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Wettability at elevated temperatures. FIRRE UNITECR 2011, October 30 – November 2, Kyoto Prof. C. G. Aneziris aneziris@ikgb.tu-freiberg.de. Topics. Surface and interfacial energies Gibbs equation Dupré equation Wetting behaviour of ideal solid surfaces Young equation
Wettability at elevated temperatures FIRRE UNITECR 2011, October 30 – November 2, Kyoto Prof. C. G. Aneziris aneziris@ikgb.tu-freiberg.de
Topics • Surface and interfacial energies • Gibbs equation • Dupré equation • Wetting behaviour of ideal solid surfaces • Young equation • Microscopic and macroscopic contact angles • Effect of systemsize • High-temperature wettabilityof non ideal surfaces • Equipment • Microstructure-assisted • Electro-assisted • Contributionofwettability on meltcorrosionofrefractories • Penetration ofslagintorefractories • Dissolution ofrefractoriesintoslag • Moltenslagviscosity • Crystallitegrowthprocesses 2
Surface and interfacial energies * Solid / Liquid / Vapour System: the total free energy of the system F the surface area defined by GIBBS (1961) for SOLIDS: the work needed for reversible creation of a solid surface S at constant strain by breaking bonds to increase the number of solid atoms (or molecules) in contact with a vapour V, SV= solid surface energy T – temperature V – volume ni – number of moles of component i Creation of a solid surface (shaded) by cleavage * 3 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
Surface and interfacial energies * Solid / Liquid / Vapour System: the total free energy of the system F the surface area defined by GIBBS (1961) for SOLIDS: the work needed for creation of a solid surface S without increasing the number of surface atoms by purely elastic strain of the solid in contact with a vapour V, SV= solid surface tension = macroscopic elastic strain Creation of a solid surface (shaded) by elastic deformation* 4 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
Surface and interfacial energies Solid / Liquid / Vapour System: the total free energy of the system F the surface area Defined by GIBBS (1961) for LIQUIDS: the work needed for reversible creation of additional surface of a liquid L in contact with a vapour V, LV= liquid surface energy the reversible stretching of a liquid surface is identifical to a reversible creation of new surface; the liquid can increase its surface area only by the addition of new atoms to the surface, LV= liquid surface tension T – temperature V – volume ni – number of moles of component i 5
Surface and interfacial energies * Solid / Liquid / Vapour System: interface of two non-reactive phases = interfacial energy Wc = the work of cohesion in a pure liquid or pure solid defined by DUPRÉ the work of adhesion (1869): the reversible work needed for cleavage on the boundaries of two non-reactive phases (liquid and solid), Wa= the work of adhesion SL – solid/liquid interfacial energy 6
Example: Meltfiltration a) Metalmeltwithoutfiltration b) Filtration c) Filtratedmetal 7 Aneziris, Jung, SFB 920 proposal 2011
Janke, D.; Raiber, K.: Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Filtration von Stahlschmelzen. Technische Forschung Stahl, Luxemburg: Amt für amtliche Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, 1996. – ISBN 92-827-6458-3 8
Equationsforfiltrationof non metallic inclusions (1) Work of adhesion to separate two phases Work of cohesion to create two new surfaces (2) (3) (5) (4) (5) 9
Wetting behaviour of ideal solid surfaces (the solid surfaceisverticaland TL isperpendiculartothe plane ofthe fig. andassumetobe a straigthline; the total lengthof TL isconstantduringitsdisplacement, as in thecaseof a meniscusformed on a vertical plate) Displacement of a triple line around its equilibrium position that allows derivation of the Young equation.* 10 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
The surface free energy Fs of the system caused by a small displacement z of the solid/liquid /vapour triple line. The radius r of the triple line region is much larger than the range of atomic or molecular interactions in the system. For metallic and ionocovalent ceramics: The variation of interfacial free energy Fs per unit length of triple line (small linear displacement z): The equilibrium conditions: leads to Youngequation: Displacement of a triple line around its equilibrium position that allows derivation of the Young equation.* 11 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
Conditions: solid surface flat, undeformable, perfectly smooth, chemically homogeneous liquid non-reactive, does not completely cover the solid vapour phase contact angle between liquid surface and solid surface, scale of wetting behaviour of the liquid The equilibrium value of the contact angle obeys the classical equation of YOUNG (1805): LV 12
Wetting liquid – < 90° Non-wetting liquid – > 90° drop Perfect wetting liquid – = 0° Non-wetting liquid – = 180° 13
local nanometric (microscopic) contact angle macroscopic contact angle M * The energyof an atomlying on a giveninterfaceinside a sphereofradiusrcis different totheenergyof an atomatthe same interfacefarfromthetripleline. The three relevant interfacialenergiesSV, SL, LVclosetoandfarfromthetriplelineare different andthisdifferenceincreasewiththerangeatomic interactions. 14 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
Sessile drop configuration during wetting: effect of system size * drop size r increase with rc the relevant contact angle is no longer Young contact angle Y but the microscopic contact angle concept of line energy the increase R of the drop base radius R leads to an increase of the triple line length the triple line can be treated as an equilibrium line defect with a specific excess free energy The variation of interfacial free energy during wetting in the sessile drop configuration is: The equilibrium conditions: leads to: for R < 100 nm Top view of a sessile drop during spreading.* 15 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
Solid / Liquid / Vapour System: effect of the curvature of the liquid/vapour surface * defined by LAPLACE (1805) for LIQUIDS and VAPOURS: the curvature at each point Q of the Liquid / Vapour surface in the gravitational field PLQ – pressure on the liquid side of the surface PVQ– pressure on the vapour side of the surface LV–liquid surface energy R1, R2– principal radii at point Q The principal radii of curvature R1 and R2 at a point Q on a curved liquid surface. * 16
The total free energy change F can be calculated when a liquid surface initially in a horizontal position (z* = 0, = 90°) is raised (or depressed) to form a meniscus of height z*, corresponding to a contact angle . The contact angle can be determined by minimizing F as a function of z*. For a triple line of unit length, the total free energy change F is (Neumann and Good, 1972): – A0 90° + A 90 180° vapour solid liquid vapour solid liquid 17 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all. Meniscus rise on a vertical wall when < 90° (a) and depression when > 90° (b).*
The total free energy change F can be calculated when a liquid surface initially in a horizontal position (z* = 0, = 90°) is raised (or depressed) to form a meniscus of height z*, corresponding to a contact angle . The contact angle can be determined by minimizing F as a function of z*. For any rise z*of the meniscus, z* and are related by: + z*0 90° – z* 90 180° The capillary length lc is the maximum rise of a liquid on a perfectly wetted vertical plate. • lc – capillary length • – liquid density • g – gravity vapour solid liquid vapour solid liquid 18 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all. Meniscus rise on a vertical wall when < 90° (a) and depression when > 90° (b).*
Solid / Liquid / Vapour System: metastable and stable equilibrium contact angles * After spreading of a liquid droplet: (a) metastable equilibrium: Young angle Y conditions: only displacements of the triple line parallel to an undeformable Solid / Vapour surface (b) stable equilibrium: dihedral angles 1, 2, 3 conditions: deformation of the solid close to triple line as displacement h defined by SMITH (1948): (c) total equilibrium: equilibrium at the triple line and along the whole Solid / Liquid interface are attained conditions: unchanging curvature at any point of the Solid / Liquid interface (a small liquid droplet on the surface of another immiscible liquid) (a)* (b)* (c)* 19 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
Solid / Liquid / Vapour System: metastable and stable equilibrium contact angles * The stable equilibrium in terms of the three dihedral angles 1, 2, 3can be obtained by regarding the displacement h of the triple line as two elementary displacements, one perpendicular to the intersections of the Liquid / Vapour surface (h1) and one perpendicular to the intersection of the Solid / Liquid interface (h2). Assuming isotropic Solid / Vapour and Solid / Liquid surface and interfacial energies, the interfacial free energy change Fsfor the displacements h1and h2 is: The equilibrium conditions: , leads to: and defined by SMITH (1948): Displacement of the triple line around ist equilibrium position when the solid is deformable.* 20
The actual triple line configuration observed after certain time of contact between the solid • and liquid phases depends on the scale of observation and on the relative rates of two processes: • the movement of triple line over large distances to satisfy the YOUNG equation • the distortion of triple line to satisfy locally the more general SMITH equation • Non-reactive Solid / Vapour couples • (molten metals, certain oxide melts at high temperature): • the lateral movement of the triple line is • very fast (< 10-1 sec. for mm-size-droplets) • the high of wetting ridge h can attain • several tens of nm or µm and increase • continuously with time (several hours or • tens of hours) Formation of a wetting ridge h at the triple line.* 21 Eustathopoulos, N. et all (1999): Wettability at high temperatures. Pergamon: Amsterdam et all.
A. Non-reactive Solid / Vapourcouples • The wetting of low viscosity liquid drops on solid substrates can occour in 3 stages: • rapid stage: the macroscopic contact angle approaches the YOUNG angle Y, the area of the Solid / Liquid interface and the Liquid / Vapour surface are determined • slower stage: the stable local equilibrium according to the SMITH equation • much longer time stage: the total equilibrium i.e., a constant curvature on the whole Solid / Liquid interface is obtain • The rapid and the slower stages will take several minutes or hours. 22
B. Reactive Solid / Vapourcouples Chemical dissolutionwithlowinfluence on SL– solid/liquid interfacial energy LV– liquid surfaceenergy + • firststage: 10-2 s spreadingwithoutreaction; themacroscopiccontact angle approaches • the YOUNG angle Y, • secondstage: thechemicaldissolutionisaffectingthemacroscopiccontact angle; in caseof • liquid Sn / solid Bi remainstheinterface solid/liquid in thefirst 5 s • macroskopic flat andthenarisesatthetriplepoint; diffusionistakingplace, • themeltvolumeisincreasingandthespreadingdiameterisincreasing. (Gibbs-Thomson-EquationwithCiequilibriumconcetrationwithcurvature, Ceq equilibriuemconcetrationof a flat interface, k curvatureandVm molar volumeof solid) 23
B. ReactiveSolid / Vapourcouples Chemical dissolutionwithlowinfluence on SL– solid/liquid interfacial energy LV– liquid surfaceenergy + • thirdstage: the total equilibrium i.e., a constantcurvature on the • whole Solid / Liquid interfaceisobtained. • In caseof liquid Sn/Bi solid at 245 °C thechemicalequilibrium • isreached after 100 s with 7 % changeofthespreadingradius. 24
C. Reactive Solid / Vapourcouples Chemical dissolutionwithhighinfluence on SL– solid/liquid interfacial energy LV– liquid surfaceenergy + (Momentary wetting angle) 25
High-temperature wettability(B) Wetting behaviour for real, microstructuredsurfaces 26
Wetting behaviour for real, microstructured surfaces: the apparent contact angle W • on a rough surface • Defined by WENZEL (1936): • For a smooth surface: • For a rough surface: W – apparent contact angle r – roughness ratio Y– macroscopic YOUNG contact angle The roughnessleadstomorewettingof a goodwettedsurface andlesswettingof a „bad“ wettedsurface Aneziris, C. G.; Hampel, M.: Microstructured and Electro-Assisted High-Temperature Wettability of MgO in Contact with a Silicate Slag-Based on Fayalite. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 5, No. 5, 2008, pp. 469-479 28
On real surfaces may exist a wide range of practically stable apparent contact angles: • „Advancing contact angle“: when the drop volume , • the contact line appears to be pinned • W = maximum • „Receding contact angle“: when the drop volume , • the contact line appears to be pinned • W = minimum • „Contact angle hysteresis“: difference between „advancing“ and „receding“ • contact angle Influenceofroughnessof solid surfacetowetting: increaseoftheactualsurfaceand pinningofthetriplelineby sharp edges On rough, hydrophilicsurfaces: in contactwith large dropsthe WENZEL equationismainlyfulfill 29
On microstructuredhydrophobicsurfaces (surfacepattern): themainparameterthatdetermainesthecontact angle is thefractionof solid sactually in contactwiththe liquid (not thesurfaceroughness) (Cassie and Baxter equation) (Bico, Marzolinand Quere equation) Cassie, A., Baxter, S., Trans. Farraday Soc, 40, (1944) 546 Shinozaki, N., Kaku, H., Mukai, K., “ Influence of pores on wettability of zirconia ceramic by molten manganese”, Trans. JWRI, Vol 30 (2001) 30
s 0.64 s 0.05 s 0.25 Bico, J., Marzolin, C., Quere, D., „Perl drops“, Europhysics Lett., 47 (2), (1999) 31
Effect of an electrical potential on the wettability: corrosion resistance of refractories • Applications of electrical voltage: • at room temperature: – Electro Wetting on Dielectric (EWOD) • – the movement of a microdroplet with reducing contact angle • based on the YOUNG-LIPPMANN equation: • the shape of a liquid drop on a surface is determined by: • the composition of the liquid and • the composition and morphology of the surface • anelectric potential is applied across the liquid drop and the solid substrate: • ions and dipoles redistribute in the liquid, in the solid, or in both depending on the • relative material properties • hydrophobic surface to behave an a hydrophilic manner • V– contact angle at a voltage V • Y– macroscopic YOUNG contact angle • 0 – dielectric constant in vakuum • – dielectric constant of the layer • V – the voltage • d – the thickness of layer • LV – the Liquid/Vapour surface tension Aneziris, C. G.; Hampel, M.: Microstructured and Electro-Assisted High-Temperature Wettability of MgO in Contact with a Silicate Slag-Based on Fayalite. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 5, No. 5, 2008, pp. 469-479 32
Kinetic quantification of the wetting process: between silicate slag and silicate refractories Kinetic equation: activation energy for three kinetic stages: (a) initiation of wetting stage (b) development and spreading stage (c) penetration and reaction stage Liquid drops on vertical an inclined surface: (at room temperature) B0 = ratio of gravitional to surface tension forces: B0 indicates D and/or d – diameter of the slag wetting area t – time K0– constant Q – activation energy R – gas constant T – absolute temperature – liquid density g – acceleration of gravity D – equivalent drop diameter – surface inclination angle LV – Liquid/Vapour surface tension Aneziris, C. G.; Hampel, M.: Microstructured and Electro-Assisted High-Temperature Wettability of MgO in Contact with a Silicate Slag-Based on Fayalite. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 5, No. 5, 2008, pp. 469-479 34
Kinetic quantification of the wetting process: between silicate slag and silicate refractories Static work of adhesion of surface inclination: Dynamic work of adhesion of surface inclination: (at room temperature) a high work of adhesion = good wetting a low work of adhesion = poor wetting Inclination constant k: k at the is directly proportional to WLV, R– reciding contact angle at A – advancing contact angle at – surface inclination angle LV – Liquid/Vapour surface tension m – mass of the liquid r* – radius of the base of the droplet g – acceleration of gravity Aneziris, C. G.; Hampel, M.: Microstructured and Electro-Assisted High-Temperature Wettability of MgO in Contact with a Silicate Slag-Based on Fayalite. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 5, No. 5, 2008, pp. 469-479 35
Experimental: sample preparation • Raw material: - commercially fused magnesia • (bulk density= 3,52 g/cm³, grain size > 100 µm, d50= 25 µm) • - temporary pressing additive (1wt% liquid ligninsulfonate) • Mixing: - at room temperature • Forming: - uniaxial pressing at 150 MPa • - cylindrical sampels (d= 50 mm, h= 25 mm) • Sintering: - electrical furnace in air • - 1.700 °C, 6 h • Grinding: - surface roughness for samples • Microstructuring: - CO2 laser (laser pulse energy 20 mJ, 100 ms laser pulse duration) • - three different stripe pattern • - distance of laser beam 150 µm, 300 µm Aneziris, C. G.; Hampel, M.: Microstructured and Electro-Assisted High-Temperature Wettability of MgO in Contact with a Silicate Slag-Based on Fayalite. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 5, No. 5, 2008, pp. 469-479 36
Experimental: influence of the roughness of MgO-surfaces of the contact angle ground-MgO surface laser-treated MgO-surface pores between 5 and 30 µm XRD-Analysis: MgO Ca3Mg(SiO4)2 pores stripe area XRD-Analysis: MgO Ca3Mg(SiO4)2 Ground-MgO surface.*** Laser-treated MgO surface, distance of laser beam 300 µm.*** Cross-section of laser-treated MgO surface, distance of laser beam 300 µm.*** Cross-section of MgO-ground surface.*** 37
Experimental: influence of the roughness of MgO-surfaces of the contact angle • Heating microscope: - sessile drop method • - amorphous slag based on Fayalite (2FeOSiO2) • in contact with MgO surface • - as a function of time, temperature and voltage • in argon atmosphere: • macroscopic YOUNG contact angle Y • advancing and receding contact angle • adhesive work as a function of the inclination angle • spreading diameter Heating microscope, IKGB TU Bergakademie Freiberg 38
Experimental: influence of the roughness of MgO-surfaces of the contact angle Heating microscope: macroscopic YOUNG angle Y as a function of temperature the roughness , the contact angle higher wetting of the microstructured samples at lower temperature leads to higher adhesive work Contact angles as a function of temperature.*** Contact angles at 1116 °C.*** 39
Experimental: influence of the applied voltage of the contact angle Heating microscope: macroscopic YOUNG angle Y as a function of temperature and voltage Assumption: The dielectric constant and the thickness of the electro formed layers have the same value for two different applied voltages. 0– contact angle with no voltage 1 – contact angle at the applied voltage V1 2 – contact angle at the applied voltage V2 -35 V 57,8 ° Contact angles at 1116 °C.*** +35 V 87,4 ° Heating microscope images of MgO samples with applied voltages, above -35 V (contact angle 57,8 °1,5 °), below +35 V (87,4 °1,7 °), 1116 °C, 30 s).*** 40
Experimental: influence of the applied voltage of the phases of slag Heating microscope: phase formation of the slag in air and in argon atmosphere Applying positive voltage: change of the slag phase composition with insitu formation of MgFe2O4 Applying negative voltage: formation of the interface layer between slag drop and the MgO slag layer MgO XRD, X-ray diffraction of the frozzen slag.*** SEM-image, -35 V, 1116 °C, 6.000s, slag, interface layer, MgO.*** 41
Experimental: influence of the applied voltage of the interface layer Heating microscope: thickness and phase evolution of the interface layers between MgO and slag The phase composition of the interface layers is a function of the applied voltage. Applying negative voltage: the voltage , the thickness of interface layer XRD, X-ray diffraction.*** *** Aneziris, C. G.; Hampel, M.: Microstructured and Electro-Assisted High-Temperature Wettability of MgO in Contact with a Silicate Slag-Based on Fayalite. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 5, No. 5, 2008, pp. 469-479 42
Experimental: influence of the roughness and the applied voltage of the contact angle Heating microscope: macroscopic YOUNG angle Y as a function of time and voltages at high temperature With increasing of time: contact angles Applying voltage („+“ or „-“): higher contact angles after 6.000 s of all „electro-assisted“ samples Contact angles as a function of time.*** 43
Experimental: influence of the roughness of MgO-surfaces of the activation energy Q Heating microscope: spreading diameters of the slag as a function of temperature, time and voltages low contact angle (high spreading diameter) leads to a low activation energy Q the porous stripes of the „300 µm laser“sample contribute to lowest activation energy Q Q– activation energy d1– spreading diameter at temperature T1 and time t1 d2 – spreading diameter at temperature T2 and time t2 Kinetic stages: (a) initiation of wetting stage (b) development and spreading stage (c) penetration and reaction stage Spreading diameters as a function of temperature and time, activation energies and kinetic stages.*** 44
Experimental: influence of the roughness of the MgO-surfaces on inclined surfaces Heating microscope: advancing A and receding Rangles of the slag as a function of inclination; inclination constant k Laser microstructured MgO surface, 300 µm: rolling angle * 24,3 ° advancing angle A99,9 ° receding angle R22,2 ° 1116 °C; 24,3 ° 1116 °C; 99,9 ° Rolling angle at 24,3 °, advancing angle at 99,9 °, and receding angle at 22,2 ° of a laser-treated MgO surface with a laser beam distance of 300 µm.*** 1116 °C; 22,2 ° 45
Experimental: influence of the roughness of the MgO-surfaces on inclined surfaces Heating microscope: advancing A and receding Rangles of the slag as a function of inclination; inclination constant k Roughness of the laser-treated samples: highest inclination constant k high adhesion work Young contact angles, advancing (A) and receding (R) angles as a function of inclination angle (), rolling angles (*) as well as calculated inclination constant k. *** 46
High-temperature wettability (C) Sobczak, N., Nowak, R., Radziwill, W., Budzioch, J., Glenz, A., Experimental complex ofhigh-temperature behaviourofmoltenmetals in contactwithrefractorymaterials, Mat. Sc. Techn., 2007 47
Sobczak, N., Nowak, R., Radziwill, W., Budzioch, J., Glenz, A., Experimental complex ofhigh-temperature behaviourofmoltenmetals in contactwithrefractorymaterials, Mat. Sc. Techn., 2007 48
Sobczak, N., Nowak, R., Radziwill, W., Budzioch, J., Glenz, A., Experimental complex ofhigh-temperature behaviourofmoltenmetals in contactwithrefractorymaterials, Mat. Sc. Techn., 2007 49
Sobczak, N., Nowak, R., Radziwill, W., Budzioch, J., Glenz, A., Experimental complex ofhigh-temperature behaviourofmoltenmetals in contactwithrefractorymaterials, Mat. Sc. Techn., 2007 50