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Divorce isn’t easy, everyone knows it! It brings along a lot of hurdles. For example, you need to<br>find a new home, deal with the finance and household responsibility on own, and schedule time<br>for parenting or kids’ visit, if you have any. And amongst all these matters, there is one haunting<br>question whether you should change your married name after divorce or not.<br>Not all divorces are same. Some women prefer continue with their married name for the rest of<br>their life and some go back to their maiden surname again. Some also marry again and officially<br>accept the last name of the new spouse. If you are certain for changing married name post<br>divorce, make sure your divorce decree has a legal permission to let you do so.<br><br>For more information : https://www.hitchswitch.com
5 Things You Must Take Into Account While Changing Married Name Divorce isn’t easy, everyone knows it! It brings along a lot of hurdles. For example, you need to find a new home, deal with the finance and household responsibility on own, and schedule time for parenting or kids’ visit, if you have any. And amongst all these matters, there is one haunting question whether you should change your married name after divorce or not. Not all divorces are same. Some women prefer continue with their married name for the rest of their life and some go back to their maiden surname again. Some also marry again and officially accept the last name of the new spouse. If you are certain for changing married name post divorce, make sure your divorce decree has a legal permission to let you do so. There are some women who took divorce many years back but still continue using their married surname. When a survey was conducted to find out the reason why those women had continued with their married last time, it revealed that they didn’t actually wanted to use their ex-husband’s surname anymore but unfortunately their divorce lawyers forget to seek legal permission for the same in their divorce decrees. And now if they want to go back to their maiden name, they will need to hire an attorney again and spend a good amount of money and time in court visits. This is why it is more sensible to add a clause for name change in your divorce decree. Here are the five most important things you must consider while changing married name after divorce. Don’t avoid it for children Many women avoid changing married name as they don’t want to have a different surname than their children. And it makes complete sense. However, this is enough to justify that you should continue with your ex-husband’s last name. It is better idea to move back to your maiden name. Don’t get your sentiments involved if a kid or anyone else calls your Mrs. ABC? Figure out why you actually need to change it What’s the reason that stirs you to legal name change process? Want to get rid of all memories of your ex-husband? Name change won’t do much help if you have kids from your ex-husband. Besides, have a good reason like you want to begin fresh and get your birth name back. You may want to honor your parents by accepting the maiden name again. If you aren’t sure if changing your name to maiden name is a right decision you are making, give yourself some more time to decide. There are other choices you may consider by consulting a name change consultant.
Think of your professional career If you have decided to start working again after divorce, you would prefer that people over there recognize you by your correct name, which can be your maiden name or your professional name. If you want to keep the married name Well, in this case, nobody has a right to judge you or your decision. You can continue using your married name after divorce. You hold a legal right to use it. When you are too busy to do name change process on own This is a common scenario. If you too feel dearth of time or simply don’t want to enter the complicated paperwork on own, you can hire a reliable and affordable legal name change service. Resort to the internet and you will find some in your own city. These companies will simplify the process for you and you can get name change done in promised timeframe without giving much of your time. For more information : https://www.hitchswitch.com