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Brain Fawcett Malcolm Lowry Brian Fawcett’s inspirations and influences

Table of contents. Brain Fawcett Malcolm Lowry Brian Fawcett’s inspirations and influences. Brian Fawcett. Biography. Canadian novelist Grew up in Prince George Retired hockey player Married multiple times Father of one Taught in a federal prison. Brian Fawcett’s Background.

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Brain Fawcett Malcolm Lowry Brian Fawcett’s inspirations and influences

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  1. Table of contents • Brain Fawcett • Malcolm Lowry • Brian Fawcett’s inspirations and influences

  2. Brian Fawcett

  3. Biography • Canadian novelist • Grew up in Prince George • Retired hockey player • Married multiple times • Father of one • Taught in a federal prison

  4. Brian Fawcett’s Background • He is 78 years old • Born in Prince George • Attended SFU • Worked as community organizer • Taught literature in a prison • Moved to Toronto • Continues to write and garden

  5. Brian Fawcett’s Family • Relationship with his mother Rita • Relationship with his father Hartley • Has a brother named Ron • Multiple marriages • Daughter named Hartlea

  6. Fawcett’s Career • Writer • Influences public matters • Graduated in 1969 from SFU • Wrote over 30 books

  7. Human Happiness

  8. Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957)

  9. Biography • Born near Liverpool, England (1909) • Died in 1957 • Father was a wealthy cotton broker • Lowry began drinking at the age of 14 • Best known for the novel “Under the Volcano” (1947)

  10. Wife #1 Jan Gabriel • Met in Spain (1933) • Rekindled love, couple went to Mexico (1936) • Arrived on day of dead (November, 2nd) • Marriage did not survive • Deported from Mexico (reckless drinking)

  11. Wife #2 Margerie Bonner • Actress and writer • Met in 1939 • Couple lived and wrote in the squatters shack • Very positive influence to Lowry, edited his writing for him • She also drank, made sure Lowry would eat while drinking

  12. Lowry’s Hut in Cates Park • Cates Park was home to squatter shacks • Lowry spent the happiest and productive time in his hut • Wrote novel “Under the Volcano” • “Malcolm Lowry trail” sign and plaque at Cates Park

  13. Pictured: Squatter shacks in Cates Park

  14. Pictured: Malcolm Lowry sign and plaque

  15. Under the volcano • Written in his squatter shack • Set in Mexico on Day of the Dead (1938) • Life of Geoffrey Firmin (Malcolm Lowry) • Faced many rejections • Published in 1947

  16. Brian Fawcett Malcolm Lowry Malcolm Lowry and the Trojan Horse • Inspired by Malcolm Lowry • Trojan Horse used as an attack vehicle • Dreamscape • Symbolic landscape where metaphors create emotions • Cougar: Power of the power of a metaphor • Penetrates one’s consciousness

  17. Fawcett’s Inspirations

  18. Fawcett’s Interview with Rob McLennan What would you like to do that you haven't yet done?“Sleep with an opera singer. I would have said the same thing when I was 30, actually. Hey, you’ve got to have something ridiculous and unattainable to look forward to.” What are you currently working on?“None of your fucking business. I never talk about books I’m working on. Fastest way I know of to lose them.” David W. McFadden once said that books come from books, but are there any other forms that influence your work, whether nature, music, science or visual art?“That’s horseshit, notwithstanding what I said in question 12. I’m not deeply influenced to write by other art forms. I’d be more likely to say that it comes from a decent chair to sit on while you’re writing, or by coffee and cigarettes.” When your writing gets stalled, where do you turn or return for (for lack of a better word) inspiration?“Drugs, booze, sex, criminal activities of a wide variety.”

  19. Fawcett’s Interview with Rob McLennan What other writers or writings are important for your work, or simply your life outside of your work? “This is an impossible question to answer in less than 400,000 words, because like most writers, I’m the sum total of what I’ve read and who I’ve hung out with. The only writer I can’t do without would be Stan Persky. For the last 25 years or so, neither of us has published a single piece of serious writing that the other hasn’t read, edited and altered substantially. Stan jokes that we share a single brain between the two of us, and that both of us would be morons without the other. He’s probably right about this: I’m heterosexual, protestant-to-the-bone, and a blue-eyed Anglo-Saxon anarchist with ADD, a houseful of kids and a history of broken marriages who fixes messes. Stan is a homosexual communist Chicago Jew who’s asocial, and has lived most of his life alone so he can read in peace. We cover a huge patch of ground with this joint mind.” (talk about question 12, 14 + 15 in http://robmclennan.blogspot.com/2009/10/12-or-20-questions-with-brian-fawcett.html)

  20. Stan Persky • Born 1941 Chicago • Served in the Navy • Vancouver BC, UBC for anthropology and sociology. • Vancouver Mental Patients Association • Capilano University 1983-2016 • The Globe and Mail and The Vancouver Sun

  21. BC Book Look • R. Murray Schafer - Musician and writer • Robin Blaser - Author and poet • The book about Blaser • Primo Levi, John Berger, John Keegan, Joseph Conrad, Javier Cercas

  22. Canadian Cultural Experience Describe a recent Canadian cultural experience that influenced your writing. We’re living in the cultural catastrophe of globalism and the imposition of the marketplace as the model for all human interactions. For us that began — mostly symbolically — in 1988, with the Canada/US Free Trade Agreement, which I fought hard against. Now we’re all enmeshed in the mess it is making of human relationships, which I argue against as best I can as a writer and citizen. That sounds grander than it is, but it’s really all I have. Culture isn’t dressing up in tuxedos and going to the Symphony. It’s an ongoing conversation we’re supposed to be having about why we don’t kill one another and grab one another’s stuff. In Canada these days, it isn’t much of a conversation.

  23. Fawcett’s Interview with Open Book Who are some people who have deeply influenced (fellow writers or not) your writing life?“ I’m attracted to people and writers who are radically different from me… The writers who have influenced me the most are Primo Levi, John Berger, John Keegan, Joseph Conrad, and others with life-experience and outlooks profoundly different than mine. ”

  24. Fawcett and Persky • Wrote a book together • “ [Stan Persky,]... who has remained an intellectual colleague of Fawcett’s ever since Persky produced the Georgia Straight Writing Supplements…”

  25. Fawcett and Persky • Founded dooneyscafe.com together (based on a cafe where they meet together to chat about life and how they were.)

  26. Fawcett and Persky • Wrote a book about Persky, published by Cormorant Books

  27. Bibliography Photos • http://www.stickpng.com/img/objects/sticks/hockey-stick • http://www.animatedimages.org/cat-books-53.htm • http://pluspng.com/free-png-jail-2712.html • https://zalarieunique.ru/image/clipart-teacher-transparent-background/275650.html#gal_post_289_clipart-teacher-transparent-background-8.png • https://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/165/ggbaker/1097-c1/labs/lab6 • https://techflourish.com/categories/dad-sun-clipart.html • http://www.newstarbooks.com/author.php?author_id=2937 • https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3f/Malcolm_Lowry_in_1946.jpg • https://postmediavancouversun2.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/malcolm-lowry1.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=840&h=630&crop=1 • https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiS44Tt2uPeAhUfJDQIHTp2CSQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26ved%3D2ahUKEwiS44Tt2uPeAhUfJDQIHTp2CSQQjRx6BAgBEAU%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fmartinwestlake.eu%252Fwriters-and-families-and-drink%252F%26psig%3DAOvVaw18WiHnwXbQQ05yt0p45w1Q%26ust%3D1542828676712267&psig=AOvVaw18WiHnwXbQQ05yt0p45w1Q&ust=1542828676712267 • https://images.glaciermedia.ca/polopoly_fs/1.23329014.1528412378!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_804/lowry.jpg • https://www.google.ca/search?q=under+the+volcano+malcolm+lowry&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjH89P02OPeAhVHCTQIHQl7BJAQ_AUIDigB#imgrc=kaI0JrCO4HH0eM:

  28. Bibliography Information • http://www.newstarbooks.com/author.php?author_id=2937 • https://www.flowjournal.org/2006/04/miller-mander-meyrowitz-goffman-orwell-fawcett/ • https://nationalpost.com/afterword/open-book-human-happiness-by-brian-fawcett • https://www.writersunion.ca/member/brian-fawcett • https://bcbooklook.com/2016/02/02/107-brian-fawcett/ • https://www.britannica.com/biography/Malcolm-Lowry • http://evelazarus.com/malcolm-lowry-1909-1957/ • http://biography.yourdictionary.com/malcolm-lowry • https://www.nsnews.com/entertainment/dossier/malcolm-lowry-margerie-bonner-under-the-volcano-track-of-the-day-1.23329012 • https://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/nov/02/under-the-volcano-modernist-masterpiece • http://theconversation.com/the-enduring-power-and-tragedy-of-malcolm-lowrys-under-the-volcano-70-years-on-72337 • http://m.openbooktoronto.com/news/ten_questions_with_brian_fawcett • http://robmclennan.blogspot.com/2009/10/12-or-20-questions-with-brian-fawcett.html

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