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2 Quick Ways to Add Bing Maps To WordPress Websites<br><br>if you want to add bing map to WordPress website. We are discussing the ways to add Bing Maps to WordPress websites. This will help visitors in easily finding a convenient route to your businessu2019 physical location. We are presenting two methods for embedding the map in your interface.<br><br><br>1. Adding Bing Maps Manually<br><br>2. Embedding Bing Maps Through A Plugin<br><br>Visit: https://bit.ly/2XVOLdV<br>
2 Quick Ways To Add Bing Maps To WordPress Websites Search engines have become the primary source of information for the connected population of the world. Google is undoubtedly the most popular in the world but there are other services too which enjoy significant following in some locations. Bing is one such service which is used by many people in North America, especially in the US. Besides providing facilities for searching for images and videos, another helpful feature offered by these services is maps. In this tutorial, we are discussing the ways to add Bing Maps to WordPress websites. This will help visitors in easily finding a convenient route to your business’ physical location. We are presenting two methods for embedding the map in your interface. You can choose one which you find more convenient.
Adding Bing Maps Manually • Find Your Location On Bing Map In the first step, you will need to find the location on Bing Maps, which you want to display on your interface. Go to the website of the service and you will find the link for Maps right on top of the homepage. Click on it to go to the maps page. Enter your location in the search bar on the top and click the search icon. The search engine will now show the location with a pin on the map.
Embedding Bing Maps Through A Plugin • We will now show the way to do the embedding with a plugin. People who have converted HTML to WordPress theme or migrated from other platforms will like this method as it does involve any coding. • Install The Required Plugin • You can easily find a WordPress plugin for every possible functionality. Embedding a map in a website can be done through maps plugins. The toll that we have chosen for this tutorial is called Ultimate Maps by Supsystic. It is a5-star rated product which helps users looking for alternatives to Google Maps.
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