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Bibliografie. * * *, Java Development Kit http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html Java programming: from problem analysis to program design, D.S. Malik, 2010 Java de la 0 la expert, Tanasa, Stefan, Olaru, Cristian; Andrei, Stefan – Iasi, Polirom, 2007. Tematica.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bibliografie • * * *, Java Development Kithttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html • Java programming: from problem analysis to program design, D.S. Malik, 2010 • Java de la 0 la expert, Tanasa, Stefan, Olaru, Cristian; Andrei, Stefan – Iasi, Polirom, 2007

  2. Tematica Cursul 1. POO Cursul 2. Java Generics. JCF Cursul 3. Java Reflection si Instrospector Cursul 4. Java I/O. Serializarea Cursul 5. Java Threading Cursul 6. Interfata grafica Cursul 7. Interfata grafica. Java Beans Cursul 8. JDBC Cursul 9. Programarea in retea Cursul 10. Java XML Cursul 11. Design Patterns - Singleton, Factory

  3. Curs 1 Notiunea de clasa. Sintaxa Clasainterna - nested. Instantieresiacces. Clasainterna - inner. Instantieresiacces. Declarareacampurilor Notiunea de interfata. Sinntaxa Declaratii de campuri in interfata Declaratii de metode in interfata. Instructiunile return si throw Metode cu numarvariabil de argumente Argumentelemetodei main Declaratii de constructori Transmitereametodelor ca parametrii Operatorii this si super Tipuri primitive Plaje, conventii de nume, initializari, valoriimplicite Referintesiobiecte Domeniul de vizibilitate Structuraalocariimemoriei Garbage Colector (exemplu)

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