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7 th Grade Daily Lessons – Informative Writing Week 1 Week Of January 13th

W.7.2b Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. W.7.2c Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.

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7 th Grade Daily Lessons – Informative Writing Week 1 Week Of January 13th

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  1. W.7.2b Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. W.7.2c Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts. W.7.2.a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. W.7.2d Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. W.7.2d Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. 7th Grade Daily Lessons – Informative Writing Week 1Week Of January 13th W.7.2e Establish and maintain a formal style. W.7.2f Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented.

  2. Monday, January 13, 2014Day 5 Practice Prior Skills Learning Goals • Label the following sentence: • Mrs. Caple is in a conundrum about future vacation plans. • Word of the Week -  judicious (adj) good sense, wise, or prudent. Be judicious when choosing a college so that you will not regret your choice. • Informative Essay Lesson 3 To analyze and summarize a source • Assess Recognition of Active or Passive Voice sentences

  3. Analyzing Sources • Your informative essays will usually be based on facts and reasons that you have gathered by reading texts closely. • Sometimes you will use just a few important points from a text in your essay. • Often you will use a summary of a source. • A summary is a shorter version of a text that includes the key idea and the most important supporting details.

  4. Before you write… • Turn to your tablemate and tell each other what the article was about. • Think of writing a summary the same as if you were going to tell someone. The revise and edit for a formal tone and proper grammar. • It is just a few sentences. It gives an overview of the article.

  5. Assignment - Write your summary here or another location. • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  6. Example Summary • On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin prepared to become the first man in outer space. He was more relaxed than many of the people around him.

  7. Assessment • Take Active or Passive Sentences quiz on junoed.com.

  8. Tuesday, January 14, 2014Day 6 Practice Prior Skills Learning Objectives • Diagram and label the following sentence: • I wiped away the tears at the sad movie. Word of the Week Review Active or Passive Junoed.com quiz • Informative Essay Lesson 4A-4C: • To analyze a prompt • To annotate sources • Assess recognition of LV, PA, PN on junoed.com

  9. Access Prior Knowledge • Summaries are for a practice grade. Line up for a grade. • Review the Active Passive Voice Quiz on junoed.com • Any questions about writing summaries? How many people are feeling more comfortable with writing a summary? • What does it mean to analyze a prompt? • What are the different ways you can annotate a source?

  10. Analyzing a prompt • A prompt is the directions given for a writing assignment. • It is important to read closely so that you understand precisely what your are to write.

  11. Assignment – Read the prompt and explain it in your own words. Prompt Write prompt in your own words. • Asthma is a common condition marked by difficulty breathing. Write an informative essay in which you describe asthma and its possible causes. Use evidence from the texts provided. • ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  12. Assignment – Download PDF or Print out and Annotate Sources • Click here or go to mrscaple.com/writing/informative writing and download pdf. • Read and annotate the Four Sources on Asthma. • The iPad app “MarkUp” may be an excellent tool, but it cost a few dollars. Please make sure you have your parents permission before you purchase anything.

  13. Assessment • Go tojunoed.comand take Parts of a Sentence through 7.1 Quiz 1.

  14. Closing • Remember to stay up on reading your book. Strategize by determining how many chapter you have to read a day to be finished by Friday, February 21, 2014, so that you can present the next week. • How did you annotate your sources? Underline, note taking, highlight etc? Paper or digital?

  15. Wednesday, January 15, 2014Day 7 Practice Prior Skills Learning Goals • Take or finish taking Active or Passive Sentence Assessment on junoed.com • Take or finish taking Parts of a sentence assessment on junoed.com • Label each part of the following sentence: • The taekwondo instructor won the World Championship because he was disciplined and practiced profusely. • Review Parts of a Sentence Quiz • Review Active or Passive Quuiz • Grade Annotations • To organize notes

  16. Organize Notes Graphic Organizers Apps • Click here for graphic organizers from mrscaple.com or you will find them in the writing section of mrscaple.com. • Inspiration Maps Lite (Free) • Simple Mind (Free)

  17. Access Prior Knowledge • Review Parts of a Sentence Quiz: LV, PA, and PN and Active or Passive • Line up to show Mrs. Caple your annotations for a practice grade. • Who printed out the document and annotated the source on paper? Who did this digitally? • What were the pros and cons of each?

  18. Organize Note • Organize notes by one of the following methods and then choose appropriate organizer. • Definition, classification, cause/effect, or compare/contrast.

  19. Cause and Effect

  20. Compare and Contrast

  21. Classification

  22. Defintion

  23. Definition

  24. Assignment - Graphic Organizer and Thesis Statement of Asthma • Organize Notes with graphic organizer or App • Write a thesis statement that would let the reader know what they are about to read.

  25. Closing • What method did you choose for organizing notes.

  26. Thursday, January 16, 2014Day 8 Practice Prior Skills Learning Goals • Diagram and label the following: • The students are quite loquacious today. • Analyze thesis statement to make sure it is clear and precise. • Create and analyze outlines. • Assess Recognition of Clear, precise, and concise thesis statements

  27. Access Prior Knowledge • Line up to show me your thesis statements and graphic organizers. If you do not have it, tell me, and show me the completed work on Friday. • Any questions about thesis statements or outlines. There is a guide in the book.

  28. Assignment – Create an outline for Asthema • Create an outline for a one page essay containing the following elements: • Introduction: It will introduce the topic by defining it and stating its effects. In another words, why are you writing about asthma. Please include your thesis statement in your outline. • Body: This will include the detail explanation of your main point in your thesis statement. • Conclusion: This will start out with your thesis statement and include why it is an important subject.

  29. Assessment • Evaluate thesis statements on junoed.com.

  30. Closing • Did the assessment help you understand how to recognize a clear and concise thesis statement? • How did the organization of your notes help with your efficiency to create an outline?

  31. Friday, January 17, 2014 Practice Previous Skills Learning Goals • Diagram and label the following sentence: • Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. • Review Thesis Statement Quiz • Analyze text outline and compare with students • Analyze text model for tone, thesis statements, organization, word choice, sentence fluency

  32. Access Prior Knowledge • Review Thesis Statement Quiz – What characteristics does of each of the correct thesis statements contain? • Line up to show me your outlines for a practice grade. • Compare your outline to the text model. What are the similarities and the differences? • Which is more effective? Why?

  33. Assignment Part 1 – Analyze a draft with your Cooperative Learning Group. • Read the student draft on page 37. • Then get in your new cooperative learning groups of (4). Each person is assigned one of the following roles besides contributing to your answers. • Facilitator – make sure each person contributes one answer. • Time Keeper – make sure group is finished in 10 minutes • Recorder – Record the groups responses • Presenter – This person will present answers to the class.

  34. Assignment Part 2 – Answer the following questions: • What is the overall tone of the text model essay? Formal or Informal? Provide an example of the tone from the essay. • What is the thesis statement of this essay? Is it located in the correct place? Is it clear and concise? • Which sentence in each of the body paragraphs states the main idea of the paragraph? • List an example where the writer could have used more detail in either the third or fourth paragraph?

  35. The Standard • W.7.2.a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

  36. Activity 4H Using Commas Between Adjectives (p. 39) Below is the second paragraph of the sample essay. If a sentence includes a comma that should be omitted, cross it out with an X. If a sentence is missing a comma, add one and circle it. Asthma is hard on every single individual who has it because it sometimes makes breathing difficult. A trigger, such as smoke, dust, mold, or pet dander, can set it off. For some people, vigorous, energetic exercise is a trigger. Schools can set up reasonable, practical policies to help students control their asthma. For example, schools should keep their air clean. Considerate school leaders should prohibit all smoking on school property. In addition, students should be allowed to keep their inhalers. Schools with strict, written policies on medicines should make exceptions for students with asthma.

  37. Activity 4H Using Commas Between Adjectives (p. 39) Places where a comma has been added or removed are highlighted in blue. Asthma is hard on every single individual who has it because it sometimes makes breathing difficult. A trigger, such as smoke, dust, mold, or pet dander, can set it off. For some people, vigorous, energetic exercise is a trigger. Schools can set up reasonable, practical policies to help students control their asthma. For example, schools should keep their air clean. Considerate school leaders should prohibit all smoking on school property. In addition, students should be allowed to keep their inhalers. Schools with strict, written policies on medicines should make exceptions for students with asthma.

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