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Language Resource Center 2012

Language Resource Center 2012. Ashley Kingston Juan C Lozada. Language Resource Center Mission. The goal of the Language Resource Center is to serve, support, and promote learning English at all levels within the school’s community. Students Teachers Parents.

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Language Resource Center 2012

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  1. LanguageResource Center2012 Ashley Kingston Juan C Lozada

  2. LanguageResource Center Mission • The goal of the Language Resource Center is to serve, support, and promote learning English at all levels within the school’s community. • Students • Teachers • Parents

  3. BorrowingTechnology Hey student. Can you run to the LRC and get me a video beam? • Try tobookcomputersor LCD projectors in advancetoguaranteeavailability. • Plan ahead. Do notsendstudents! • Proper use of theprojector.

  4. Classroom Management in theLRC • Entering • Teachersshould try toenterfirst • Studentsshouldtake off theirshoes and alreadyknowwhatsectiontosit in • Strictconsequencesforstudentswho do notentercorrectly (3 minute time out, isolationfromfriends, loss of computer/game time, etc.) • Leaving • Callsmallgroups of studentstoputontheirshoes • Studentswhohave a birthday in… • Studentswhonamesstart w/… • Studentswho are fans of…

  5. What’s new thisyear? • Twocoordinators • Juan: LRC manager • In charge of more daytodayfunctions of theLRC. • Ashley: FacilitatorCoordinator. • In charge of more big-picture ideas and activities in theLRCand theEnglishDepartment: Homecoming, ESOLtesting • Alwaysavailable as a resourceforanyEnglishlanguagequestionsanybody has. • LRC open duringtherecesses (excelschedule) • Onlytheweeksyouhavesessions in theLRC • LRCLesson Plan Wiki

  6. Whatelseis new? • Lessonplans (in advance) • Checkthe Wiki fortheLRCsessionschedule in ordertoknowwhenyouneedtohaveyourlessonsuploaded. • Ifyouknowwhattopicyouwillbecovering in yournextsession in theLRCbut are notsurewhatto do withyourlesson, you can email usforlesson ideas. (Try tocontactus a week in advance.) • Cancellations. Pleasetellus in advanceifyourclasswill miss theirsession. Wewillrescheduleotherclassinstead. • Books and materialswillbeorganizedbysections. • Otherteacherswillbepracticing (blenglish and conversation clubs) • Skype (exchange)

  7. Cool ideas • Video activity • The Office • Due Date • SillySongs w/ actions • ComputerActivities • Raz-Kids • WritingPrompts (Whatdidyou do over break?) • Other web pages • Games • Jeopardy, WhoWantstobe a Millionaire, etc. • FlyswatterGame • RunningDictation • Picture Password

  8. AfterSchool in theLRC • Can-do statementssoontobepostedforeach grade leveland forthisreason… • Thismeansthatteachersneedtopersonallywalkstudentswhowanttostayto LRC afterschoolforthreemainreasons. • Tomakesuretheirstudents are actuallycomingtothe LRC • Tomakesuretheirstudentshavetheir portfolio and/orautonomouswork • Toquicklytell Juan and Ashley what can-do statementeachstudentneedstodeveloporwhetherornot a studentwantstoworkautonomously • Profileof kids • (use of space) vs (studentswith a real need)

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