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Words of thanks to contributors, authors, reviewers globally. Overview of UKSim2015 conference sessions, keynote speakers, and published papers statistics. Information on upcoming conferences in 2015. Detailed profiles of two keynote speakers - Prof. Frank Wang and Prof. Qiang Shen. Detailed agenda for UKSim2015, including sessions, speakers, and social events.
UKSim2015 17th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 25 – 27 March 2015 Emmanuel College, Cambridge • Words of thanks • Conferences coming up • This conference
Thanks are due to • Authors, track teams and reviewers from all countries including (country of 1st author): United Kingdom-29 (22.1%), India-19 (14.5%), Malaysia-10 (7.6%), P.R. China-10 (7.6%), Pakistan-8 (6.1%), Saudi Arabia-6 (4.6%), Norway-4 (3.1%), Egypt, Jordan, Australia, Ghana: 4 each, Italy, UAE, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Algeria, Vietnam, Iraq, South Africa, Serbia: 2 each, Spain, Ireland, Georgia, Iran, Croatia, Nigeria, Botswana, Denmark, USA, Taiwan, Austria, Kuwait: 1 each. • EUROSIM and its national societies notably in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Sweden for active support and participation • IEEE: UK & RI & chairman Prof Frank Wang for support and technical sponsorship, Region 8 and Region 10 for supporting the event and UKSim activities in general • Asia Modelling and Simulation Section, UniMaP, UTM and other Malaysian universities for active sponsorship and support.
Conferences Coming up this year CICSyN2015: Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, 3 – 5 June, Riga, Latvia, deadline 30 April 2014 CIMSim2015: Computational Intelligence, Modelling & Simulation, 27 - 29 July, Kuantan, Malaysia, deadline 15 June AMS2015: Asia Modelling Symposium, 7 - 9 September, Langkawi, Malaysia, deadline 15 July EMS2015: European Modelling Symposium, 6 – 8 October, Madrid, Spain, deadline 15 August ICAIET2015: International conference on Artificial Intelligence and application in Engineering and Technology, 3 – 5 November, Pisa, Italy, deadline 15 September AIMS2015: Artificial intelligence, Modelling 7 Simulation, 2 - 4 December, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, deadline 15 October
UKSim2015 Pattern for the 3 days: Refreshments: Old Library Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Meals & Conference Dinner: Dining Hall Parallel Sessions: Room A: here, B: Harrods (top floor), C: Green Room, Ground floor, 4 Keynote speakers, 2 in day-1, and 1 in day-2 and 3. Day-1 Today: full day, 3 parallel sessions, till 5.30pm Prof Frank Wang and Prof Qiang Shen + 46 papers 7.00 Conference Dinner Day-2 Presentations in morning only, 3 parallel sessions Prof Harry Barrow + 18 papers 2.30 Cambridge tour (a must!!) Day-3 Presentations in morning only, 3 parallel sessions Dr Janos Janosy + 12 papers Closing remarks in Auditorium, photo session, lunch
UKSim2015Published Papers Statistics • Papers published: 97 • Scheduled for presentation: 4 keynote speakers and 80 papers • Published papers by track: most popular tracks:
Keynote Speaker-1: Professor Frank WangComputer Evolution over the Next Decade: Fact or Fiction? • Fellow of British Computer Society • Chair in e-Science and Grid Computing • Head: School of Computing (formerly known as Computing Laboratory), University of Kent, UK. • Director: Centre for Grid Computing, Cambridge-Cranfield High Performance Computing Facility (CCHPCF), collaborative research facility Universities of Cambridge and Cranfield, ~ £40 million. • Research interests: Future Computing, Green Computing (via memristor), Grid/Cloud Computing, Biologically-inspired Computing, Quantum Computing/Communication, Data Storage & Data Communication, and Data Mining and Data Warehousing • Publication: book "Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing", 67+ journal papers • Co-Editor-in-Chief of Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing • Co-Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing. • on the Editorial Board of 4 other international journals.
Keynote Speaker-2: Prof Qiang ShenApproximate Feature Selection in Data-Driven Systems Modelling • PhD in Knowledge-Based Systems, DSc in Computational Intelligence. . Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Aberystwyth University, a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, a REF 2014 panel member for Computer Science and Informatics, and a long-serving Associate Editor of two IEEE flagship Journals (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and on Fuzzy Systems). . Professor Shen has chaired and given keynotes at numerous international conferences. His current research interests include: computational intelligence, reasoning under uncertainty, pattern recognition, data mining, and their applications for intelligent decision support (e.g., crime detection, consumer profiling, systems monitoring, and medical diagnosis). . Authored 2 research monographs and over 320 peer-reviewed papers, including an award-winning IEEE Outstanding Transactions paper. . Director of studies: > 40 PDRAs/PhDs, one UK Distinguished Dissertation Award winner. . London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay torchbearer, carrying the Olympic torch in celebration of the centenary of Alan Turing. The official nomination stated that “Professor Shen, as a world-leading researcher in computational intelligence and ambassador for computer science, would be a fitting tribute to Alan Turing, and an inspiration to future generations of scientists and engineers.”
Keynote Speakers –3, Professor Harry BarrowHistory of Computing and AI, a Personal Viewpoint 1965, BA in Maths+Physics, Cambridge University (Emmanuel College). 1966, MSc and 1969 PhD in Communication, Keele University, Department of Communication. Research into the human sense of touch. 1969-75, Research Fellow, Machine Intelligence and Perception, Edinburgh University: design, construction and prog’g Freddy 1 and 2 robot systems and on the versatile assembly demonstration system for Freddy 2. 1975-80, Senior Computer Scientist, AI Center, Stanford Research Institute: vision in animals & machines, automated photo-interpretation and cartography, JPL Mars rover project. 1980-88 founder + 3: Schlumberger Artificial Intelligence lab in Palo Alto: VLSI design, expert systems for diagnosing process problems, visual inspection of ICs, resource allocation for automatic testers, automatically proving correctness of integrated circuit designs, primate primary visual cortex self-organise’n. 1988-96 Prof of AI, School of Cognitive & CS, Sussex University: primate visual processing, model to explain characteristics of the primary cortex, AI & neural networks app’n to mineral exploration, weather forecasting, radar image sequences, x-ray interpretation 1996-2007 Scientific Advisor, Schlumberger Cambridge Research: 3-D visualisation: reservoirs, diagnosis of drilling and production problems, error-correcting codes, navigation for downhole robots and interpretation of drilling rig logs as activities on the rig. 2007- Officially retired: AI, vision, ANN, personal research and occasional consulting.
Keynote Speaker-4: Dr Janos JanosyThe Intelligent Electricity Network of the future: SmartGrid • Consultant, Simulator Dev Dept, Atomic Energy Research Institute, Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KFKI AEKI) since 1994. • Born 1949, Budapest; MSME Nuclear Eng’g, Moscow Eng’g Power Institute, 1973; MSEE in Process Control Computers, Budapest Technical University, 1976. • Worked in Secretariat, Ministry of Heavy Industry, Nuclear Power Plant Construction 1973-75; Senior Researcher 1977 and Senior Adviser 2004. • Over 60 papers in international journals and conferences in: i) Nuclear Power Plant Simulation-tors, ii) Environmental Protection & Radiation Monitoring Systems. • Main interests: i) Numerical integration of stiff differential equation systems, ii) Computerized process control systems - direct digital control of nuclear reactors, iii) Process control - digital and analogue, iv) Modelling and simulation, v) Real-time simulation-tors, vi) Nuclear, fossil and renewable energy production & Distribution • Projects: numerous: nuclear power, simulation-tors, energy, control • Married, 4 grandchildren, Ham Radio sign HA5GN
UKSim2015 Thank you and have a good conference!!