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Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve –Measure Screening Results. New Measure Proposal February 19th , 2014. Measure background. Measure Name: Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve Likely Measure Type: UES Likely Measure Category: Provisional
Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve –Measure Screening Results New Measure Proposal February 19th, 2014
Measure background • Measure Name: Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve • Likely Measure Type: UES • Likely Measure Category: Provisional • Measure Sector: Residential • End-Use: Hot Water • Proposing Party: ShowerStart, LLC • Interested Party: Southern California Gas, Ucons
Measure Definition and Specifications • Device works by slowing the water down to a trickle once the hot water reaches the valve, thus saving the hot water that would be wasted down the drain when the shower is not being attended. • In CA this measure is bundled with low flow showerheads.
Behavioral Waste Reduced by Thermostatic Restriction Valves • Original LBNL research (Lutz, 2011) investigated 36 shower events in 3 households. • Only 5 events provided usable data. • Recent study by the same author collected usable data from 60 shower events (8 homes, 13 bathrooms) • Study yet to be published by LBNL • Behavioral hot water waste occurs for approximately 45 seconds.
Measure Screening Assumptions • Water temperature and shower use assumptions taken from (UES) Low Flow Showerheads measure workbook. • Inlet mains temperature is assumed to be 55 degrees F. • Mixed water temperature is calculated to be 108 – 111 degrees F, depending on showerhead flow rate. • 370 showers per year, per showerhead • Savings for four distinct showerheads with flowrate - 2.5, 2, 1.75, and 1.5 GPM. • Electric water heater tank efficiency is assumed to be 100 %. • Heat Pump COP assumed to be 2.5.
Measure Screening Assumptions • No NEBs were taken into account. • Accounting for NEBs would increase the cost effectiveness of the measure. • Measure cost assumed to be $16. Cost estimate provided by ShowerStart, LLC. • Measure life assumed to be 10 years. • Measure life provided by ShowerStart (10,000 cycles) exceeded 10 years which is RTF approved EUL for showerheads. • ShowerStart EUL estimate verified by IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials – ANSI certified)
Staff Assessment • Staff believes that this measure could be developed as a Provisional UES Measure • Measure is cost effective based on initial screening tests. • Staff to conduct a detailed review of the experimental data provided by LBNL. • Staff to draft a Provisional UES Measure workbook and research plan. • Research plan will detail additional data required to develop this measure into a UES measure.
RTF Proposed Motion: “I _________ move that the RTF: (Pick one) • allocate staff resources towards developing a Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve Provisional UES measure, or • not allocate staff resources to developing a Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve Provisional UES measure.”
Refrigeration Cycle Optimization –Staff Technology Review New Measure Proposal February 19th, 2014
Technology Definition and Specifications • Instruments make it possible to attain system performance data to optimize refrigeration and cooling system operation • ClimaCheck manufactures two types of equipment that meet this specification: • Portable Installation: Portable ClimaCheck can be connected to a desired system; it will provide equipment performance documentation within 30 minutes of connection. • Fixed Installation: Fixed ClimaCheck equipment will provide continuous monitoring of equipment performance and energy consumption. Immediate feedback provided if maintenance required.
Actions Taken Since Last Meeting • RTF asked staff to further investigate the use of this technology as a tool to estimate savings, or as a Standard Protocol. • RTF Staff further reviewed the Refrigeration Cycle Optimization technology and found technology to be sound. • RTF Staff review was aided by Bob Davis (Ecotope). • Staff spoke with James Anthony (BPA Contractor) and ClimaCheck to understand the energy efficiency measures this technology could best serve.
Staff Assessment • Staff recommends that Refrigeration Cycle Optimization technology is a good tool to understand potential savings and system performance. • This technology is not a measure in itself. • BPA contractor (James Anthony) thinks this technology could help better understand EER of grocery store refrigeration systems. • A large number of grocery measures would benefit from a better understanding of EER. • He will investigate the usefulness of this technology and keep RTF staff up to date of his findings and any data that is collected through this effort. • Staff will keep this technology in mind while drafting Standard Protocols for refrigeration and HVAC measures in the future. • No further staff action required.