3. A dealer is selling a car for €18,500. She offers a 7% discount if the buyer can pay with cash. How much would the car cost after the discount?

  4. 4. James and Melanie are buying a house for €380,000. Their solicitor charges fees as follows: €350 plus of the purchase price. The solicitor also charges VAT at the rate of 23% on his fees. Calculate the total fee, including VAT, that James and Melanie have to pay to their solicitor.

  5. 5. Express of 0·69 as a percentage of 9·20.

  6. 6. Ian earns €371 a week after a 6% rise. What was his pay before? €371 = 106% (106) €3·5 = 1% (×100) €350 = 100%

  7. 7. The population of birds on an island decreased by 2·5% in one year to 6,630. What was the population before the decrease? 6630 = 97·5% (97·5) 68 = 1% (× 100) 6800 = 100%

  8. 8. The price of a litre of petrol on the 1st of April was €1·20. The price on the 1st September was €1·12. Calculate the percentage decrease over this period. Decrease = €1·20 − €1·12 = €0·08

  9. 9. A music shop has a sale, all items are reduced by 20%. The sale price of a CD is €6·24. What was the original price? €6·24 = 80% (80) €0·078 = 1% (×100) €7·80 = 100%

  10. 10. Faye invests some money at a rate of 6% per annum. After 1 year there is €2,703 in the account. How much did she invest? €2703 = 106% (106) €25·5 = 1% (×100) €2550 = 100%

  11. 11. Shirley bought a smartphone and sold it a year later for €306 making a loss of 32%. Calculate how much Shirley paid for the smartphone originally. €306 = 68% (68) €4·50 = 1% (×100) €450 = 100%

  12. 12. A restaurant buys three cases of drinks for €28 each. There are 12 bottles in each case. They sell all the bottles for €3·20 each. Do they make a profit or loss? What is this as a percentage of the original amount they spent? 3 cases at €28 = €84 (cost price for 3 cases) 12 × €3·20 = €38·40 per case (selling price) 38·40 × 3 = €115·20 (selling price for 3 cases) 115·20 – 84 = €31·20 profit = 37·1%

  13. 13. 10% of a number is 18. Find 42% of the same number. 10% = 18 (10) 1% = 1·8 (×42) 42% = 75·6

  14. 14. A raffle to raise money for a charity is being held. The first prize if €120, the second is €90, the third is €60 and the fourth is €30. The cost of printing tickets is €45 for the first 500 tickets and €7·50 for each additional 50 tickets. The smallest number of tickets that can be printed is 500. Tickets are sold at €2·50 each.

  15. What is the minimum possible cost of holding the raffle? (i) 14. A raffle to raise money for a charity is being held. The first prize if €120, the second is €90, the third is €60 and the fourth is €30. The cost of printing tickets is €45 for the first 500 tickets and €7·50 for each additional 50 tickets. The smallest number of tickets that can be printed is 500. Tickets are sold at €2·50 each. Prize fund = 120 + 90 + 60 + 30 = €300 Cost of printing = €45 Total cost = €345

  16. If 500 tickets are printed, how many tickets must be sold in order to avoid a loss? (ii) 14. A raffle to raise money for a charity is being held. The first prize if €120, the second is €90, the third is €60 and the fourth is €30. The cost of printing tickets is €45 for the first 500 tickets and €7·50 for each additional 50 tickets. The smallest number of tickets that can be printed is 500. Tickets are sold at €2·50 each. Minimum sales = €345 Cost per ticket = €2·50

  17. If 1,000 tickets are printed and 68% of the tickets are sold, how much money will be raised for the charity? (iii) 14. A raffle to raise money for a charity is being held. The first prize if €120, the second is €90, the third is €60 and the fourth is €30. The cost of printing tickets is €45 for the first 500 tickets and €7·50 for each additional 50 tickets. The smallest number of tickets that can be printed is 500. Tickets are sold at €2·50 each. 1000 tickets printed 1st 500 = €45 2nd 500 = 10 x 7·50 = €75 Printing cost = €45 + €75 = €120 68% of tickets sold  0·68 × 1000 = 680 tickets 680 tickets at €2·50 = €1700 (total sales) Total raised = Sales – Cost of tickets and prizes = 1700 − (120 + 300) = 1700 − 420 Total raised = €1280

  18. 15. Two shops are selling the same DVD. In shop A the DVD costs €11·49. In shop B the same DVD costs €13·99. Shop B have an offer of ‘20% off all DVDs’. Which shop should you buy the DVD from? Shop A = €11·49 Shop B = €13·99 with 20% off = 13·99 × 0·8 = €11·192 = €11·19  Shop B is cheaper

  19. 16. The price of a new dishwasher is €376. This price includes VAT at a rate of 17·5%. What was the price before VAT was added? €376 = 117·5% (117·5) €3·2 = 1% (×100) €320 = 100%

  20. 17. Dmitri buys a car for €9,760, which includes VAT at 22%. In the budget, the VAT rate was dropped to 18%. If Dmitri had waited until after the budget to buy the car, find the difference in price he would have paid. €9760 = 122% (122) €80 = 1% (×118) €9440 = 118% 9760 – 9440 = €320 saving

  21. 18. A grocer bought 15 boxes of tinned fruit at €15 per box, each box containing 24 tins. He sold 320 tins at 84c each, but the remaining tins were damaged and unfit for sale. Find his percentage margin on the entire transaction. 15 boxes at €15 = €225 cost price 320 tins sold at 84 c = 26880 c (100) Selling price = €268·80 Profit = 268·80 – 225 = €43·80

  22. 19. Places for Biology, Physics and Chemistry in a school are in the ratio 8 : 7 : 5. There is a proposal to increase these places by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased places? 8 : 7 : 5 x 1·4x 1·5 x 1·75 : : (x by LCM of 5, 2 and 4, which is 20) 224 : 210 : 175

  23. 20. The present reading on the electricity meter in John’s house is 63,852 units. The previous reading was 62,942 units. How many units of electricity were used since the previous reading? (i) 63852 – 62942 = 910 units

  24. 20. The present reading on the electricity meter in John’s house is 63,852 units. The previous reading was 62,942 units. What is the cost of the electricity used, if electricity costs 11·14c per unit? (ii) 910 × 11·14c = 10137·4 c (100) = €101·374 = €101·37

  25. 20. The present reading on the electricity meter in John’s house is 63,852 units. The previous reading was 62,942 units. A standing charge of €11·25 is added and VAT is then charged on the full amount. If John’s total bill is €134, find the rate of VAT, correct to one place of decimal. (iii) Total charge = 101·37 + 11·25 = €112·62 VAT = €134 – €112·62 = €21·38

  26. 21. A retailer buys calculators at €7·50 and sells them for €10. Find: the percentage mark-up on the sale. (i) Profit = 10 − 7·50 = €2·50

  27. 21. A retailer buys calculators at €7·50 and sells them for €10. Find: the percentage margin on the sale. (ii) Profit = 10 − 7·50 = €2·50

  28. 22. A retailer bought a laptop for €800 and sold it for €950. Calculate: the percentage mark-up on the sale. (i) Profit = 950 – 800 = €150

  29. 22. A retailer bought a laptop for €800 and sold it for €950. Calculate: the percentage margin on the sale. (ii) Profit = 950 – 800 = €150

  30. 23. A retailer bought a suite of garden furniture for €850. If they sold it for a 40% mark-up, find the sale price. (i)

  31. 23. A retailer bought a suite of garden furniture for €850. If they sold it for a 40% margin, find the sale price to the nearest cent. (ii) Selling price = Cost price + Profit

  32. 24. A shopkeeper sells dresses at a 25% margin. If she bought the dresses for €21 each, find their selling price. Selling price = Cost price + Profit

  33. 25. A retailer bought a consignment of tablets for €12,000. He sold half of them at a 14% mark-up and the other half at a 20% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Mark-up profit = €840

  34. 25. A retailer bought a consignment of tablets for €12,000. He sold half of them at a 14% mark-up and the other half at a 20% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Selling price = Cost + Profit Mark-up profit = €840 Selling price = €6840

  35. 25. A retailer bought a consignment of tablets for €12,000. He sold half of them at a 14% mark-up and the other half at a 20% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Mark-up profit = €840 Selling price = €6840 Margin profit = €1500

  36. 25. A retailer bought a consignment of tablets for €12,000. He sold half of them at a 14% mark-up and the other half at a 20% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Mark-up profit = €840 Selling price = €6840 Margin profit = €1500

  37. 26. A retailer bought a shipment of MP3 players for €8,500. He sold a quarter of them at a 16% mark-up and the remaining three quarters at a 36·25% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Mark-up profit = €340

  38. 26. A retailer bought a shipment of MP3 players for €8,500. He sold a quarter of them at a 16% mark-up and the remaining three quarters at a 36·25% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Mark-up profit = €340 Selling price = €2465

  39. 26. A retailer bought a shipment of MP3 players for €8,500. He sold a quarter of them at a 16% mark-up and the remaining three quarters at a 36·25% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Mark-up profit = €340 Selling price = €2465 Margin profit = €3625

  40. 26. A retailer bought a shipment of MP3 players for €8,500. He sold a quarter of them at a 16% mark-up and the remaining three quarters at a 36·25% margin. Calculate the total revenue taken in and hence the total profit made. Mark-up profit = €340 Selling price = €2465 Margin profit = €3625

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