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Learn about linked structures and linked lists in Java, including references as links, linear and non-linear structures, managing linked lists, data encapsulation separate from linking, and doubly linked lists.
Linked Structures, LinkedSet • References as Links • Linear Linked Lists and Non-linear Structures • Managing Linked Lists • Data Encapsulation Separate from Linking • Doubly Linked Lists • Reading: L&C : 4.1-4.3
References as Links • A linked structure is a data structure that uses object reference variables to create links between objects • Declaring an object reference variable Object obj = new Object(); • A diagram of an object reference variable Object reference variable An object of Object class obj
References as Links • A self-referential Person class that contains a pointer to another Person class object public class Person { // attributes of a “person” private String name; private String address; // link (or pointer) to another Person object private Person next; // next Person in list
References as Links • A self-referential Person class that contains a pointer to another Person class object // constructor, accessor, and mutator methods public Person(. . .) // parameters are attributes { // set the attributes next = null; } public Person(Person next, . . .) { this.next = next; } public void setNext(Person next) { this.next = next; } public Person getNext() { return next; } }
Linked Lists • A null terminated linked list of Person objects can be used to represent people waiting in line starting at the “front” • Beginning of a linked list of Person objects private Person front; • A diagram of a linked list Person next; Person next; Person next; null front
Linked Lists • Unlike an array which has a fixed size, a linked list is considered to be a dynamic structure • The amount of memory used grows and shrinks as objects are added to the list or deleted from the list • The Java compiler and virtual machine allocate memory for each individual object as it is created (via the new operator) and free memory as each object is garbage collected
Linear/Non-Linear Linked Structures • A linked list is considered to be a linear structure since it can be visualized as a line • Some linked structures are non-linear, e.g. entry
Managing Singly Linked Lists • The order in which references are changed is crucial to maintaining a linked list • Can insert a new Person in three places: • at the front • In the middle • at the end • Can delete an existing Person in three places: • At the front • In the middle • at the end
Inserting Objects in a Linked List • Create new Person object and link at front Person newPerson = new Person(. . .); newPerson.setNext(front); front = newPerson; newPerson = null; 1 newPerson Person next; 2 4 front Person next; Person next; 3
Inserting Objects in a Linked List • Create new Person object and link after the current Person object (current could be at end) Person newPerson = new Person(. . .); newPerson.setNext(current.getNext()); current.setNext(newPerson); newPerson = null; 1 newPerson Person next; 2 4 current front Person next; Person next; Person next; 3
Inserting Objects in a Linked List • How about inserting an element at the end? Let's do it together.
Removing Objects from a Linked List • Remove Person object at front Person removed = front; front = front.getNext()); removed.setNext(null); 1 removed 3 front Person next; Person next; Person next; 2
Removing Objects from a Linked List • Remove Person object after current Person object (removed object could be at end) Person removed = current.getNext(); current.setNext(removed.getNext()); removed.setNext(null); current removed 1 Person next; front Person next; Person next; 3 2
Removing Objects from a Linked List • How about removing an object from the end?
Elements without Links • It is desirable to have a generic link class that can be used to link any type of objects of any class encapsulating the “real” data • Class LinearNode<T> does that this way front null LinearNode next; T element; LinearNode next; T element; LinearNode next; T element; Object of type T Object of type T Object of type T
Elements without Links • Code for Linear Node<T> public class LinearNode<T> { private LinearNode<T> next; private T element; public LinearNode() // create an empty node { next = null; element = null; }
Elements without Links • Code for LinearNode<T> public LinearNode(T element) { next = null; this.element = element; } public LinearNode<T> getNext() { return next; } public void setNext(LinearNode<T> next) { this.next = next; }
Elements without Links • Code for LinearNode<T> public T getElement() { return element; } public void setElement(T element) { this.element = element; } }// end class LinearNode<T>
Elements without Links • Using the LinearNode class to create a linked list of three Person objects int size = 3; LinearNode<Person> front = new LinearNode<Person>(); LinearNode<Person> current = front; for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { LinearNode<Person> newNode = new LinearNode<Person>(); current.setNext(newNode); current = newNode; }
Doubly Linked Lists • Each DoubleNode object has a reference to next DoubleNode and previous DoubleNode public class DoubleNode<T> { private DoubleNode<T> next; private DoubleNode<T> prev; private T element; front DoubleNode<T> next DoubleNode<T> prev T element DoubleNode<T> next DoubleNode<T> prev T element null null back Object of type T Object of type T
Doubly Linked Lists • To Add a DoubleNode object to the list, your code must set both the DoubleNode next and prev variables. • To delete a DoubleNode object from the list, your code must bypass the DoubleNode links in both directions.