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Health PSA. Dave Kim, Chris Boyle, Chris Arvanitis. Obesity Progression. The Obesity Epidemic. Obesity- excessive weight for one’s height. 45 million Americans are obese, 25% of U.S. population is overwei g ht. Causes a 50% greater risk of premature death.
Health PSA Dave Kim, Chris Boyle, Chris Arvanitis
The Obesity Epidemic • Obesity- excessive weight for one’s height. • 45 million Americans are obese, 25% of U.S. population is overweight. • Causes a 50% greater risk of premature death. • Caused by overeating, a lack of exercise, a low-thyroid level, or as a response to stress.
Nutrition • A healthy diet provides the right number of calories to keep one’s weight in a desriable range keeping the intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water in the proper balance. • Fast food is a meal that is mass-produced and often sold by franchised restaurants.
Contributing Factors: Technology • Consumers spent $25.1 billion on video games/accessories in 2010. • Total Facebook users: 155,701,780 • The Average American watches 4 hours of television a day. • Average child watches TV for 1,680 minutes a week.
Economy • Fast food corporations generate approx. $165 billion in revenue annually. • There are 184,200 fast food businesses. • Advertising penetrates markets that cover all demographics.
Progression through Generations • U.S. obesity rates show a slight increase from 1960 to 1980. • But more than twice as many U.S. adults were classified as obese in 2000 than in 1960. • Today 3 out of 10 Americans are obese.
Where to put the blame? • Obesity is a by-product of the American culture and economy. • Technology has had both a positive and negative effect on people’s health. • A healthy lifestyle begins as a child and these habits are instilled by adults. • The government can put a greater emphasis on health but it comes down to each individual to make a difference.
A Healthier Future • The government needs to instill healthy habits into schools, through better lunch options and a more rigorous physical education program. • Fitness can not be viewed as a burden but as a daily part of each person’s life. Small steps need to be taken each day for people’s health to improve.
Dietary changes • Based upon height and weight, people need to set the amount of calories they need per day. • Home made meals can help people reach their health goals more efficiently and for less money.
The Role of the Family • In most families today, both the mother and father work. • For this reason, it becomes even more important for parents to help their kids understand what is healthy.
Work Cited • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USObesityRate1960-2004.svg • http://www.theesa.com/facts/econdata.asp • http://www.socialbakers.com/facebook-statistics/united-states • http://www.insidefacebook.com/2010/02/16/nielsen-facebook-occupied-7-hours-of-the-average-us-users-january/ • http://www.csun.edu/science/health/docs/tv&health.html • http://www.legitgov.org/comment/rec_report_140110.html • http://www.nwitimes.com/business/local/article_94720907-7d6b-5de7-9376-6177e9cd2072.html • http://www.ers.usda.gov/AmberWaves/February05/Features/ThePriceIsRight.htm • Encyclopedia of the Digestive System and Digestive Disorders. • Basic Nutrition, Eating Right. An Introduction to Human Nutrition.