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HLT40312 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice WRB20104 BLENDED DELIVERY LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT MATERIAL Book one: WRBCS201B – PROVIDE MANICURE AND PEDICURE SERVICES HLTCOM404C Communicate effectively with clients BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others HLTHIR301C Communicate and work effectively in health HLTCOM406C Make referrals to other health care professionals when appropriate HLTCOM408D Use specific health terminology to communicate effectively DEMONSTRATION UNIT DELIVERY STYLE - complete unit contains 66 pages Student name:.............................................................. Student ID:................................................. Date:............................................. Initial Impact P/LPO Box 301Balnarring 3926 ABN 37 006 210 920 Initial Impact P/LPO Box 301Balnarring 3926ABN 37 006 210 920 Student name:.............................................................. Student ID:................................................. Date:............................................. Book one
HLTCOM404C Communicate effectively with clients This unit covers the skills required by practitioners to establish and maintain effective communication with the client throughout all interactions and provide basic counselling as required and as appropriate to facilitate the treatment or health service being provided. This unit contains employability skills. Application of the unit. This unit applies to work in a range of health settings where health services are provided with direct client contact involved. Application of this unit should be contextualised to reflect any specific workplace requirements, issues and practices. This qualification is suited to Australian Apprenticeship pathways. Occupational titles for these workers may include; massage therapist, assistant massage therapist and massage therapy practitioner. Performance criteria covered within this training programme 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,3.1,3.2,4.1,4.2,4.3 BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to work in a group environment promoting team commitment and cooperation, supporting team members and dealing effectively with issues, problems and conflict. This unit contains employability skills. Application of the unit. This unit applies to individuals who perform a range of routine tasks using a limited range of practical skills and fundamental knowledge of teamwork in a defined context under direct supervision or with limited individual responsibility. Performance criteria covered within this training programme 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 Book one
HLTHIR301C Communicate and work effectively in health This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to work effectively in a health setting with clients, staff, visitors, suppliers and others to meet established work requirements. This unit contains employability skills. Application of the unit. This unit applies to work in a range of health settings such as specific community, regional or remote service provider, department of a large institution or organisation, specialised service or organisation and private provider. Application of this unit should be contextualised to reflect specific workplace requirements and practices Performance criteria covered within this training programme 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,5.6,6.1,6.2,6.3,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4 HLTCOM406A Make referrals to other health care professionals when appropriate This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to administer client basic massage treatment according to the philosophy and practices of a massage therapy framework. This unit contains employability skills. Application of the unit. This unit may apply to work in massage in a range of settings and contexts. Performance criteria covered within this training programme 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,2.1,2.2,2.3,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7 Book one
HLTCOM408D Use specific health terminology to communicate effectively This unit covers the skills required to understand and respond to instructions, carry out routine tasks and communicate with a range of internal and external clients in a health care practice, using appropriate practice-specific health terminology. This unit contains employability skills. Application of the unit. This unit applies to work in a range of health settings where health services are provided with direct client contact involved. Application of this unit should be contextualised to reflect any specific workplace requirements, issues and practices Performance criteria covered within this training programme 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.1,2.2,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 Book one
Assessment guidelines • FORMATIVE TASKS. • Formatives are activities located throughout the learning material which you need to complete and submit to your trainer for comments. They allow you to continually demonstrate your ability to perform the required skills and knowledge for these unit. • SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS. • The summative assessment uses the performance criteria, range statement, critical evidence and employability skills as • the checklist for demonstration of the required skills and knowledge. Your trainer will deem you either competent • or not yet competent based on your performance in the summative assessments. • SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT A. WRITTEN KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS • You are required to learn the information in this learning material covering the units of; • Communicate effectively with clients. • Work effectively with others. • Communicate and work effectively in health. • Make referrals to other health care professionals when appropriate. • Use specific health terminology to communicate effectively. • At each formative checkpoint your trainer will provide you with a series of knowledge questions covering the information in this learning material. You will be assessed on demonstration of your knowledge on this subject matter. Book one
Your role in the health care industry • Working in the health care industry requires you to use your expertise when providing a service to clients as well as using effective communication skills to address any complaints or misunderstandings that the client may have. When you provide efficient and competent services you are creating sales. This makes your role very important in the daily operations. Clients expect you to have a broad knowledge of the products and services you provide. This is providing services and products that the client wants. • A workplace policy for providing good service should include details on; • The variety of services and products being offered. • The quality standards expected when delivering the services and products. • The professional standards of behaviour and image of the clinic. • Competent use of technology including quick and accurate transactions. • Staff honesty and fairness. • Building rapport requires an individual approach to each client. • Acknowledge the person’s presence. • Ask appropriate questions. • Demonstrate active listening. • Encourage clients to voice their concerns. • Show empathy. • Offer reassurance. • Understand each individual’s wants and needs. • Allow time for the clients to consider their decision. • Provide additional information or referral services. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Book one
Communication Communication takes two. Communication is sending and receiving messages between people. Unless both processes have taken place communication hasn’t happened. The communication channel can be verbal (spoken and written) and non-verbal (listening, body language and visuals). Sending the message is easy, however the person receiving the message may not understand what you said. Maybe you were not clear in what you were trying to say. Maybe the other person wasn’t listening carefully. Maybe your tone of voice or the way you wrote the letter upset the other person so they didn’t want to communicate. Maybe they didn’t trust you so they turned off. Whatever the reason COMMUNICATION DIDN’T HAPPEN. Book one
Ethics Your personal code of moral principles and values are known as your personal ‘ethics’. Personal ethics deal with how you live your life. Professional ethics deal with the proper conduct in relationships with your business associates, employers, other staff members and clients. • Your responsibility is to arrive at work on time. If you are sick; • Telephone your manager as soon as possible to tell them you are unable to attend work. • Talk to your manager or supervisor. Don’t leave a message with a work colleague. • Tell your manager when you will be able to go back to work. • Follow staff rosters. Your clinic manager might; • Print out the roster and give it to you. • Print out the roster and leave it somewhere in the store. • Send the roster to you via email. • Verbally tell you when you are to work. Always confirm with the manager to be sure you understand. Book one
Verbal communication – the spoken word • Verbal communication is using your voice to communicate. The unheard side of verbal communication is; • What the speaker is actually saying. • What the speaker thinks they are saying. • What the listener thinks is being said. • Often when speaking to a person or a group of people we assume that others will understand what we are saying. Good communication requires us to take into consideration other peoples levels of understanding. They may be a different age group to you, English may not be their first language, their cultural beliefs may be different or their education may have been different to yours. • Twelve ways for better verbal communication. • Think and plan before your speak . • Have your tone of voice match the words you are saying. • Keep your message short and clear. • Do not blame others if they do not understand you. You are the one who is not communicating properly. • Do not prejudge others before commencing the communication. Keep an open mind. • Allow time for answers and responses from others. • Do not dominate the conversation. • Do not pass rude comments or be sarcastic. • Respect what the other person has told you in confidence. • Be tactful and do not gossip about one person to another. • Keep the message simple using words that others will understand. • Be aware of body language responses to what you are saying. • Good communication requires speaking correctly. Lazy speech together with poor grammar reflects on your ability to communicate effectively. Book one
Client consultation Ongoing body analysis is necessary to monitor the client’s progress. A client’s lifestyle can contribute to figure problems. Stress can cause muscular pain so it is important to include lifestyle considerations in the client consultation. Illustrate areas for treatment or concerns Book one
Client medical history • A client’s current medical history can restrict the procedures you can provide to them. Certain medical conditions and medications can prevent some beauty therapy treatments being performed or it may require you to modify the treatment to suit the condition. When obtaining information about a client’s medical history, it is important that you abide by the relevant legislation and the policies and procedures of your salon. • Office of the Privacy Commissioner: • Sets privacy standards for dealing with personal information. • Applies to Australian Commonwealth Government and ACT Government agencies. • Applies to private sector organisations across Australia. • Client’s may sometimes be reluctant to provide information that they consider personal or private and this often includes medical information. It is important that you reassure the client that you will be observing the client’s privacy policy which adheres to Government regulations. Many organisations display their privacy policy for clients to view. • Types of relevant information that may be required. • Medication taken – certain medications can cause skin dehydration, oedema, swelling of tissue or skin thinning. • General health – recent illnesses, viruses and generally feeling tired. • Pregnancy – can have an affect on skin condition and muscle toning and can limit the use of certain aromatic plant oils. • Client history – of high or low blood pressure, heart disorders, diabetes, epilepsy, metal implants, pacemaker, cancer, kidney disorder, keloid scarring, thrombosis, varicose veins and other illnesses. • Referrals from and referrals to. • Medical reports such as x-rays. • Information about general health and lifestyles. Book one
Client lifestyle characteristics • Understanding a client’s lifestyle activities will assist you to understand possible causes for the condition of the body as well as being able to plan treatment times around their activities. • Sleeping patterns – lack of sleep can cause the skin to look dull while too much sleep can slow circulation. • Nutrition – poor nutrition greatly affects the health of the body and skin. • Alcohol consumption – alcohol deprives the body of vitamins especially vitamins B and C. • Exercise routine – little physical activity and too much physical activity effects the body and skin condition. • Occupation – a sedentary job can encourage poor posture. • Heating and cooling air conditioning – this affects the hydration of the skin. • Caffeine consumption – too much caffeine dehydrates the body and can cause nervousness. • Smoking – interferes with cell respiration and slows down circulation. It also destroys vitamin C. • Stress levels –can cause poor circulation of the blood and lymph resulting in poor skin nutrition. It also causes skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. • Ultraviolet light exposure – over exposure prematurely ages the skin and can increase the chances of developing skin cancers. • Climate – when the skin is cold, less sebum is produced and in very hot humid climates more moisture is lost in perspiration. Changing temperatures suddenly can cause dilated capillaries. • Pollution – pollutants present in the environment such as lead, mercury and aluminium can accumulate in the body and may attack protein in the cells. This prevents them from performing properly resulting in dull, sluggish skin that prematurely ages. • You will need to advise your client on lifestyle changes if what they are currently doing is affecting their health. Book one
Client interview • Further information that you may need to gain from your client during the interview. • Personal information – name, contact details, date of birth, emergency contact details, occupation and recreational activities. • Massage therapy information – previous massage treatment, reasons for coming for massage treatment, areas requiring treatment with levels of current pain or discomfort client is experiencing. • Medical history – previous and current history that may impact on treatment. Current medications taken and current medical treatments. • Contraindications. • Body shape, weight concerns. • Identification of areas requiring treatment on body chart. • Disclaimer – consent to massage treatment and consent by guardian or parent of young client. • Observations by therapist of potential contraindications – medical conditions, lifestyle and personality symptoms. CLIENT CONSENT Client’s name: Date: I understand that the service provided by ................................................ (name of massage therapist) is not a substitute for medical care and any information provided by the therapist is not diagnostically prescriptive in any way. I understand that my personal information herein is to aid the therapist in providing a good service and is completely confidential. Signed by client: Signed by massage therapist: FORMATIVE TASK 1. DESIGN YOUR OWN CLIENT INTERVIEW DOCUMENT. You are to design a client interview document taking into consideration the points listed. Submit your document to your facilitator. Book one
Most common types of personality disorders and their symptoms Personality disorders are characterised by pervasive and inflexible patterns of inner experience and outward behaviour that significantly affect a person's ability to function in every-day activities. A person's work, family, and social life can all be affected by the symptoms. Avoidant Personality Disorder is characterised by a long-standing and complex pattern of feelings of inadequacy, social inhibition, and extreme sensitivity to what other people think about them. It typically manifests itself by early adulthood. Borderline Personality Disorder is characterised by a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects along with marked impulsivity. Borderline personality disorder is the most common personality disorder. It usually presents itself by early adulthood and is present in a variety of settings (e.g., not just at work or home). Histrionic personality disorder is characterised by a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attempts to get attention in strange and unusual ways. Histrionic personality disorder is present in about 2% to 3% of the general population and is more common among women. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterised by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity in fantasy or behaviour, an extreme need for admiration and a marked lack of empathy. Book one
Boundaries of the practitioner and client relationship • •Maintain strict confidentiality, privacy and accurate records. • •Honour the client’s right to personal privacy and modesty. • •Create and maintain a safe and healthy environment for practice. • •Engage in practices that are respectful of clients and not degrade, endanger, exploit or harm them. • •Do not exploit your position or professional relationship with a client as a massage therapist. • •Do not engage in sexual misconduct or conduct or practices of a sexual nature or offer services that are sexual in nature to clients. • •Maintain fair and reasonable business principles when dealing with clients. • •Avoid any interest or activity which might be in conflict or potential conflict with the obligation to act in the best interests of the client at all times. • •Be compliant with Federal, State, Territory and Local Government laws and policies that relate to massage. • The massage therapists should; • •Provide clear, direct information regarding the extent of massage therapy treatment. • Not touch the client’s genitalia. • Not touch the breast area unless required for legitimate treatment purposes and only after receiving informed voluntary consent. • •Refrain from any behaviour that sexualises, or appears to sexualise the client/therapist relationship. • •Refrain from participating in a sexual relationship or any conduct of a sexual nature with a client, whether consensual or otherwise, from the beginning of the client/therapist relationship. • In the event that the client initiates sexual behaviour, clarify the purpose of the treatment and, if such conduct does not cease, terminate or refuse treatment. Book one
Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) The IPPs regulate how Australian and ACT government agencies manage personal information. They cover how and when personal information can be collected, how it should be used and disclosed and storage and security. They also allow individuals to access that information and have it corrected if it is wrong. IPP 1: manner and purpose of collection. The information must be necessary for the agency's work, and collected fairly and lawfully. IPP 2: collecting information directly from individuals. An agency must take steps to tell individuals why they are collecting personal information, what laws give them authority to collect it, and to whom they usually disclose it. This is often done by what is called an IPP 2 notice. IPP 3: collecting information generally. An agency must take steps to ensure the personal information it collects is relevant, up-to-date and complete and not collected in an unreasonably intrusive way. IPP 4: storage and security. Personal information must be stored securely to prevent its loss or misuse. IPPs 5 - 7: access and amendment. These principles require agencies to take steps to record the type of personal information that they hold and to give individuals access to personal information about them. Personal information can be amended or corrected if it is wrong. IPPs 8 - 10: information use. These principles outline the rules about keeping accurate, complete and up-to-date personal information; using information for a relevant purpose; and only using the information for another purpose in special circumstances, such as with the individual's consent or for some health and safety or law enforcement reasons. IPP 11: disclosure. This principle sets out when an agency may disclose personal information to someone else, for example another agency. This can only be done in special circumstances, such as with the individual's consent or for some health and safety or law enforcement reasons. Book one
Discrimination Discrimination means treating someone unfairly because they happen to be different from you. If you do not control these feelings you may discriminate against these people. Almost one half of all Australians were either born overseas or had a parent born in another country. Our country is also home to the world’s oldest continuing culture. You need to be understanding of the differences between people and act respectfully throughout your customer interactions. Legislation. The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 came into force in August 2011. It replaces the Equal Opportunity Act 1995. The objectives of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 are to encourage the identification and elimination of discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation and their causes and to promote and facilitate the progressive realisation of equality. Equal Opportunity. Under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, employers have a positive duty to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation. A business needs to establish a policy and procedures for complying with the Equal Opportunity Act. There are also benefits to having a workplace free from discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation. Workers are more likely to have better morale and be more productive if they feel safe and supported. Staff turnover and recruitment costs are reduced, as are staff complaints, disruptions and legal disputes. The Australian Human Rights Commission has statutory responsibilities under federal laws. FORMATIVE TASK 2. RESEARCH AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION ACTS. DOCUMENT You are to research the Acts that govern the five categories listed and write a brief summary of each Act. The Acts are; Age Discrimination, Disability Discrimination, Australian Human Rights Commission, Sex Discrimination and Racial Discrimination. Submit your document to your facilitator. Book one
Contraindications to massage Some of the more common local contraindications include; AnceVulgaris, athlete’s foot, blisters, bruises, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Cystitis, Decubitus Ulcers, Gouty Arthritis, Graves’ Disease, hernia, Hyper and Hypothyroidism, infectious diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, local inflammation, acute injury, open wounds, Phlebitis, Poison ivy, Shingles, swollen lymph glands, ulcers, unhealed burns, sunburn, Varicose Veins and warts. This is a list of common temporary conditions and once they have run their course, the client can receive a massage; Chickenpox, Contact Dermatitis (if wide spread), diarrhea (if due to infection), fever, German Measles, Gout (during acute phase), Hepatitis, Hives, High Blood Pressure (unless controlled by medication, diet or exercise) Influenza (the flu), lice, Lupus (during a flare up), measles, Mononucleosis (mono), Mumps, Pneumonia, Ringworm, whiplash, recent injuries or surgeries, Scabies and Tonsillitis. Operations such as caesareans or hysterectomies require at least six months healing time before a massage can be given. After pregnancy, the client may consult with their medical doctor before massage can be conducted on their abdomen. The following conditions will require a medical doctors clearance; Acromegaly, Aneurysm, Atherosclerosis, Burns, Cancer, Cerebrovascular accident, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Hemophelia, Hodgkin’s Disease, Kidney Stones, Leukemia, Myasthenia Gravis, Nephrosis, Peritonitis, Polycystic Kidney Disease and Uremia. Some common absolute permanent contraindications; Blood Clots, Cirrhosis of the liver, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Embolism, Hypertension (unless controlled by medication, diet or exercise), Intestinal obstruction, Kidney failure, Lymphangitis, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Pulmonary Embolism, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Syncope (fainting),Tuberculosis and those on certain medications. A client’s medical history must be reported on the client’s consultation card prior to any massage being conducted. For regular clients, affects of previous treatments must also be reported on their client card. Book one
Body shape analysis • An assessment needs to be conducted on the client’s body shape, height, weight and body measurements and recorded on their treatment plan. Measurements should be taken according to the type of treatments. Measurements are best taken without clothing, being aware of client modesty and should be measured from the same position every time for correct analysis. • When monitoring a general reduction of the entire body, it is necessary to measure the waist, hips, upper arm and leg. When working on specific areas, only those areas need to be measured. Weight should be measured at every treatment time and client posture needs to be assessed. You must wash your hands prior to conducing client’s measurements. • Body types. • There are thee main figure types; • Endomorphs - tend to be round and plump with fatty deposits on arms, shoulders, abdomen, hips and neck. • Mesomorphs - tend to be muscular with well developed shoulders and slim hips. • Ectomorphs – tend to be long limbed and thin who often have trouble gaining weight. • Although body treatments cannot change the physical structure, it can reduce fatty deposits to improve the bodies overall appearance. • Figure problems may include; • Out of proportion figure shape. • Heavy thighs. • Cellulite. • Protruding abdomen. • Thick trunk. • General overweight. • It is important to establish; • The body type your client has. • Any postural problems. • Where is the fat distributed. Book one
ASSESSMENT A. WRITTEN KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS 1. Your facilitator will arrange for your participation in these knowledge questions. Book one
Anatomical and physiological terminology An overall understanding of the muscles, nerves, cell reproduction, circulatory system as well as the bones of the head, face, neck, arms, hands, legs and feet is important for a massage therapists to know. It will assist you to make informed decisions about massage techniques that would best suit the clients requirements. It will assist you to improve the health of your clients through manual massage manipulations. Anatomy – this is the study of the structures of the human body. Physiology – is the study of the functions and activities performed by the body structures. Histology – is the study of the tiny structures found in living tissue, microscopic anatomy. Book one
Working within the health care industry • Workplace awards or agreements. • An award is a legal document that explains the conditions all employees in a specific industry have a legal right to receive. These conditions are the ‘minimum’ condition. • Awards cover issues such as; • Anti-discrimination. • Dispute avoidance and settling procedure. • Terms of employment. • Redundancy and termination of employment. • Wages. • Payment of wages. • Allowances. • 38- hour week. • Rosters. • Meal breaks. • Rest periods. • Leave. • An agreement can be one of two types. • 1. Australian Workplace Agreement (AWA) is an agreement negotiated between the employer and an individual staff member. Workplace Agreement is an agreement between an employer and their employee. It explains the work conditions within that place of work. • 2. Certified Agreement (CA) is the collective employment agreements made between the employer and a specific group of employees or their union. Book one
Employment arrangements • Full time employees work about 38 hours per week. They receive personal leave days, holidays and regular pay. • Part time employees work less than 38 hours per week. They receive personal leave days, holidays and regular pay for the amount of hours they work. • Casual employees are hired when an employer needs extra help for a short time. Casuals do not receive personal leave days or holidays and the hourly rate of pay is usually higher than full time or part time employment. • Legislation. • The Workplace Relations Act states how industrial relations are to be upheld. There are two important organisations that look after employment. • 1.The Australian Fair Pay Commission. • Arbitration means that if wages are not being paid, you can receive assistance from the Fair Pay Commission. • An Advocate is someone who gives support and help to another person who speaks for the person not getting • paid. • Voluntarily means that you decide whether you want to use the Commission or not. • The Australian Industrial Relations Commission helps employers and employees to sort out problems if they can • not agree on work conditions. • Unions. • A union is an organisation (group of people) that tries to improve employee wages and work conditions. Unions work • for their members by talking to the employers and working out employment agreements. • In Australia any employee can choose to join a union or not. This is known as ‘Freedom of Association’. Book one
Employer Associations • Employer associations represent (speak for) a group of employers in the same industry or in industries that are like each other. • Employer associations give their members advice on; • Legal matters - Industrial relations – Insurance – Training - General matters. • The main employer association in the retail industry is the Australian Retailers Association (ARA). Within the massage industry there is Australian Association of Massage Therapist (AAMT), Association of Massage Therapies (AMT), Massage Association of Australian (MAA) and the Australian Natural Therapist Association (ANTA). These associations are for those who perform therapeutic massage and administers body treatments for relaxation, health, fitness and remedial purposes. • Keep up to date with health issues by contacting the industry associations and health funds. The website PrivateHealth.gov.au provides information on private health insurance and a list of Australian Health Funds. The Australian Health Industry Group is a provider of legal and management knowledge to the health industry. • The website for the Department of Health provides health information for massage clients. • Other associations include; • Fitness Australia. • Australian Medical Association (AMA). • The Pharmacy Guild of Australia. Book one
Using time effectively at work • Time management is a continuous, on-going process of analysing, planning, reanalysing and replanning. This is shown as a circular process. • Self assessment. Awareness of who you are, what you desire and what you need to look at about your personality. • Find out how you use your time now. Use time logs and other means to get an accurate recording. • Analyse your time log to identify your problems. Identify activities that are taking up large amounts of time without • any real value. • 4.Set goals that are important to you. Establish their importance by using a priority rating. • Develop action plans to achieve your important goals. Define what you need to do and create a time frame. • Implement the action plans. Schedule the key tasks into your daily calendar. • Develop techniques and solutions for overcoming interruptions and not wanting to do the task. • Follow up and assess all of your actions. Circular process Approximate time frames for massage. Legs – 10 minutes each leg Arms – 5 minutes each arm Chest – 5 minutes Abdomen – 4 minutes Back – 20 minutes Book one
Time and cost • The costs of services charged to clients differs. The price charged to deliver the treatment depends on the operators skills, the facilities and equipment available and the client’s requirements. • Clients will ask; • How long will it take? • How much will it cost? • Workplace policies for processing payments • To process payments for a customer you need to know the cost of the service they had, plus any products purchased and how the customers wants to pay the amount owed. You must be accurate when determining the cost to save embarrassing situations. • These may include methods of payments such as; • Cash. • Credit cards. • Personal cheque. • EFTPOS (Electronic Fund Transfer at Point of Sale). • Some general rules to remember when processing a • client’s payment. • Do not rush the client. • Invite the client to make a follow up appointment. • Help the client with the door. • Thank the client for coming in to the clinic and tell them • you are looking forward to their next appointment. FORMATIVE TASK 6. CREATE A CLIENT BROCHURE LISTING OPENNG HOURS, THE TYPES OF SERVICE, THE LENGTH OF EACH SERVICE AND THE PRICES FOR EACH SERVICE THAT YOU OFFER IN YOUR MASSAGE CLINIC. DOCUMENT You are to create a well presented client brochure that you would use in your clinic to give to clients. It is to have the name, location and contact details of the business as well as clinic policies for late arrivals, cancellations, no shows and payment types accepted. It must look professional. Submit your brochure to your facilitator. Book one
Risk management • Responsibilities of clinic management. • Provide written policies for the safe handling and disposal of materials. • Ensure training is provided to staff in handling and disposal of waste matter. • Ensure the availability of materials for adhering to the clinic’s cough and sneezing hygiene policy. • Ensure adequate supplies of personal protection equipment is available to staff. • Provide opportunities for clinic staff to share information with clients. • Ensure adequate supplies of cleaning and sterilising materials are available. • Reinforce the importance of hand washing and provide access to hand hygiene amenities in accordance with regulations. • Prepare a compliance standard document for following relevant Occupational Health and Safety directives. • Document cleaning procedures and locate information in staff room where staff can follow instructions. • Develop a cleaning roster. • Ensure cleaning equipment is of a high standard and in good working order. • Ensure adequate linen and laundry supplies are available. • Develop a waste management procedures document that incorporates infectious waste. • Develop a monitoring system for determining the effectiveness of infection control procedures. Duty of care. Duty of care always exists between a massage therapist and a client when an agreement is made for an appointment for a treatment. Duty of care also applies for a massage therapist when a client enters the clinic, when advice is given either by phone, email, face to face or written. It also applies to the treatment provided and to persons related to the client as well as to other practitioners within the clinic. A therapist can breach the duty of care if they fail to provide a reasonable standard of care. This includes failure to maintain equipment in a safe standard, use an oil client is allergic to as well as failure to maintain safe standards such as slippery floors or loose rugs. It also includes failure to act on a contraindication to treatment, maintain client’s privacy and confidentiality and maintain adequate hygiene standards. A client has the right to report any breach of duty of care to legal representatives. Book one
Hand hygiene Hand hygiene is one of the most important procedures for preventing the transmission of infections. The purpose of hand washing is to remove microbial contamination acquired by recent contact with infected clients or objects to remove contamination with organic matter from the hands. A practitioner should always wash their hands; • Before and after contact with clients. • After completing invasive procedures. • After situations where hands have come in contact with body fluids and body excretions. • After using the toilet. • After sneezing or coughing into hands. • After handling contaminate material and waste matter. • After removing gloves. • Before and after eating. • Before leaving work. A hand wash basin should be close to the treatment area with at least one dedicated hand wash basin per four treatment rooms. This basin must only be used for hand washing. Plain soap or antiseptic soap must be provided. There should be an ample supply of hand drying material. Factors influencing infections. In a clinic the most common susceptible hosts are clients and practitioners. The main modes of transmission of infectious agents is contact through blood, droplets and airborne bacteria. The modes of transmission vary by type of organism. In some cases the same organism may be transmitted by more than one route. Transmission of infection can also occur from common sources such as contaminated food, water, medications and equipment. Dispose of gloves immediately into a bin after use Book one
Routine cleaning of the clinic • Cleaning should be performed on a routine basis. A neutral detergent should be used for general cleaning. Disinfectants must not be used for general cleaning and if the product is cloudy it must not be used. Aerosol cleaning agents are not recommended for use in a salon environment. The use of specific dust pads reduces the spread of dust particles and is preferred over dry dusting. Brushes must be washed, thermally disinfected and stored dry at the end of each day. • Clothing contaminated with blood or body substances should be removed as soon as possible. Massage practitioners must wash their hands and all affected areas after the removal of their personal protective equipment. Blood or body substance exposure must be reported in accordance with the salons health policy. • Personal protective equipment such as general purpose rubber gloves, fluid resistant masks, eye protection and fluid resistant aprons should be worn when cleaning equipment to protect against being splashed and sprayed with cleaning agents. • Work surfaces including benches, couches, chairs, treatment beds, walls, floors and blinds must be cleaned routinely and when visibly soiled. Frequently touched surfaces such as computer keyboards, telephones, handrails, door knobs and tap handles should be the focus of routine cleaning. Curtains should be changed and laundered when visibly soiled. Carpets should be vacuumed daily and steam cleaned on a regular basis. Periodic cleaning of high areas, ceiling vents and infrequently accessed fixtures is also required. Cleaning equipment must be stored dry in-between use. It should be well maintained with the aim to minimise the dispersion of dust during use. • Clinics must select disinfectants that are listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). They must; • be appropriate for the purpose they are to be used. • be able to be used safely and be suitable for epidemiologically important micro-organisms. • Manufacturer’s instructions will provide information on the amount, dilution and contact time of the disinfectant. Book one
Personal Protective Equipment (ppe) • Allergic reactions may vary from head to head and can happen after years of using the same product. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that employees are provided with specific personal protective equipment. • These may include; PPE should; • Gloves. 1. Meet the relevant Australian standard. • Clothing. 2. Be appropriate to its application. • Masks. 3. Be issued to an individual, not shared. • Eye protection. 4. Be properly, stored, cleaned and maintained. • Aprons. • Footwear. • Exposure to blood and body substances may be from; • Direct contact, e.g. applying first aid to a bleeding client. • Indirect contact, e.g. handling contaminated equipment. • Blood or body substances do not have to be visible on an instrument for an infection to be transmitted. • When you are dealing with blood, gloves should be worn to avoid contamination. Any contaminated equipment must be cleaned and disinfected. Disposing of waste materials, especially hazardous substances, through the sewage system has a negative impact on local freshwater and marine ecosystems. All waste management should be as environmentally friendly as possible. All waste products must be tipped into layers of old newspapers and wrapped up. This should then be placed in the rubbish bin. Sharp instruments must be disposed of into the ‘sharps’ container. • Disposable gloves may cause a sensitivity to latex over a period of time. Latex is used extensively in the manufacture of disposable gloves. Cornstarch powder is often used in latex to make them easier to put on. Latex proteins are absorbed into the cornstarch powder. The powder then irritates the skin causing the allergic reaction. Latex sensitivity usually leads to dry, raw skin. Severe reactions can result in sustained dermatitis with blisters. Employers should provide powder free, low allergen gloves. Book one
Recording accidents and incidents • Legislation requires that records must be kept of all work injuries, work-related illnesses or dangerous occurrences that happen in the workplace. If the injury causes death or hospitalisation, the Division of Workplace Health and Safety must be notified. • This information may be required if legal action is brought against you as result of an incident in the workplace. It can also be used to identify risk groups, detect causes of work related injury/illness and assess methods of how the incident could have been prevented. • Records should be kept to help recall; • 1. Who was injured. • 2. How much work time was lost. • 3. What type of injury/illness it was. • 4. How often this type of injury/illness occurred. • Safety signs. • Worksafe Australia state that safety signs are designed to prevent accidents, signify health hazards, indicate the location of safety and fire protection equipment, or for giving guidance and instruction in an emergency. • Fire extinguishers. • Federal regulations require that employers who provide portable fire extinguishers in the workplace should also provide training on how to use them. Fire extinguishers in the workplace should be placed where they can be easily seen and within easy reach. This ensures that they can be accessed quickly while a fire is still small. It is important to know how to use your fire extinguisher. Make sure that you know the location of fire extinguishers, escape routes and any other safety procedures. A red slash through any symbol tells you the extinguisher cannot be used on that class of fire. Sharps container Book one
Risks and hazards • Everyone in a business needs to work together to eliminate workplace hazards and find practical ways of protecting the safety and health of everyone in the clinic. • A hazard is exposure to danger which can affect; • 1. People; illness, injury, trauma or death. • 2. Property; damage, wastage, contamination. • 3. Processes; disruption to work processes. • A risk is the probability of someone being hurt through exposure to the hazard. • Risk assessment. • After a hazard has been identified the next step is to assess the risk. Assessing the risk is a simple process which considers the number of people at work. • Is the risk minor and unlikely to occur? • Is the risk minor but will occur frequently? • Is the risk great? If so, the solution might be to change work arrangements. • When assessing a risk you need to consider the; • Nature of the hazard. • Severity of the hazard and any health effects that may occur. • Duration and how often a person may be exposed to the hazard. • Probability that risk will occur. Emergency phone numbers. For ambulance, fire or police the number in Australia is OOO. Every emergency requires different actions. Another emergency number is 112 which can be dialled from anywhere in the world with GSM coverage and this is automatically translated to that country’s emergency number. People with a hearing or speech impairment can dial 106 from a phone line connected to a Teletypewriter or from a computer with a modem. Book one
Infection in the workplace Aninfectious disease is caused by germs that are passed on from one person to another by breathing in, contact or eating. Bacteria, fungi, virus or animal parasites can also cause infections. Disinfection and infection control. A business owner is responsible for preventing the spread of infection by ensuring careful cleaning and disinfecting procedures are conducted within the business premises. Poor housekeeping can contribute to infections from unsanitary items. The Act outlines the sterilisation and disinfection control procedures, which must be carried out to prevent the spread of disease. Infection control risk management is a systematic approach towards identifying, managing and minimising exposure to sources of infection risks in the health organisation. Sterilisation is the destruction of all living organisms, including spores. Decontamination is a process that renders equipment, or environmental surfaces safe to handle by cleaning and disinfection or sterilisation, destroying pathogenic and other kinds of micro-organisms by thermal or chemical means. Disinfection is less lethal than sterilisation, because it destroys the majority of recognised pathogenic micro-organisms, but not necessarily all microbial forms (eg bacterial spores). Disinfection does not ensure the degree of safety associated with sterilisation processes. Book one
Sustainable environmental practices • These may include; • Separating waste at the point of where it is generated. • Safe disposal of all waste materials to minimise negative impact on the environment. • Efficient use of energy, water and other resources to minimise negative impact on the environment. • Redesigning layout of premises to maximise the use of space and reduce energy costs. • Ensuring the practice of waste minimisation and recycling is conducted to reduce impact on the environment. • Comparing availability of products, equipment and services and adjusting their use to minimise negative impact on the environment. • Using effective time management practices throughout daily work activities. • Waste management system. • A waste management system refers to a specific strategy used to treat waste materials. This may include the collection, transportation, recycling, disposal or processing of waste. The term waste generally means unwanted or unusable material. Waste could be human waste, industrial waste, hazardous waste or biodegradable waste. Ensure that the waste material is correctly placed in its nominated container. • Four categories of waste reduction. • Managing inventory – implement just-in-time procedures by not holding stock and ordering when stocks are low. • Modifying production processes – improving current operation and maintenance procedures, changing the materials used in production and modifying existing equipment or purchasing more cost efficient equipment. • Reducing waste volume – techniques for separating hazardous waste and/or recoverable waste from overall waste. • Recovering waste – recycling activities. Recycling is the procedure of • making used or unwanted products into new remanufactured products. • The procedure of recycling is unique in the sense that the products are • recycled in such a way that the materials that are left after the • remanufacturing are considered essential. Book one
Sustainable business practices • Achieving sustainability in a business also involves ethical work practices. These include the responsibilities of staff and management towards evaluating products and services to meet client’s needs and affordability. • Employee responsibilities. • Meeting the requirements for carrying out daily duties efficiently. • Participating in efficient use of time management practices whilst conducting services. • Updating skills on a regular basis for performance improvement. • Communicating with clients effectively so that no misunderstandings occur. • Work effectively in a team environment. • Developing effective literacy, numeracy and technology skills to enable the correct use of products following manufacturers’ instructions. • Employer responsibilities. • Providing a non-discriminative environment where staff and clients are treated equally and fairly. • Fulfilling duties as an employer by providing a safe and workable environment. • Ordering suitable products for clients according to their needs and economic circumstances. • Providing an open communication environment where employees are encouraged to participate in policy procedures. • Providing opportunities for employees to develop further skills to enhance their work performance. Book one
ASSESSMENT A. WRITTEN KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS 3. Your facilitator will arrange for your participation in these knowledge questions. This completes the learning material for these units. Book one