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IS C ED: I ntern a tional Standa r d Classification o f E duc a tion ( U N ES C O )

T-EST Transfer of Employment Support Tools for People with Disabilities Possible ways for qualification and further integration for people with disabilities in Austria. Austrian . U n i v e rs i t i es. U n i v e rs i ty C ollege s of. F a c h h o c h - s c hu l e n.

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IS C ED: I ntern a tional Standa r d Classification o f E duc a tion ( U N ES C O )

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  1. T-EST Transfer ofEmployment Support Tools for People withDisabilitiesPossiblewaysforqualificationandfurtherintegrationforpeoplewithdisabilities inAustria

  2. Austrian Universities University Collegesof Fachhoch-schulen AustrianEducationalSystem Dr.,PhD Ag TeacherEducation Doctoral programme min.6sem. (ISCED6) MEd,MSc... MSc, MBA… Postgraduate universitycourse min.2sem. (ISCED5A) Post-graduate course min.4sem. (ISCED5A) Master ... Master programme min.4sem. (ISCED5A) Mag., Dipl.-Ing. Master ... Master programme 2–4sem. (ISCED5A) Mag. (FH), Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bac. BEd Bac.(FH) Bachelorprogramme 6–8sem. (ISCED5A) Diplomaprogramme 8–12sem. (ISCED5A) Diplomaprogramme 8–10sem. (ISCED5A) Educationand trainingforhealth professions 2,5–3years (ISCED3B,4B,5B) Schoolsfor master-craftsmen, foremen,con- structiontrades 2years (ISCED5B) Post-secondary VETcourse 4sem. (ISCED5B) 18andolder Coursesat (tertiary) educational institutions (ISCED4C,5B) Bachelor programme 6sem. (ISCED5A) Bachelor programme 6sem. (ISCED5A) Highereducationentranceexamination, Secondaryschoolleavingcertificate(“Matura”), VETdiplomaexamination Berufsreifeprüfung Vocationalschoolforapprentices upto4years(ISCED3B) Pre-vocationalschool (ISCED3C) 19 14-18 AcademicsecondaryschoolLowerlevel (ISCED2) Newsecondaryschool (ISCED2) Generalsecondaryschool (ISCED2) Special(SEN)school (ISCED1,2) 10-14 Conventionalschools Primaryschool(ISCED1) Special schools 6-10 ISCED:InternationalStandardClassification ofEducation(UNESCO) Kindergarten(ISCED0) -6

  3. A definingcharacteristicofthe Austrian systemisthe 4-year primaryeducation, followedby a secondaryeducation • Austria has a freeandpublicschoolsystem, and • 9 yearsofeducationaremandatory • The decision whether a disadvantaged child will be educated in a special needs school or in a conventional school rests with the parents of the child or other persons vested with the right of education.

  4. Conventional schools (primary and secondary schools) • Special Education and Integration: legal regulations provide for the possibility of integrated teaching of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in primary schools and (since 1997) in lower secondary schools and in the lower level of secondary academic schools. • There are specially trained teachers to whom students may turn for information, guidance, counselling in decision taking processes, assistance and individual counselling. • They provide students in certain subjects (2 to 4 hours a week) and in general study work (2 to 6 hours a week).

  5. Sonderschulen • Sonderschulen, nameforspecialschools (classes) introduced in 1956 • Such schoolswerefirstestablished in Austria in 1885, at firstonlyformentallyhandicappedchildren • From1959 thename was also usedforschoolsforphysicallyhandicappedchildren(Schools fortheDisabled) • The system was re-organisedcomprehensively in 1962 • Nowadays, in additionto Sonderschulen forchildrenwithlearningdifficultiesthereare also Sonderschulen forphysicallyhandicappedchildren, childrenhavingspeechimpediments, auditivelychallengedchildren, visuallyhandicapped, blind andseverelydisabledchildren; andspecialschoolsforchildrenwithchallengingbehaviour. • As faraspossible, childrenattending Sonderschulen aretaughtthe same curriculaaschildrenprimaryschoolsandsecondaryschools

  6. VET-training modelsforPwD (bytheexampleof Jugend am Werk) • „Integrative Berufsbildung“ - Integrative VocationalTraining (including professional orientationandpreparation) – students (age 15-25) • „Eingliederungshilfe Arbeitstraining“ - Integration Assistance – Vocationaltraining(independentofage) • „Werkstätten“ - Workshops (forpeople with a serious disability -independentofage)

  7. I. Integrative VocationalTraining (includingvocationalorientationandprofessionpreparation) • Supervision is incumbent by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (national level) and regulatedin thevocationaltrainingact(Berufsausbildungsgesetz) since 2003 • The contractingauthority: Public Employment Service • Target group • Young peoplebetweenage15-25, which … • couldnot beplaced in a regularapprenticeship • hadspecialeducationalneeds at school • havespecialneedsbecauseoflearningdisabilities • have an official reply to support the occupationalintegration(as defined by Austrian law: StyrianProvincialDisability Act)

  8. Framework conditions • 6 monthsvoctionalorientation(inhouseworkshops: metalworking, woodworking, electronics, tradeandcleaning, kitchenrange) • 6 monthsvocational (profession) preparation(inhouseworkshopsandpracticalcourses in cooperationwithenterprises) Extended apprenticeship training Electronic area Assignmentvia Labour Market Services Kitchen-area Wood-working Initial education courses Vocationalpreparation Vocationalorientation Information partial qualification Metalworking Trading/ Cleaning Taster-daysInternal workshops

  9. After 1 yearofvocationalorientationandpreparation , thetrainingprovidesfortwo alternatives: • Extended apprenticeship - prolongation of an apprenticeship training duration by one year or, in exceptional cases, by up to two years • Partial qualification (of one to three years' training duration) by restriction to certain parts of an occupational profile of an apprenticeship. Extended apprenticeship training Electronic area Kitchen-area Wood-working Vocationalpreparation Vocationalorientation Metalworking partial qualification Initial educationcourses Trading/ Cleaning

  10. Benefitsforyoungpeople • Vocationalorientationandpreparation: • -get self-confidences and as a result develop their capacities and skills by doing in a shelteredsurrounding - diagnosticaboutoccupationalaptitude - practicalworkshoptrainingandpracticaltraining in enterprises • Integrative vocationaltraining:- long-time practicaltraining in enterprises - individual coaching - socialandeducational care - professional school

  11. The final goalofthevocationaltrainingis:- a final apprenticeshipexamintionor - an acquisitionofthe partial qualification … andfinallyemploymentandintegrationintothelabourmarket

  12. Supervision is currently incumbent by theProvincialGovernmentofStyria • The prerequisiteforpeopletogetthis „service“ is … • tohavean official reply for „Integration assistanceandvocationaltraining“(as defined by the Styrian Provincial Disability Act, including the corresponding service and fee regulation (LEVO)) – timely limited to a maximum of 1 or 2 years II. Integration Assistance – Vocationaltraining • OUR Target group • Mostlyyoungerpeoplewhoare not abletoattend a integrative vocationaltraining • People withmultiple disabilities (e.g. autismus…) andthereforewith with a barrier related to the fact that they are not able to learn or work over a specific period of time to, make the access of these groups to vocational training and working opportunities very restricted

  13. The procedureis individualanddepents on thespecialneedsoftheclient: • Practical work-abilitytesting(by integration assistance) • Profession orientation • Vocationalpreparationduringpracticalworkplacements • Training of orientation and mobility training as well as living skills The aim should be … - starting a job - or if possible, for young people to start an integrative vocational training

  14. Benefitsare…. • At the beginning of the training there is no bound to schedule (could be between 1 hour up to 8 hours per day) • The vocational plan ofeachclientis individual anddepents on thespecialneeds • Work-abilitytestingallowstolearnpracticalskills • Practicalworkplacementscreatecertaintyandtrust in theirownpersonality • Startingwith an allowanceduringthework-abilitytesting – uptocover of living by the Public Employment Service

  15. III. „Werkstätten“ - Workshops Sheltered work gives people with disabilities the opportunity to take part in daily work in a sheltered setting where they receive personal support services. • Trainees are mostly producing goods that have a commercial value. • The clients are performing a variety of tasks and are provided with work experience and the opportunity to socialize with peers.Benefits for PwD Disadvantages for PwD - socialize with peers - no salary (just allowance) - daily structure - low self-empowerment - sheltered working-area - less possibilitiesfordevelopment - exclusionfromsociety

  16. JaWisrunningseveral Workshops (forsaleofproducts) in theprovinceofStyria: Restaurants & catering Wood productionMetalworking

  17. dislocatedworkshops Add-on offers:in cooperationwithDigital competencecompaniesArtistic / creativefocus(seriesproduction) Outdoor activities/ sport Practicallifeskills Gardening Ceramic

  18. Workshops - new Paths in the Employment of People with Disabilities • Person-centredapproaches • System-benefit: usethisworkingpre-accessionprocessfortrainingand preparation in thelabourmarket (foreachpersonindividually) • Vocationalorientationthroughtheabilitytomove between different working environments • Gainingknowledgethroughwork-placement activities on thefreelabourmarket

  19. Our goal: getting PwD out of “sheltered” Workshops and into the labourmarket Success-Story :I‘m fine! I like my job at the dry cleaner‘s very much. I manage to work with the machines. I learned a lot at the workshop but it‘s good to work here now. And it was good that jobcoaching had started during internship. I was well-prepared and supported. I‘m still in touch with my advisor from the workshop. I‘m glad that everything worked out so well.“ After 15 years, Martina R. had managed the transfer from the ironing services at the workshops to regular employment. In the meantime, she has got her own flat, her employers are very satisfied and she leads a self-determined and autonomous life. Ms Martina Rosenkranz‘ success is representative of our employees‘ ambition to qualify our clients for the first labour market. She is one example of many that shows us why we give our energy to our customers, even if the general conditions are a real challenge.

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