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The air conditioner is in a secluded corner of the room and has some very interesting things that people might not know about. Check the best mini split air conditioner at the best prices. Browse the website for more info https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in/ranges/ductless-air-conditioners
Airconditioningsystemshavefulfilledtheirjobof providing us with relaxing moments in the scorching summerheatforyears.Theprimitivestageof“air cooling” goes back hundreds of years in ancient Egypt, when reeds were hung on windows with dripping water. Like other human inventions, air conditioninghasgonethroughmanystagesof development to become the form we see and use today. The air conditioner is in a secluded corner of the room andhassomeveryinterestingthingsthatpeople mightnotknowabout.
HugeicesheetsareusedtocoolBuildings This may sound very strange and unrealistic, but people do this to fight off hot days. Before Carrier invented air conditioning, people usedtocoolbuildingswithgiantlayersoficethatwere“collected” fromrivers and lakesin winter. If you believe 19th century production data for ice cream magazines and refrigerators, the Hudson River harvest in 1890 was about 4 million tons! Not only that, it’s also said that the “harvest” won’t be enoughifthesummerishotterthanexpectedandtheyneedevenmore harvest4s!
Willis Career Father of AC: The first major “electric air conditioner” was usedbyengineersWillisCareer.Whenthepublisherraninto quality problems on July 17, 1902, Carrier presented his original drawings of what became known as the world’s first air conditioning system. Thanks to Carrier’s efforts, the world saw the first spray air conditioner. Do you know what hisinventionwascalledwhenhereceivedapatented design?” Apparatusfor TreatingAir.
The term “air conditioning” was coined by Stuart Kramer Although Willis Carrier is credited with inventing the air conditioning system, the term “air conditioning system” was coined by another engineer and inventor, Stuart Kramer, whohasmorethan60patentstohiscredit. In 1906 Kramer used the term “AC” to describe his system for regulating humidity and temperatureinthetextileindustry.Hefoundthattheabilitytocontrolhumidityina textile mill could increase productivity. In other words, the quality and “condition” of theproductcanbeimproved.
Thedevelopmentofairconditioningreducesthespread ofseveraldiseases Apartfromincreasingcomfort,air conditioningalsohelpsprevent severaldiseasesthatspreadquicklyin warmclimatesandhumidconditions.
The cooling capacity of an air conditioning system is measured in “tons” Thisbafflesmanypeopletothisday.The coolingcapacityofairconditionerscanvary from less than1 tonto5 tons for residential buildings.Nowmanypeopleareconfusedand thinkthatthisistheweightoftheairconditioner andtheairconditionerissobigandheavyit won’tfitintheirhouse. Check thebestmini splitairconditioneratbest prices.
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