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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Room C215 Mr. Barnes Chemistry

Stay updated on chemistry class assignments and classroom rules. Complete crossword puzzles, warm-ups, and readings to ace your chemistry studies.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Room C215 Mr. Barnes Chemistry

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  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Room C215 Mr. Barnes Chemistry Returning students: Same seats as first semester New students / students from other periods: Sit in one of the red “island” desks in the middle of the room

  2. Chemistry Monday 1/9/2017 HOMEWORK: Finish crossword puzzle rough draft (blank puzzle, clues, answer key, 15+ chemistry vocab words) WARM-UP: Get out a blank sheet of paper. Name, period, and date in upper right hand corner Title = “S2 5 Week Warm-Ups” Skip a line. Write today’s date again. Copy the following question and answer it with one or more complete sentences that convey complete science facts. “Q: What is the relationship between atoms, electrons, molecules, protons, and neutrons?

  3. Chemistry Tuesday 1/10/2017 HOMEWORK: Finish crossword puzzle final draft (blank puzzle, clues, answer key, 15+ chemistry vocab words AND make it look nice) WARM-UP: Get out yesterday’s warm-up paper. Skip a line after yesterday’s warm-up. Write today’s date on the next line. On a new line, copy the following question. On a new line, answer the question with one or more complete sentences that convey complete science facts. “Q: Compare and contrast ionic, metallic, and covalent bonds.” STAMPS: none today. I hope you enjoyed your three solid weeks of no chemistry homework. Done with the warm-up? Get started on the homework.

  4. I’ve put the original of this in the bookwork answers binder.

  5. No food. No gum. No drinks other than water. Finish it outside before you come in.

  6. Chemistry Wednesday 1/11/2017 HOMEWORK: 11.1 read & take notes pages 321-323. Do Practice Problems #1 & #2. (Self-correct w/answers in back of book.) WARM-UP: An atom is made of nine protons, eleven neutrons, and ten electrons. What can you tell me about it? STAMPS: No stamps today, BUT, the S1 Chemistry Crossword Puzzle is due. Done with the warm-up? Get started on the homework.

  7. An atom is made of nine protons, eleven neutrons, and ten electrons. What can you tell me about it?

  8. Chemistry Thursday 1/12/2017 HOMEWORK: none tonight. WARM-UP: Translate this chemical equation: Na(s) + Cl2(g)  NaCl(cr) + heat STAMPS: 11.1 reading notes pgs 321-323. Practice Problems #1 & #2. Done with the warm-up? Read ahead in 11.1. You’re going to have to do it soon, so you might as well.

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBReOjo3ri8

  10. Chemistry Friday 1/13/2017 (gulp.) HOMEWORK: See something? Say something! WARM-UP: Translate the following into a chemical equation: Hydrogen gas exothermically combines with oxygen gas to become water vapor. STAMPS: no bookwork to stamp today. Done with the warm-up? Read ahead in 11.1. You’re going to have to do it soon, so you might as well.

  11. Hydrogen gas exothermically combines with oxygen gas to become water vapor. H2(g) + O2(g)  H20(g) + heat

  12. Hydrogen gas exothermically combines with oxygen gas to become water vapor. H2(g) + O2(g)  H20(g) + heat

  13. Hydrogen gas exothermically combines with oxygen gas to become water vapor. H2(g) + O2(g)  H20(g) + heat

  14. Hydrogen gas exothermically combines with oxygen gas to become water vapor. H2(g) + O2(g)  H20(g) + heat

  15. Crossword Puzzle RED INK Abbreviations RD = rough draft FD = final draft BP = blank puzzle (empty squares with #’s @ word starts) CLUE = clue list KEY= answer key (puzzle w/letters in boxes)

  16. Chemistry Tuesday 1/17/2017 HOMEWORK: none tonight – almost certainly tomorrow night. HONORS see bulletin below. WARM-UP: Translate the following into English: Fe(s) + O2(g)  Fe2O3(s) STAMPS: no bookwork to stamp today. Soon. Soon. Done with the warm-up? Read & work ahead in 11.1. You’re going to have to do it soon, so you might as well. HONORS: We’re not going to do 11.3 in class, but it will be on the test. Work ahead through all of ch 11 so that you’re ready to answer 11.3 questions when the test hits.

  17. Translate the following into English: Fe(s) + O2(g)  Fe2O3(s) Iron metal reacts with oxygen gas to produce iron (III) oxide. Why iron (III) oxide and not just iron oxide? Oxygen is in group 6A  An oxygen atom wants to gain 2 electrons  An oxygen atom becomes an O2- ion If there are three O’s in Fe2O3, then that’s a total charge of 6- Since ionic materials need to be neutral, The total charge on the iron must be 6+ There are two iron atoms, So each iron atom must have a 3+ charge (+3 x 2) + (-2 x 3) = 0 The Roman numeral says the positive charge on the metal.

  18. Chemistry Wednesday 1/18/2017 HOMEWORK: 11.1 Read pgs 324-328. Do Practice Problems #’s 3-6 to the best of your ability. WARM-UP: What does and doesn’t happen to atoms during chemical reactions? STAMPS: late PrPr #1 & #2 (OK due to mathiness) Done with the warm-up? Get started on the homework.

  19. Chemistry Thursday 1/19/2017 HOMEWORK: 11.1 Section Assessment. Check answers using power point in student vault. HONORS: Remember that you need to work ahead so you can get 11.3 done all on your own in time for the test. WARM-UP: How do you know when an equation is balanced? STAMPS: 11.1 reading notes pgs 324-328. Practice Problems #’s 3-6. Done with the warm-up? Get started on the homework.

  20. Chemistry Friday 1/20/2017 HOMEWORK: Re-visit any 11.1 practice problems & section assessment questions you have “?’s” for. HONORS: Do as much of 11.2 as you possibly can. WARM-UP: What are the steps in balancing a chemical equation? STAMPS: 11. 1 section assessment #’s 7-12 Done with the warm-up? Read and take notes in 11.2. It will be assigned soon.

  21. Chemistry Friday 1/20/2017 HOMEWORK: Re-visit any 11.1 practice problems & section assessment questions you have “?’s” for. HONORS: Do as much of 11.2 as you possibly can. WARM-UP: What are the steps in balancing a chemical equation? STAMPS: 11. 1 section assessment #’s 7-12 Done with the warm-up? Read and take notes in 11.2. It will be assigned soon.

  22. Equation Balancing Steps 1. List the elements – in the same order – under the reactant side and under the product side. 2. Do an atom count. #’s equal? If yes, go to step #5. If not . . . 3. Pick the unbalanced element that occurs in the least number of formulas. Increase a coefficient to make more of it where it’s needed. 4. Go to step #2. 5. If you can divide all the coefficients by the same whole number, do so.

  23. Chemistry Monday 1/23/2017 HOMEWORK: ALL STUDENTS: 11.2 read & take notes. HONORS ONLY: Also do all practice problems #’s 13-21. WARM-UP: Compare and contrast coefficients and subscripts. STAMPS: Any 11.1 questions (practice problems, section assessment) Done with the warm-up? Do the HW, work on the cardboard disc reactions worksheet, or forge ahead into the SP book.

  24.  2C8H18 + 25O216CO2 +18H2O

  25. Chemistry Tuesday 1/24/2017 HOMEWORK: ALL STUDENTS: Read instructions for part A of tomorrow’s lab. Dress for lab tomorrow (no contacts, no sandals, etc.) HONORS ONLY: 11.2 Section Assessment. Check answers using power point in student vault as usual. WARM-UP: What does the expression “12C6H12O6” indicate? STAMPS: 11.2 reading notes (all students), 11.2 practice problems #’s 13-21 (honors only). Done with the warm-up? Do the HW, work on the cardboard disc reactions worksheet, or forge ahead into the SP book.

  26.  C6H12O6

  27.  12C6H12O6

  28. Chemistry Wednesday 1/25/2017 HOMEWORK: Read procedure for parts B & C. WARM-UP: None. Just get goggles & aprons on. STAMPS: I will stamp 11.2 section assessment soon for honors and those seeking XCR . . . Done with the warm-up? Do the HW, work on the cardboard disc reactions worksheet, or forge ahead into the SP book.

  29. Chemistry Thursday 1/26/2017 HOMEWORK: ALL STUDENTS: Read procedure for parts B & C. Dress for lab tomorrow. Today we talk about the lab, tomorrow we do the lab. HONORS: Do as much of 11.3 as you can. Test early next week. WARM-UP: What material will be collected in an upside-down container in part C of the lab? Why? STAMPS: 11.2 section assessment Done with the warm-up? Do the HW, work on the cardboard disc reactions worksheet, or forge ahead into the SP book.

  30. Thursday 1/26: Talk about the lab procedure Friday 1/27: DO the lab Monday: Discuss lab results & post-lab questions Tuesday: Lab due / Ch 11 test Wednesday: Ch 11 packet due (notes, bookwork, worksheets)

  31. Chemistry Friday 1/27/2017 HOMEWORK: ALL STUDENTS: Answer all the questions on the lab worksheet. Lots of it is done on separate paper. Do it all. Soft due date = Tuesday, the day of the ch 11 test. HONORS: Finish 11.3 WARM-UP: Goggle & apron up. Get out your lab worksheet and something to write with. Put your backpack under the whiteboard OR on/underneath a red desk. STAMPS: none today (lab) Waiting around? Download & install the Kahoot! app on your phone if you have one. We’ll be using it soon . . .

  32. Chemistry Monday 1/30/2017 HOMEWORK: Chapter 11 test tomorrow. Study. Lab also due (soft due date . . . ) WARM-UP: What is the only thing you’re allowed to change when balancing a chemical equation? Why? STAMPS: Any 11.3 Waiting around? Download & install the Kahoot! app on your phone if you have one. We’ll be using it soon . . .

  33. Chemistry Tuesday 1/31/2017 HOMEWORK: Chapter 11 packet due tomorrow (all ch 11 bookwork, lecture notes, worksheets) WARM-UP: Answer doc title = “Chem Ch 11” Scratch paper title = “SCR 11” STAMPS: Any 11.3 – BEFORE TEST! Waiting around? Download & install the Kahoot! app on your phone if you have one. We’ll be using it soon . . .

  34. “Form” = Version Your form is indicated by your red test packet #. Your red test packet # should be the same as your seat #. If your test # is this . . . then your form # is this: 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36 = Form 1 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37 = Form 2 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38 = Form 3 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39 = Form 4 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 = Form 5

  35. Chemistry Chapter 11 Screen Questions given 1/31/2017 1. Why do chemists feel the need to balance chemical equations? 2. Compare and contrast coefficients and subscripts. 3. A synthesis reaction is like a marriage of people or a merger of corporations. What are decomposition, single displacement, and double displacement like? 4. Write a balanced equation for when iron (III) chloride forms from its elements. 5. Write a balanced equation for when octane (C8H18) combusts in the presence of oxygen gas. 6. Write a net ionic equation for when hydrocholoric acid reacts aqueously with barium hydroxide. Explain your steps.

  36. Chemistry Wednesday 2/1/2017 HOMEWORK: 10.1 read/take notes pgs 287 – 290. Practice Problems #’s 1 & 2 only WARM-UP: Gather together your bookwork, worksheets, and lecture notes for chapter 11. Stand by for packet list . . . STAMPS: Only w/lateness excuse. Test was yesterday, folks. Waiting around? Get started on the homework. 

  37. Chapter 11 Packet List due 2/1/2017 11.1 notes, day one N H 11.1 Practice Problems #’s 1 & 2 N H 11.1 notes, day two N H 11.1 Practice Problems #’s 3-6 N H 11.1 Section Assessment (#’s 7-12) N H 11.2 reading notes N H 11.2 Practice problems (#’s 13-21) H 11.2 Section Assessment (#’s 22-27) H 11.3 reading notes H 11.3 Practice Problems (#’s 28 & 29) H 11.3 Section Assessment (#’s 30-35) H Cardboard Disc Reactions Worksheet N H Cardboard Disc Reactions lecture notes N H SP Book equation balancing problems (xcr) Anything else I forgot?

  38. Chemistry Thursday 2/2/2017 HOMEWORK: none tonight . . . get that lab done, though, if not done already! WARM-UP: Each carton of oreos contains six bags of oreos. Each bag contains eight cookies. Each cookie has two wafers and a white layer in between them. How many wafers are there in four cartons of oreos? STAMPS: 10.1 reading notes pgs 287 – 290. Practice Problems #’s 1 & 2 only. Vocab term definitions from pg 314/glossary. Waiting around? Work on your lab.

  39. Chemistry Friday 2/3/2017 HOMEWORK: front side of molar mass worksheet – IN PENCIL! WARM-UP: How much cheese will be needed to make burgers from 20 pickles if we use 5 pickles and 2 slices of cheese per burger? STAMPS: math mercy stamps for 10.1 practice problems (?) Done with the warm-up? Get the molar mass worksheet if you don’t have it already and get to work on the front.

  40. Chemistry Monday 2/6/2017 HOMEWORK: none WARM-UP: How many water molecules are there in one mole of water? How many in two moles? STAMPS: (If I were stamping, I’d stamp the front side of molar mass worksheet, but the day is short . . . ) Done with the warm-up? Read the rest of 10.1.

  41. 1 mole = 6.022 x 1023 molecules 2 moles = 12 x 1023 molecules 2 moles = 1.2 x 1024 molecules

  42. Chemistry Tuesday 2/7/2017 HOMEWORK: 10.1: finish reading/taking notes; Practice Problems #’s 3-8. WARM-UP: How many moles is 6 x 1023 molecules of water? How many moles is 1.8 x 1024 molecules? STAMPS: Just period 4 “GPA” sheet (goal plan action) Done with the warm-up? Get started on the homework.

  43. How many moles is 1.8 x 1024 molecules? 0.3 6 ) 1.8 mole 1 1.8 x 1024 molecules x 1 6 x 1023 molecules = 0.3 x 1024-23 molecules = 0.3 x 101 molecules = 3 x 100 molecules = 3 molecules

  44. Chemistry Wednesday 2/8/2017 HOMEWORK: 10.1 Section Assessment WARM-UP: What is the formula of calcium phosphide? How about iron (III) nitrate? Show your work. STAMPS: 10.1 reading notes, day 2. 10.1 Practice Problems #’s 3-8. Done with the warm-up? Get started on the homework.

  45. Calcium phosphide Ca in 2A  loses 2e-  Ca2+ P in 5A  gains 3e-  P3- Ca2+ P3- Ca2+ P3- Ca2+ --------------------------- 6+ 6- Ca3P2  OCTET RULE!  CHARGE BALANCE

  46. Iron (III) nitrate Iron (III) = Fe3+ (Roman # tells +charge) “nitrate” = NO3- (pg 257/search engine) Fe3+ NO3- NO3- NO3- -------------------------- 3+ 3- Fe(NO3)3 `

  47. 1. Octet rule/etc.  Charge on each ion 2. How many of each ion  neutral?

  48. Ionic Compound Formulas (ch 7 / ch 9 REVIEW!) 1. Is it even ionic? Ionic compound = metal + nonmetal (Metals are found to the left of the metalloid staircase on the PT.) 2. Ionic charges. Use pages 257, 255, and/or, where applicable, the octet rule to determine what charge and formula each ion has. Octet rule: Atoms either lose e- to go down to zero or gain e- to go up to eight 3. Charge balance. Use the criss-cross rule to figure out how many of each ion goes into one formula unit. Amount of plus charge should equal amount of minus charge. If criss-cross gives you subscripts that can both be divided by the same whole number, do it.

  49. Chemistry Thursday 2/9/2017 HOMEWORK: 10.2 read & take notes pgs 297-299; do Practice Problem #’s 16-19 WARM-UP: How many moles is 3.6 x 1027 molecules of oxygen gas? STAMPS: 10.1 Section Assessment (#’s 9-15) Done with the warm-up? Get started on the homework.

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