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Intellectual Proterty Protection Computer–implemented Inventions

Explore the Estonian patent system covering computer-implemented inventions, trademarks, utility models, and more. Learn about patentability criteria, technical character requirements, and the Estonian Patent Office's examination process.

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Intellectual Proterty Protection Computer–implemented Inventions

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  1. Intellectual Proterty Protection Computer–implemented Inventions Traugott Läänmäe Physical Examination and Electrical Services Estonian Patent Office

  2. Estonian contry e-government

  3. State portal eesti.ee – citizen

  4. Portal eesti.ee – enterpreneur

  5. Internet area

  6. Number of SMEs 2002-2008

  7. Number of utility models and disain

  8. Utility model EE00490U1 (firm Aquator)

  9. Utility model EE00541 (firm NeoQi)

  10. E-Solutions InternationalOÜ

  11. Dispak OÜ(disain nr 00418)

  12. Smartdust Solutions OÜ (traffic sensors) Smartdust Solutions (traffic sensors)

  13. Tigma OÜ ELION AS Computers and Servers administration from distance

  14. Computer-implemented Market and Computer-licenses All computers, servers or servers system put on the market only together Software –licenses. Every in the Register carryed firma have legal Computer licenses

  15. Number of trade Marks

  16. Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, patent EE04580B1

  17. Number of patents and appeals • number of appeals (patent and utility model) per year 0-1-2 • rejection 20-50 patent per year (inc. EP, US, JP patents) • number of grant per year 450-600 Filed patent applications inc. EP, EE is growing during the last 5 years

  18. Computer–implemented Inventions Computer–implemented invention is • an invention whose implementation involves the use of computer, computer network or other programmable apparatus • with features realised wholly or partly by means of a computer

  19. Computer–implemented Inventions and technical character Further requirement for patentability: the invention must be of “technical character” to the extent that it -must relate to technical problem -must concern a technical field -must have technical features in terms of which the matter for which protection is sought can be defined in the claim (EPC Guidelines C-IV1.2)

  20. Computer-implemented non-Inventions -programms for computer -typically represent abstract concept devoid of any technical implication -non technical character ,non technicalfeatures, nontechnical aspects/process or non technical effect -processing non-physical data (business data, text) • selling, trading, insurance, order placement and management, controlling payment and delivery content, calculation of pension, aesthetical effects

  21. Computer–implemented business method (business model or process) Clearly techn. aspectsNon techn. aspects • server, terminal business process • communicat. network business method • server processing business model • data in database instructions • server process. result admin. process • server accessing data calculating the price • server transmit., receiving ordering content

  22. Estonian Patent Office • In Estonian Patent Office is called quality full-examination system • By Estonian Patent Office works 12 patent examiner and 12 trademark experts

  23. Thank You ! Traugott Läänmäe Physical Examination and Electrical Services Estonian Patent Office e-post :Traugott.Laanmae@epa.ee

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