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Nofollow links are an integral part of the content ecosystem that directly impacts a websiteu2019s search engine optimization rankings. Basically, in spite of having a link to another website on your own website, WordPress Customization permits you to send a message to search engines to not consider the link in your rankings.<br><br>Read More: https://bit.ly/33dv7y8<br><br>WordPress related Info: https://bit.ly/2xojwk3
A D D I N GM U L T I P L EL I N K ST OY O U RW E B S I T EC A NH A V E W A YM O R EI M P A C TT H A NS I M P L YG I V I N GY O U RV I E W E R S M O R EC O N T E N TT OG L A N C ET H R O U G H . N O F O L L O WL I N K S A R EA NI N T E G R A LP A R TO FT H EC O N T E N TE C O S Y S T E M T H A TD I R E C T L YI M P A C T SAW E B S I T E ’ SS E A R C HE N G I N E O P T I M I Z A T I O N R A N K I N G S . B A S I C A L L Y , I N S P I T E O F H A V I N GAL I N KT OA N O T H E RW E B S I T EO NY O U RO W N W E B S I T E , W O R D P R E S SC U S T O M I Z A T I O N P E R M I T SY O UT O S E N D A M E S S A G E T O S E A R C H E N G I N E S T O N O T C O N S I D E RT H EL I N KI NY O U RR A N K I N G S . Y O U M U S T B E W O N D E R I N G H O W T O A D D T H E S E N O F O L L O WL I N K ST OY O U RW O R D P R E S SW E B S I T E . K E E P R E A D I N GA N DB YT H EE N D O FT H I SA R T I C L E , Y O UW I L LB EAM A S T E RA TD O I N GS O – Step1: OpenyourWordPressdashboardandheadtothe PluginstabfromtheWordPressadminpanel. Step2: Onthetopleftcorner, youcanclickonAddNew. An emptyboxwillappearwhereyoucansearchfortheplugin yourequire. TypeinTitleandNofollowforLinksandclickon enter. Step3: ThefirstoptioninyourresultsshouldbeTitleand NofollowforLinksalongwitha ‘greenplus’ signandan ‘attachment’ sign. ClickonInstallNowandthenActivatethe plugin. Step4: Ifyouhavesuccessfullynavigatedthroughand followedSteps1to3, thenthelinkcontrolsectioninyour WordPresspageeditorshouldhavebeenautomatically updatedwithnewoptions Step5: Nowyouhavetoopenoneofyourexistingpageson yourWordPresswebsite (bynow, youmustalreadybestartledbytherealizationthat youhavenoneedto hireaWordPressDeveloper.) Step6: ClickonthePagestabwhileyouareonyour WordPressdashboardandclickonedittoselectanyonethe existingpagesthatconsistofalinkofsometextthathas beentypedout. CONTACTUS HIREWPGEEKS - 127PALMSTREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA94111USA PHONE : +1.949.591.8153SKYPE@HIREWPGEEKS EMAIL : SALES@HIREWPGEEKS.COM WEBSITE : HTTPS://WWW.HIREWPGEEKS.COM