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3/1 MONDAY. 1. GO OVER TEST 2. VIDEO: SEA NASTIES. Extra Credit Opportunity. 1. Name the 2 plates involved in Saturdays earthquake in Chile 2. What type of boundary is it? 3. What process is occurring there? 4. What was the magnitude of the original quake?. 3/2 TUESDAY.

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  2. Extra Credit Opportunity • 1. Name the 2 plates involved in Saturdays earthquake in Chile • 2. What type of boundary is it? • 3. What process is occurring there? • 4. What was the magnitude of the original quake?


  4. WEDNESDAY 3/3 • 1. Ch. 12 Notes! • 2. Ch. 12 vocabs! • 3. Ch. 12 Quiz Next Tuesday,3/9 – Will cover the following: • Ch. 12 notes • Ch. 12 vocabs • Dams activity • Waste water treatment activity *This will be an open notes, open worksheet quiz, so it is very important to carefully complete all of the work!

  5. THURSDAY 3/4 • 1. Computer Lab: Dams Activity • 2. Check/Turn in Vocabs. • 3. Remember: Open notes/worksheet quiz on Tuesday, 3/9. Quiz will cover: • Ch. 12 notes • Ch. 12 vocabs • Dams Activity (today) • Wastewater treatment (Monday)

  6. If you finish the dams activity before the end of the hour, pick one of the following activities: • Go on GoogleEarth and search the Pacific ocean for 3 islands that would be in danger of a Tsunami from a large earthquake in Chile. • Write the name of the island • List its Latitude and Longitude • How many people live there Go to the seismic monitor http://www.iris.washington.edu/seismon/ And list the 5 latest earthquakes in Chile. List Date and Magnitude

  7. Friday 3/5 1. Video: Seas of Life: The Deep

  8. Monday 3/8 Computer Lab: Finish Dams, Do Wastewater Treatment Activity Ch. 12 Quiz Moved to Wednesday, 3/10

  9. Tuesday 3/9/2010 • Video: The Eyes Of Nye – Where does our water go? • Crossword/Word search review for quiz tomorrow • For tomorrows quiz on Ch. 12 be sure to bring the following to class: • Ch. 12 notes • Ch. 12 vocabulary worksheet • Dams activity • Wastewater Treatment activity

  10. Wednesday, 3/10 Ch. 12 Quiz Google Earth: Explore the ocean floor.

  11. Percent of earth surface covered by Oceans? Percent of all water that is ocean water (marine)? List 5 Major oceans:

  12. Requirement for diagram: Title Sea-Floor Features Labeled: Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, Abyssal Plain, Seamount, Volcanic Islands, Trench, Mid-Ocean Ridge Description (captions) for each feature Include an example of a specific place in the world for: A trench, Volcanic Islands, and Mid-Ocean Ridge Appropriate Color When done, turn in, then do page 81-82 in workbook

  13. Monday, 3/15 Video: Bill Nye (funny one!) – Oceans Activity: Map the ocean floor Check Workbook assignment Ch. 13,Sec 1 and 2 Quiz Monday 3/22

  14. Tuesday 3/16-Wednesday 3/17 Computer Lab: Explore the oceans Ch. 13, Sec. 1 and 2 Quiz next Monday (3/22)

  15. Friday, March 19 Computer Lab: 4 tasks to be completed by end of hour Quiz will be Tuesday, March 23

  16. Monday, March 22 Fill out study guide for quiz Ch. 13, Sec. 1 and 2 Quiz Tomorrow

  17. Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Go over quiz 2.Video Animation: Tides 3.Read Ch. 13, Sec 3 and 4 4.Workbook Assignment: pages 87-88 Due Tomorrow

  18. Thursday, March 25, 2010 • Tides: Challenge and extension worksheet • Construct a tide demonstrator • Answer questions about tides using the following info: • Workbook pages 87-88 • Challenge and extension sheet • Tide Demonstrator

  19. What type of tide will occur when the sun, moon, and earth are in this position? How many times per month will this type of tide occur?

  20. What is one benefit of using a tidal dam to create electricity? What is one drawback to using a tidal dam to create electricity? What is the tide like in Rome, Italy when it is High tide in New York? How many low tides will occur in a 24 hour period? 7. What type of tide creates the lowest high tide? 8. What type of tide occurs when the earth, sun, and moon are in this position?

  21. What celestial body is most responsible for the gravitational forces that create the tides? In 1687 who came up with a scientific explanation to explain the forces creating the tides?

  22. Monday, March 29 Card Marking ends This Thursday, April 1 2.Check grades 3.Video: Coastline Environments 4.Coastlines worksheet

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