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Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration. Vanessa Geers Programme Advisor MBA. Welcome to KU Leuven. KU Leuven. ■ Founded in 1425 : oldest university of Belgium and one of the oldest in Europe ■ Largest university of Belgium , about 55000 students and campuses in 11 cities

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Master of Business Administration

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  1. Masterof BusinessAdministration Vanessa Geers ProgrammeAdvisor MBA

  2. WelcometoKU Leuven

  3. KU Leuven • ■Founded in 1425: oldest university of Belgiumandone of the oldest in Europe • ■Largestuniversity of Belgium,about55000 studentsandcampuses in 11 cities • ■Leadingresearch university,ranked amongthe top of theworld

  4. Faculty of EconomicsandBusiness(FEB) Campuses in 4 cities

  5. Welcome to theMBAprogramme

  6. The MBA programme • ■prepares forcoordinating • andexecutivefunctions • ■has amanagerialfocus ■aims at developing leadership skills ■attention forethics, responsibility &sustainability • ■specializesin a specific field

  7. BusinessAdministration @KU Leuven Science as foundation&Practice as orientation • SCIENCE • PRACTICE • Scientific • literature • Case studies • & workshops • Research • methods • Guestlectures &seminars • Master • thesis • Studyvisits

  8. MBAstudyprogramme Core module [12 ECTS] ■ Leadership Lab ■ Ethics,ResponsibilityandSustainability Track module [18 ECTS] tailor your study based on your interests and preferences by choosingone track moduleout of 14 tracks for an in-depth study of a particular discipline Electives [12 ECTS] Research & Methodology [18 ECTS]

  9. MBA Tracks tailor your study based on your interests and preferences by choosing one track module for an in-depth study of a particular discipline The programme is offered at KU Leuven’sAntwerp (A) andBrussels (B)campuses

  10. MBAstudyprogramme Core module [12 ECTS] ■ Leadership Lab ■ Ethics,ResponsibilityandSustainability Track module [18 ECTS] tailor your study based on your interests and preferences by choosingone track moduleout of 14 tracks for an in-depth study of a particular discipline Electives [12 ECTS] □ either deepen the track with 1 or 2 courses from thetrack optional courses □ or,broaden your horizon with 1 or 2 courses from a list ofcourses in other tracks □ or,broaden your horizon with 1 or 2 courses from a list ofFEB-wide electives □ or,do abusiness projector asocial profit project Research & Methodology [18 ECTS] ■ Business Research Methods ■ Master Thesis

  11. MBA example curriculum Assume you choose the “European and International Relations” track European and International Relations track compulsory courses International and European Relations *[ 6 ECTS ] Location Theory and EU Regional Policy *[ 6 ECTS ] International Study Visit / Seminar on European Business [6 ECTS ] track specific optional courses International Business Strategy [ 6 ECTS ] History of European Integration [6 ECTS ] *elective in other tracks

  12. Broaden your horizon on exchange:ERASMUS ■studyabroadat one ofKU Leuven’s ≥ 150European and ≥ 60non-Europeanpartners ■extendedmaster ■a limited number of students are admitted ■ more information(also about requirements) ? website:feb.kuleuven.be/eng/international/going-abroad contact:international.office@kuleuven.be

  13. Get involved in decisionmaking for the Business Administration programme ■ Prepare meetings and student hearings with the students’ representatives • ØContact theASR(Students Council) for more information or toapply:info@asr.ac ■For studentswhoknowDutch: • ØJointhePOC(ProgrammeCommittee) Handelswetenschappen / Business Administration as astudents’representative

  14. The target is set.The journey is yours. Enjoy !

  15. Good luck!!! Questions?

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