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Communities. Class Information. Year 2/3 class Society and environment (with English) Focusing on communities, have been exploring people who help us, and today will begin to learn about being a responsible member of the community.

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  1. Communities

  2. Class Information • Year 2/3 class • Society and environment (with English) • Focusing on communities, have been exploring people who help us, and today will begin to learn about being a responsible member of the community. • Students have good computer skills and are familiar with myclasses • Students are familiar with the police service, fire service and medical service- this will be assessed today through a worksheet (and links to assist) • Students have participated in an incursion from Constable Care, local fire department, and an excursion to the local hospital

  3. Review of last lesson…

  4. Who helps us in emergencies? Police, fire fighters, ambulance officers, doctors, nurses…

  5. How do they help us? Doctors help us when we are sick, fire fighters stop our homes from being burned down etc.

  6. What number do we call if we need help? 000

  7. All emergency vehicles have sirens to help us know when they are coming, and so people can get out of the way.

  8. What vehicle makes this sound?

  9. What vehicle makes this sound?

  10. What vehicle makes this sound?

  11. Sounds from:www.soundsnap.com Pictures from: http://parksidevoice.org.uk/HTML/Parkside_events.html http://www.cfpsa-borden.ca/SPORTS/Nationals/TrainersWebpage/links.html http://www.fundraw.com/clipart/categories/Cartoons/Animals/00000108 http://www.10kmarshmallows.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/community.jpg

  12. Instructions:1. You will be split up into 2 groups2. Group 1 will go to the laptops, to play Sparky games.3. Group 2 will go to the laptops and pick up a worksheet

  13. 1. For Sparky you will go into the Sparky site and go into arcade games and play2. For the worksheet you will need to read the fact sheet on police on the myclasses page, and complete the worksheet.

  14. Pack up timeWrite your name on your sheets and leave them in a pile.Everyone needs to go back the smartboard.

  15. What do you think worked?Would you use anything you saw today in a class? If so, what?What would you do differently?Please go back to your laptops to complete the vote on the myclasses page.

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