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PROBLEM STATEMENT V5. Adam Mohamed Ali G10 28 November 2013. assessment rubric: statement of the research problem. A* = 90 to 100 A = 80 to 90 B = 70 to 80 C = 60 to 70 D = 50 to 60 F = 0 to 49 [ In drafting: PASS or FAIL grade only ]. Urgency. Theory. References. Sources.

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  1. PROBLEM STATEMENT V5 Adam Mohamed Ali G10 28 November 2013

  2. assessment rubric: statement of the research problem A* = 90 to 100 A = 80 to 90 B = 70 to 80 C = 60 to 70 D = 50 to 60 F = 0 to 49 [In drafting: PASS or FAIL grade only]

  3. Urgency

  4. Theory

  5. References Sources • Maiser, J. (29, August 2009). 10 Reasons to Eat Local Food. Retrieved from http://fogcity.blogs.com/: http://fogcity.blogs.com/jen/2005/08/10_reasons_to_e.html • Schwartz, J. D. (2009, June 11). Buying Local: How It Boosts the Economy. Retrieved from http://content.time.com/: http://content.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1903632,00.html • Brunori, G. (2007, March). Local food and alternative food networks: a communication perspective. Retrieved from http://aof.revues.org/: http://aof.revues.org/430#ftn1 Urgency Theory

  6. assessment rubric: statement of the research problem A* = 90 to 100 A = 80 to 90 B = 70 to 80 C = 60 to 70 D = 50 to 60 F = 0 to 49 [In drafting: PASS or FAIL grade only]

  7. Source

  8. Urgency

  9. Theory

  10. References • Pettigrew, T. (2010, May 17). All Posts Tagged With: "below average students". Retrieved from http://oncampus.macleans.ca/: http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/tag/below-average-students/ • Major, L. E. (2001, March 13 ). Universities are losing maths students by giving poor feedback, reports Lee Elliot Major. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/education/2001/mar/13/highereducation.accesstouniversity. • Thomas, N. J. (2010). Dual Coding and Common Coding Theories of Memory. Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/mental-imagery/theories-memory.html Urgency Theory

  11. assessment rubric: statement of the research problem A* = 90 to 100 A = 80 to 90 B = 70 to 80 C = 60 to 70 D = 50 to 60 F = 0 to 49 [In drafting: PASS or FAIL grade only]

  12. Add Source

  13. Urgency

  14. Theory

  15. References Source Pflanz, M. (2013, January 18). US recognizes Somalia government after two decades of anarchy. Retrieved from http://www.csmonitor.com/: http://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/r14/World/Africa/2013/0118/US-recognizes-Somalia-government-after-two-decades-of-anarchy Soliman, A. (2013, May 12). What Somalia needs most is peace, stability. Retrieved from http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/: http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Opinion-and-Analysis/What-Somalia-needs-most-is-peace-and-stability/-/539548/1850078/-/p5kfha/-/index.html • Ciian. (2010, August 17). Module I: Conflict Theory Negotiation and Introduction to Mediation. Retrieved from http://www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org/: http://www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org/events/module-i-conflict-theory-1#.UpYVY8Sno2U URGENCY Theory

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