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Understanding Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes in Rational Functions

Learn how to find horizontal asymptotes and vertical asymptotes in simple rational functions, and explore the behavior of functions at infinity. Discover the importance of end behavior models and special limits. Practice identifying and analyzing asymptotes using algebraic rules.

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Understanding Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes in Rational Functions

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  1. 2.1 Quiz

  2. Ch 2.2 Limits Involving Infinity

  3. Warm Up (on noteguide this time) How do we find Horizontal Asymptotes of Simple Rational Functions of the form y = ? If _________ then the line y=0 is the horizontal asymptote If _________then the line y = is the horizontal asymptote If ________then it has no horizontal asymptote – it has a slanted asymptote, which you find using division m < n m= n m> n

  4. Warm Up CONT: Review from PRECALC /ALG 2 Graph each of the following. State any VAs, HAs, holes, x-ints, and y-ints • f(x)= b) g(x) = c) h(x) =

  5. PC Review: What other patterns are there in rational expressions? f(x) = vs g(x) = vs h(x) = vs f(x) =

  6. Why do we care about what happens to a function at Infinity? • We use infinity () to describe behavior of a function when the values in its domain or range outgrow all finite bounds. • Many people like to make predictions about what happens to a dependent variable (x) in the future • EX: businesses want to know what happens when they keep producing an item…will their initial investment will be worth it? How much money will they be making?

  7. EX 1: Real Life Applications of Limits You are manufacturing an iPhone case that costs $0.50 to produce. Your initial investment is $5000. • The cost of producing x cases is then given by C = • The average cost is then given by What is the average cost of producing 100 cases? 100,000 cases? What if you produce an infinite amount? • 0.50x+5000.

  8. Defined by Limits, What is a horizontal asymptote? The line y = b is a horizontal asymptote of the graph of a function y = f(x) if either When we say “The limit of f as x approaches infinity” we mean the limit of f as x moves increasingly far to the right on the number line.

  9. What algebraic rules AKA “shortcuts” can I use to help me to find limits at infinity? Consider the rational function f(x) = Then the limit as x approaches positive OR negative infinity is given by If m > n then the limit does not exist (it will be ±∞)

  10. EX 2A: Looking for Horizontal Asymptotes Given f(x) = what is:

  11. EX 2B: Looking for HA Given f(x) = , find: * Use graphing calc to find this

  12. You Try! Find and by looking at the graph and if applicable, with the rules . Identify all horizonal asymptotes. • f(x) = b) f(x) = c) f(x) = Treat |x| like a piecewise!

  13. Review from ALG 2: What is End Behavior?

  14. What is the end behavior model? The function g is a right end behavior model for f iff a left end behavior model for f iff

  15. EX 3A: Finding End Behavior Let f(x) = 3- 2 . We know that the end behavior model would be g(x) = 3. Show that while f and g are quite different for numerically small values of x, they are virtually identical for |x|. Zoom out

  16. You Try! Given f(x) = find the end behavior model. Then find and

  17. EX 3B Given f(x) = find the end behavior model. Then find and

  18. You Try! b) Find an end behavior model for f(x) = a) Find an end behavior model for f(x) =

  19. What are some other “special” limits at infinity? *memorize these* = 0 = DNE a) Find b)

  20. = 0 *Theorem* = = = = c) sin(1/x) Notice… sin(x) = 0

  21. Theorem 5: Properties of Limits as x→ Don’t need to copy down. Review on Pg 71 in textbook. If L, M, c and k are real numbers and and • Sum Rule: • The limit of the sum of two functions is the sum of their limits • +M • Difference Rule: • The limit of the difference of two function is the difference of the limits • M • The Product Rule: • The limit of a product of two functions is the product of their limits • M

  22. Cont. 4. Constant Multiple Rule: • The limit of a constant times a function is the constant times the limit of the function. 5. Quotient Rule: • The limit of a quotient of two functions is the quotient of their limits, provided the denominator is not zero. • = 6. Power Rule: • If r and s are integers, s ≠ 0, then

  23. EX 3: Finding HA Using Theorem 5 You Try! Find • Find • )

  24. Defined by Limits, What is a vertical asymptote? The line x = a is a vertical asymptote of the graph of a function y = f(x) if either

  25. EX 4: Finding Vertical Asymptotes Find the vertical asymptote(s) of each function. Describe the behavior to the left and right of each vertical asymptote with limits. a) f(x) = . a) f(x) = tan(x)

  26. *Note* You might think that the graph of a quotient always has a vertical asymptote where the denominator is zero, but this is not the case. There could be a hole. EX: for f(x) = = 1

  27. You Try! Find the vertical asymptotes of the graph of f(x) and then describe the behavior to the left and right of each vertical asymptote. a) g(x) = b) h(x) = c) f(x) = sec(x)

  28. “Four Corners” worksheet

  29. HW Pg 75 QR #7-9all EX 1-7odd, 13-17all (sketch all graphs with asymptotes clearly marked), 23, 27-31all, 33, 35-44all, 53-56all

  30. Review Activity

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