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Structure of Reconstruction Program

Structure of Reconstruction Program. Towards BRUNEL. Some definitions. Reconstruction program transforms RAW data into Event Summary Data (ESD) RAW data IS: digitised detector data as produced by the DAQ system: ADC counts, TDC counts… Integer data IS NOT: SICB “raw” data:

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Structure of Reconstruction Program

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  1. Structure of Reconstruction Program Towards BRUNEL

  2. Some definitions • Reconstruction program transforms RAW data into Event Summary Data (ESD) • RAW data • IS: digitised detector data as produced by the DAQ system: • ADC counts, TDC counts… • Integer data • IS NOT: SICB “raw” data: • Output of GEANT 3 transport step - entrance and exit points in detectors, energy loss... • IS NOT: SICB “digitisings” • Output of SICB local tracking and “digitisation” step - wire numbers, signed drift distance…

  3. More definitions • Coordinates • Results from decoding of RAW data • after applying channel maps, calibration, drift-time relation... • 2D or 3D points in space, pulse heights, energy per cell… • Floating point data • Determined locally to each subdetector • Intermediate data (usually not saved) • ESD • Results from pattern recognition and reconstruction • Tracks, Energy flow objects, PID • Determined globally • May require input from other subdetectors (e.g. tracks for RICH) • May combine results of several subdetectors (e.g. tracking, PID) • Implies sequencing of subdetectors, several passes

  4. Generator MC Kinematics Coordinates GEANT hits Raw data ESD SICB “raw” data GEANT transport SICB “digitisings” (not on SICB DST) Pattern Recognition Creation of coordinates Detector response and digitisation Pileup SICB local tracking and “digitisation” Old and New SICB-Sim Wrapped SICB Entrance and exit points and energy loss in detectors Half way between raw data and coordinates. E.g. wire number, signed drift distance GEANT4 + Gaudi simulation Brunel

  5. Towards BRUNEL • Input: SICB “raw” data • Produce SICB “digitisings” in GAUDI FortranAlgorithm • i.e. wrapped FORTRAN. Can be several Algorithms, e.g. one per subdetector • Produce coordinates • Wrapped FORTRAN to SICB coordinates • GAUDI SicbConverters to Transient Event Data Model • Pattern recognition, reconstruction • Ideally all C++ • FortranAlgorithm possible if very modular

  6. ZEBRA common (SICB banks) Structure DigitisationA FortranAlgorithm DigitisationB FortranAlgorithm Coordinate ProducerA FortranAlgorithm Reconstruction FortranAlgorithm Coordinate ProducerB C++ Algorithm Gaudi Transient Event Data Reconstruction Algorithms Sicb Converters

  7. Caveat • In previous slide, SICB converters are unidirectional • FortranAlgorithms can produce data for later use in Fortran or C++ • C++ algorithms can only produce data for later use in C++ • Choice: • Write also converters in opposite direction OR • Re-implement in C++ ALL reconstruction algorithms requiring input from upstream C++ algorithms

  8. More Caveats • Ultimately, BRUNEL will require RAW data as input • From GEANT4 based simulation, from DAQ • Existing SICB “digitisation” will then be obsolete • No point to re-implement now in C++ for BRUNEL • Consider converters from SICB “digitisings” to transient raw data, followed by OO co-ordinate creation. • Existing wrapped co-ordinate creation code to be re-implemented with RAW data as input • No point to re-implement now in C++ with SICB “digitisings” as input

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