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Katherine Gray-Donald, PhD

Katherine Gray-Donald, PhD. Being a little overweight is protective for your health Losing weight means losing muscle mass so be careful. THE GOOD NEWS. Probabilité de demeurer à domicile pour la personne âgee avec et sans perte de poids.

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Katherine Gray-Donald, PhD

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Katherine Gray-Donald, PhD

  2. Being a little overweight is protective for your health Losing weight means losing muscle mass so be careful THE GOOD NEWS

  3. Probabilité de demeurer à domicile pour la personne âgee avec et sans perte de poids. Payette H, Coulombe C, Boutier V, Gray-Donald K. Nutritional risk factors for institutionalization in a free-living functionally dependent elderly population. J Clin Epidemiol 2000;53:579-87.

  4. Impact de la nutrition chez la personne âgee Diminution des risques de morbidités chroniques Cancer Diabètes MCV Préservation de la masse maigre

  5. Apport en énergie, ESCC 2004

  6. Macronutriments Énergie Protéines Glucides Lipides

  7. Micronutriments

  8. Vitamin D levels are low without supplements, particularly in winter • Calcium intakes can be low depending on diet • (but large supplements are not advised) • Sodium levels are far too high Almost ¾ is in processed foods

  9. Calcium and vitamin D dietary reference intakes by life stage

  10. Prepare for a long happy Advice Advice for a healthy retirement Time to follow your interests in relation to food Time to exercise Recipes/ nutrients in foods Canadian Nutrient file food search/ Canadian Food Guide

  11. Advice from an older study participant She died years ago. A stroke. … Most of these (elderly) have awfully bad ideas about meals. A lot of old people… … They eat, little bits of things. I, I could eat a horse! ... That’s why I’m, 91 and … counting!" Advice from someone older "No, I have, I had a friend, she used to ask me to come to lunch. And she has the craziest lunch I used to tell her, I had lunch before so I couldn’t have. But she’d have toast and tea and maybe a little sliver of cheese and that’d be lunch. And I thought, God!...She’s just, it’s just that she couldn’t eat. She said ‘I couldn’t eat a lot’. You know. … …

  12. Leçcons apprises • Les apports en vitamine D son suffisants chez les personnes prenant des suppléments • Les besoins en protéines sont possiblement plus élevés que les recommendations actuelles • L’éducation en regard des apports en sodium est importante • Prévenir vaut mieux que guérir

  13. MERCI!

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