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Kono/Sono/Ano /Dono

Kono/Sono/Ano /Dono. この・その・あの・どの Kono/Sono/Ano/Dono. Kono + Noun = this Noun Sono + Noun= that Noun in front of you Ano + Noun = that Noun over there Dono + Noun = which Noun?. この + Noun. Kono pen wa Mearii-san no pen desu. Kono pen wa 50-en desu. その + Noun.

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Kono/Sono/Ano /Dono

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kono/Sono/Ano /Dono

  2. この・その・あの・どのKono/Sono/Ano/Dono • Kono + Noun = this Noun • Sono + Noun= that Noun in front of you • Ano + Noun = that Noun over there • Dono + Noun = which Noun?

  3. この + Noun • Kono pen wa Mearii-san no pen desu. • Kono pen wa 50-en desu.

  4. その + Noun • Sono hon wa Robaato-san no hon desu. • Sono hon wa 500-en desu.

  5. あの + Noun • Ano kutsu wa Suu-san no kutsu desu. • Ano kutsu wa 10000-en desu.

  6. この-その • A: Sono pen wa IKURA desu ka. • B: Kono pen wa 50-en desu. B A

  7. この-その A: Kono penwa IKURA desu ka. B: Sono pen wa 50-endesu. ? A

  8. A: この・その・あの(thing)はいくらですかKono/Sono/Ano (thing) wa ikura desu ka.B:____えんです。_____en desu.

  9. これは だれですか。Kore wa dare desu ka.

  10. Q: Kore wa dare no (thing) desu ka.A: _____-san no (thing) desu. 1 2 3 4 6 5

  11. “N 1 NO N2” in a WH question

  12. Q: Kore wa dare no (thing) desu ka.A: ______ no (thing) desu. TB p. 45

  13. Particle MO

  14. Practice!

  15. Particle MO = Also/ as well Sentence # 1 Sentence 2

  16. Practice!

  17. 1st: Noun 1 wa Noun A desu.2nd: Noun 2 MO Noun A desu.

  18. TB p. 46

  19. Negative Sentence ____ ja arimasen.

  20. Practice ! • Tanaka-san / ×Amerika-jin • Choo-san / × Kankoku-jin • Lopez-san / × Furansu-jin • Kim-san / × Chuugoku-jin • Mone-san / × Supein-jin • Sumisu-san / × Oosutoraria-jin

  21. Affirmative

  22. Negative Sentences

  23. Question Marker -KA Is Toyota-san a college student?

  24. Negative Answer No, (she is) not a college student.

  25. ______-san wa ___-nensei ja arimasen. Negative

  26. ____-san wa (school) no gakusei ja arimasen. Negative

  27. ___-san no senmon wa (major) ja arimasen. Negative

  28. Mearii-san wa nihonjinja arimasen. TB p. 46-47

  29. TB p. 47

  30. TB p. 48

  31. Ko-So-A-Do • Ko = something that is close to the speaker • So = something that is close to the listener • A= something that is neither close to the speaker nor the listener • Do = unknown/ question

  32. Kore this one

  33. Sorethat one

  34. AreThat one over there

  35. Dore Which one?

  36. Kore-Sore-Are-Dore • Kore wa Takeshi-san no pen desu. • Sore wa Mearii-san no pen desu. • Are wa Suu-san no pen desu. • DoreGA Robaato-san no pen desu ka.

  37. Kore-Sore-Are-Dore • Takeshi-san no pen wa kore desu. • Mearii-san no pen wa sore desu. • Suu-san no pen wa are desu. • Robaato-san no pen wa DORE desu ka.

  38. (Thing) wa DORE desu ka. • Newspaper • Umbrella • Computer • TV • Pen • Pencil • Japanese book • Notebook

  39. Q: __-san no (thing) wa DORE desu ka.

  40. Koko/ Soko/Asoko/ Doko

  41. Koko-Soko-Asoko-Doko • Koko = here, this place • Soko = there (near you), that place • Asoko = over there, that place over there • Doko = where?

  42. Koko-Soko-Asoko-Doko • Ginkoo WA Koko desu. • Ginkoo WA Soko desu. • Ginkoo WA Asoko desu. • Ginkoo WA Doko desu ka.

  43. ___ wa doko desu ka. • Ginkoo • Yuubinkyoku • Kissaten • Resutoran (Restaurant) • Toshokan • Depaato (Department store) • Honya • CDya

  44. (Thing) o kudasai.(Thing) o onegaishimasu.

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