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SCIENTIFIC & NON SCIENTIFIC THINKING. Presented by: Anik Matu Rosidah Mirna Mandela Siti Munawati Siti Nurhapipah. What is scientific method ?. Scientific method is a mechanism or a way to get knowledge by procedures based on a logical structure that consists of work phases:
SCIENTIFIC & NON SCIENTIFIC THINKING Presented by: Anik Matu Rosidah Mirna Mandela Siti Munawati Siti Nurhapipah
What is scientific method ? Scientific method is a mechanism or a way to get knowledge by procedures based on a logical structure that consists of work phases: disebut daur logico-hypothetico-verifikatif
In other words...Scientific Method is... Procedures or how to find something that has a systematic steps and use logical way of thinking.
Scientific Thinking means thinking rationally and empirically to obtain a truth and knowledge.
Charasteristic of scientific thinking • Objective • Rational / logical • Open • Always oriented to the truth
Example Inductive : Plant will die. (specific) Animalwill die. (specific) Human will die. (specific) Conclusion : All of living beings will die. (general) Deductive : All of humans will die. (general) Arisis a human. (specific) Conclusion : Ariswill die. (specific)
When, why and how do ……... we do the research ... ? problem curiosity Non Scientific Method Solution Non Scientific Approach Looking for answer Scientific Approach Science Solution Scientific Method Research
Example : “Ricogot stomachache for a week” • Pendekatan Ilmiah : • Cari data di lapangan • Rico makan apa ? • Periksa ke dokter • Tes laboratorium • Pengobatan • Kesimpulan : • Rico Keracunan • Pendekatan Non Ilmiah : • Pergi ke dukun • Penyembuhan • Kesimpulan : • Rico kena guna-guna dari • temen/musuhnya
NON SCIENTIFIC THINKING • Accepting a claim without any critical review • Accepting a claim in the absence evidence or even in the face of contradictory evidence • Accepting non-empirical evidence (hearsay)
Pendekatan Ilmiah : • Perumusan masalah jelas dan spesifik • Masalah merupakan hal yang dapat diamati dan diukur secara empiris • Jawaban permasalahan didasarkan pada data • Proses pengumpulan dan analisis data, serta pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan logika yang benar • Kesimpulan siap/terbuka untuk diuji oleh orang lain • Contoh : • Penggunaan Metode Ilmiah What difference ? • Pendekatan Non Ilmiah : • Perumusankaburatauabstrak • Masalahtidakselaludiukursecaraempirisdandapatbersifatsupranatural/dogmatis • Jawabantidakdiperolehdarihasilpengamatan data dilapangan • Keputusantidakdidasarkanpadahasilpengumpulandananalisis data secaralogis • Kesimpulantidakdibuatuntukdiujiulangolehorang lain • Contoh : • Penggunaanakalsehat, prasangka, intuisi, penemuansecarakebetulandancoba-coba, • pendapatotoritasilmiahdanpikirankritis
Science Discovery through Non Scientific Approach obtained in 3 ways: • Prejudice Draw conclusions with prejudice is not based on logical reasoning. • Intuition An activity that is not analytical thinking, not based on a specific thought. Opinions that based on intuition come from previous knowledge. • Trial and Error Is a way to acquire knowledge by trial and error or chancy. The process for obtaining knowledge by trial and error takes a long time until it is an inefficient when used to search for the truth.
COMPONENTS OF NATURAL SCIENCE (IPA) • Natural Sciences as a scientific product • Natural Sciences as a scientific process • Natural Sciences as a scientific attitude
Natural Sciences as a scientific process Through scientific processes will be obtained scientific findings. Science process skills are skills that are conducted by scientists (Srini M. Alexander, 1997: 5).
Natural Sciences as a scientific product • Maslichah Ash'ari (2006: 8) argues that science as a product is a set of knowledge that are arranged in the form of facts, concepts, principles, laws and theories.
In the process of science required a wide range of skills, among other skills: • Viewing/Observation • Classifying / classification • Measuring • Communicating • Interpreting • Predicting • Using the tool • Experimenting • Summing
Natural Sciences as a scientific attitude • Objective • Do not hastily conclude if not enough data to support that conclusion. • Be open • Caution • High curiosity • Do not interfuse facts with opinions
CONCLUSION Natural science (IPA) is obtained through scientific method. Not all knowledge can be called a science, because a knowledge can be called a science if it fulfills these requirements: • Logical • Objective • Methodology • Systematic • Universal • Cumulative