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Approbation. (n.) the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval SYNONYM: sanction. APPRO bation APPRO val. Assuage. (v.) to make easier or milder, relieve SYNONYMS: mitigate, slake, allay. Assuage . A higher wage would assuage my feelings of being gipped.

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  1. Approbation (n.) the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval SYNONYM: sanction

  2. APPRObation APPROval

  3. Assuage • (v.) to make easier or milder, relieve • SYNONYMS: mitigate, slake, allay

  4. Assuage A higher wage would assuage my feelings of being gipped.

  5. Coalition • (n.) a combination, union or merger for some specific purpose • SYNONYM: alliance, league, federation

  6. Coalition

  7. Decadence • (n.) decline, decay, or deterioration; excessive self-indulgence • SYNONYM: degeneration, corruption

  8. Decadence 1980s America: “Decade of Decadence”

  9. Elicit • (v.) to draw forth, bring out from some source (such as another person) • SYNONYMS: evoke, extract, educe

  10. Expostulate • (v.) to attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning • SYNONYMS: protest, remonstrate, complain

  11. tulate Protest to keep the Expos before it’s too late!

  12. Hackneyed • (adj.) used so often as to lack freshness or originality • SYNONYMS: banal, trite, commonplace, corny

  13. 1)Hackneyed 2)H(L)ackney(w)ed 3)Lacknew Def: lack freshness or originality

  14. Hiatus • (n.) a gap, opening, or break • SYNONYMS: pause, lacuna

  15. HI+AT+US “If anyone says ‘Hi’ along the way, we will definitely take a break and talk for awhile”.

  16. Innuendo • (n.) a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference (often in a derogatory sense) • SYNONYMS: insinuation, intimation

  17. Intercede • (v.) to plead on behalf of someone else • SYNONYMS: intervene, mediate

  18. Intercede “Intercede and plead for the freed Swede”.

  19. Jaded • (adj.) wearied, worn-out, dulled • SYNONYMS: sated, cloyed

  20. JADED sounds like FADED, which means worn out!

  21. Lurid • (adj.) causing shock, horror, or revulsion; pale or sallow in color • SYNONYMS: gruesome, gory, grisly, ghastly

  22. Lurid When fishing, I use a RED LURE, or LURE RED, which is shocking, gruesome, and sensational to the fish.

  23. Meritorious • (adj.) worthy, deserving recognition and praise • SYNONYMS: praiseworthy, laudable, commendable

  24. Petulant • (adj.) peevish, easily irritated and upset • SYNONYMS: testy, irritable

  25. Petulant “My pet dog is easily irritated during lent”

  26. Prerogative • (n.) a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence • SYNONYM: perk

  27. Provincial • (adj.) pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind or outlook; of a simple plain design that originated in the countryside • (n.) a person with a narrow point of view; a person from an outlying area • SYNONYMS: (adj.) narrow-minded, parochial, naive

  28. Simulate • (v.) to make a pretense of, imitate • SYNONYMS: pretend, affect

  29. Simulate

  30. Transcend • (v.) to rise above or beyond, exceed • SYNONYMS: surpass, outstrip

  31. Transcend (v.) to rise above or beyond, exceed SYN: surpass, outstrip

  32. Umbrage • (n.) shade cast by trees; an overshadowing influence or power, resentment; a vague suspicion • SYNONYM: irritation

  33. Umbrage (or in this case, Umbridge) (n.) an overshadowing influence of power; offense, resentment SYN: irritation

  34. Unctuous • (adj.) excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression of earnestness, sincerity or piety • SYNONYMS: mealymouthed, fawning

  35. UNCTUOUS “Our uncle lacked sincerity tous”.

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