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Linguistic Coding Difference Hypothesis. Native language skills. Native language skills play a significant part in foreign language learning success or failure .
Nativelanguageskills • Nativelanguageskills play a significant part in foreign language learning successorfailure. • A learnerwhoexperiencesmildorseveredifficultiesinthenativelanguage learning mightencounterdifficultiesin learning a foreign language. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Itisclaimedthat a learner’sskillsinthenativelanguagelinguisticcodesorcomponents form thebackground for successful foreign language learning. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Phonologicalcode • Involves identifying and distinguishing between speech sounds andprocessingthesound/symbol connections. • The most noticeabledeficitconcernsphonemicawareness – ability to consciouslyisolate and manipulatethesounds of thelanugage and relatethem to theappropriatesymbols. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Syntacticcode • Involvesunderstandingand applying grammatical, structural concepts of a language system. • Thenoticeabledifficultiesrefer to sentencestructuredecodingskills, sentencestructureencodingskills and morphologicaldecoding and encodingskills. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Semanticcode • Thiscodeisconnectedwithunderstandingmeanings. • Thedifficultiesrefer to problemscomprehendingsemanticinformationsuch as words, phraseswithmultiplemeanings, wordassociations, difficultiesinusingadjectives etc. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
LinguisticCodingDifferenceHypothesis Itishypothesizedthat : • foreign language learning isbuilt on nativelanguageskills. • thecompetence of a learnerwithinthethreelinguisticcodesinthenativelanguageformsthefoundation for foreign language learning. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
studentswithweakernativelanguageskills will demonstratepoor foreign languageproficiency. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Itisalsoassumedthat : • problemswith one languageskillarelikely to have a negativeeffect on boththenative and foreign language systems. • poor foreign languagelearnersexperience most difficultywiththephonological/orthographicrule system of L2. • . Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Foreign Language Learning Disabilityvs a continuum of foreign languagedifferences At –risk foreign languagelearnersarethose whoare: • identifiedwith learning disabilities and experienceproblemsin foreign language learning • not diagnosed as learning disabled (LD) but experienceproblemsin foreign language learning Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Researchoutcomesdemonstrate • Thereareindividualdifferencesinlanguagepropensities of languagelearners. • Theability to learn a foreign languageexists on a continuum. • Difficultiesin learning a foreign languagerangefrommild to severe. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Foreign Language Learning Disability was suggested as a phenomenonused to explainthedifficultiesin learning foreign languages by learnerswith a learning disability. • Thephenomenon, however, was not groundedsupportinresearchstudies. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001
Based on : Nijakowska, J. (2010). Dyslexia in the foreign language classroom. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Chapter 3. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project-Number: 518466-LLP-1-2011-PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: 2011-3631/001-001