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The Wonderful World of Accessible Media

The Wonderful World of Accessible Media. Captioning Basics and MAGpie. The Wonderful World of Accessible Media. Definitions Broad Overview Caption Exercise. Captions. Definition Written text representation of spoken words synchronized with the spoken words What do they do?

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The Wonderful World of Accessible Media

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Wonderful World of Accessible Media Captioning Basics and MAGpie

  2. The Wonderful World of Accessible Media • Definitions • Broad Overview • Caption Exercise

  3. Captions • Definition • Written text representation of spoken words synchronized with the spoken words • What do they do? • Allow audio/video to be comprehended by individuals who do not have access to audio • Have been shown to help most people better understand/retain spoken information

  4. Closed vs. Open Captioning • Definitions • Closed • Captions are not encoded directly in the video • Captions can be turned on or off as desired • Legal requirement for all TV sets larger than 13” • Open • Captions are encoded directly in the video • Captions can not be turned off • Used mainly in subtitled movies in theatres Which one is better?

  5. Transcript • Definition • Written text representation of spoken words not synchronized with the spoken words • De facto in courtrooms

  6. Audio Description • Definition • Verbal description of the action taking place in a visual medium • Used in “Blind Justice”

  7. Nu ma Nu ma Example • Transcript vs. Captions • Are they equal legally? • Are they equal in effectiveness? • Are they equal in spirit? • Go to www.dso.ufl.edu/ela and click on Nu ma Transcript

  8. 4 Steps to Captioning Bliss… • Record or attain a video of an event • Transcribe the event • Using traditional keyboard • Outsource to court reporter • Use voice dictation • Use 3rd party application (i.e. CART) • End up with a transcript

  9. 4 Steps to Captioning Bliss… • Sequence the video and transcript • Time code • Text document or 3rd party application (i.e. MAGpie) • End up with a Time coded Transcript or SAMI/SMIL

  10. Transcript or SAMI File • SAMI – Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange • Simply a text file • Consists of a tagged structure similar to HTML or web page files

  11. Transcript or SAMI File • Requires a <SAMI> tag to start and end the file. • The <SYNC> tag controls when that particular caption should appear in milliseconds.

  12. 4 Steps to Captioning Bliss… • Serving Technology • ASX or linker file • Equal access in delivery

  13. Linker or Playlist File • This file tells Windows Media Player where the video file is and where the transcript or SAMI file is. • Again it’s just a simple text file with tags • Must start and end with an <ASX> tag • In the <REF> tag list the video and SAMI file separated by a ? Mark.

  14. 4 Steps to Captioning Bliss… • Record or attain a video of an event • Transcribe the event • Sequence the video and transcript • Serving Technology

  15. Captioning Exercise • Open a browser and navigate to www.dso.ufl.edu/ela • Follow the directions and download the Finance video and Finance transcript (open the transcript file in Word and then save it back to itself) • Open MAGpie and select File > New Project to create a new caption project • On the video tab click the Browse button and find the finance video and then click OK • Import the transcript by selecting Stream > Import text… and finding the transcript • Play the finance video by pressing F6 and press F9 when the appropriate event is being spoken

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