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SERVICES & OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS. Tuition fees , study grants and subsides Guidance and tutoring Services Languages , math , soft skills Sport and free time. WWW.UNIBO.IT. Tuitions fees study grants and subsides.
SERVICES & OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS • Tuitionfees, studygrants and subsides • Guidance and tutoring • Services • Languages, math, soft skills • Sport and free time WWW.UNIBO.IT
Tuitionsfeesstudygrants and subsides Tuition fees are calculated based on the economic conditions, the documentation must be submitted within 30/10/2018. www.unibo.it/TuitionFees Calls for applications for studygrants and subsides are published on its www.unibo.it/StudyGrantsandwww.er-go.it/eng(website of the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education ER-GO). The deadline is different for each call for applications. Study grants are available for spending a study period abroad, in Europe end in the rest of the world. Calls for applications are published on www.unibo.it/InternationalRelations
GUIDANCE AND TUTORING TUTORS facilitates students in their studies, acting as a valid point of reference throughout their university career. almaorienta.unibo.it/tutorato Internships are an excellent opportunity for vocational training and for a first job experience. www.unibo.it/CurricularInternships www.unibo.it/PostgraduateInternships Work Orientation Service provides graduates and new graduates with tools and assistance in the phase of integration into the labor market.www.unibo.it/CareersGuidance Job Placement aservice helping graduates and graduating students to get in contact with the job market. www.jobplacement.unibo.it/en
SERVICES STUDENT ADMINISTRATION OFFICES Student Administration Offices help students to fulfil administrative requirements throughout their university tenure. All information on www.unibo.it/StudentAdministrationOffice International Desk The desk provides support to international students enrolling in degree programmes. It provides study grants and other financial support. www.unibo.it/admissions internationaldesk@unibo.it
SERVICES Accommodation, halls of residence and support services. Information aboutsearch of accommodation and rentalcontractsisavailable on: www.er-go.it/UnifiedLodgings www.unibo.it/AccommodationPlatforms www.unibo.it/LeaseContractRegistration Canteens and other catering facilities www.unibo.it/CanteensandCatering Libraries and study rooms www.sba.unibo.it/en www.unibo.it/StudyMultimediaRooms Transport and mobility. Discount for public transport passes for students www.unibo.it/Transport
SERVICES Medical care for Italian and Foreign students www.unibo.it/MedicalAssistance The psychologicalsupport service (SAP) for students who suffer from emotional and relational problems, affective and behavioral disorders or troubles in their academic lives www.unibo.it/PsychologicalSupport Services for disabled students and students with specific learning disabilities www.studentidisabili.unibo.it Cross-cultural consultation service for international students who are experiencing personal difficulties or are struggling to adapt to a new cultural and social environment www.unibo.it/CrossCulturalService
LANGUAGES, MATH, SOFT SKILLS University Language Centre – CLA offers language training services to students in preparation for the language proficiency test or for study periods abroad and offers also Italian courses for international students. www.cla.unibo.it AlmaMathematicaprovides educational support to improve the mathematical preparation necessary to fulfill the Additional Learning Requirements (OFA). www.almaorienta.unibo.it/AlmaMathematica BOOK – UniBo Open Knowledge an open-access platform available to allwhichhostsMOOCs, open courses, designed for distance learning.www.book.unibo.it
SPORT AND FREE TIME CUSB - Bologna University Sports Centre - where to practice sports even at a competitive levelwww.cusb.unibo.it The “Student-Athlete Dual Career” Project seeks to enable exceptional athletes to reconcile their University studies with a career in competitive sports (dual career) www.unibo.it/StudentAthlete All the opportunities to enjoy cultural activities at reduced prices are indicatts www.unibo.it/DiscountsCinemasTheatres www.unibo.it/AgevolazioniEventiCulturalied To get information on cultural events promoted by the University, you must register for the UNIBOCULTURA newsletter www.unibo.it/UniboCulturaInitiatives
AREA BIBLIOTECHE E SERVIZI ALLO STUDIO abis.dirittoallostudio@unibo.it abis.segreteriestudenti@unibo.it