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THE OECD LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS EVALUATION PROGRAMME Creating Effective Learning Environments. L E E P. What is LEEP?. What are its activities?.
What is LEEP? What are its activities? In addition to providing a repository and forum for research and development in this area, LEEP is developing tools to assess and review the effectiveness of learning environments. This will include the use of the “PISA-based Test for Schools” and Database of Best Practices in Educational Facilities Investment (www.edfacilitiesinvestment-db.org). In 2013-14, LEEP activities include: • Developing a framework for the first LEEP Module on Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Physical Learning Environment. • Developing tools for the Module. • Running workshops to develop the framework and tools for the Module. • Conducting a pilot of the Module in a small number of countries. The Learning Environments Evaluation Programme (LEEP) seeks to broaden and re-focus the work of the OECD Centre for Effective Learning Environments (CELE)by examining the relationship between a range of policy levers that shape the learning environment and educational and other outcomes. It aims to produce instruments and analysis that inform school leaders, researchers, designers, policymakers and others about how investments in learning environments, including educational spaces and different technologies, translate into improved education, health, social and well-being outcomes, leading to more efficient use of education resources. LEEP
Who can participate? How to participate? LEEP is overseen by the OECD Group of National Experts on Effective Learning Environments (GNE), which is composed of experts in effective learning environments who are nominated by OECD delegations with the support of national or sub-national ministries of education. All members of the GNE have the opportunity to: • Shape the evidence base for building effective learning environments and links to improving education and other outcomes; • Peer network and share information by participating in conferences, workshops, webinars and other events hosted by the OECD or other GNE members; • Showcase good practices and learn from other countries participating in the GNE; • Influence the research agenda for the LEEP methods and other tools; • Access tools for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of (physical) resource use; and • Learn from the outcomes of the LEEP pilot. LEEP is financed by countries participating in the GNE. Those countries wishing to participate are required to complete an “offer letter for financial contributions”, which must specify on the donor’s letterhead: • Name and address of the donor; • Level of contribution in Euros; and • Expected date OECD will receive the contribution. The OECD will prepare an invoice upon receipt of the letter. If you wish to participate in this work or would like to know more, please contact Hannah.vonAhlefeld@oecd.org. LEEP LEEP
Write to us: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Centre for Effective Learning Environments (CELE) 2 rue André Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16 France E-mail: cele@oecd.org Connect with us on: Educationtoday: Global perspectives on Education: http://oecdeducationtoday.blogspot.fr/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/EDUcontact Twitter: http://twitter.com/OECD_Edu Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/OECDEDU Order our publications: OECD on-line bookshop: www.oecd.org/bookshop Browse it online before you buy or by sending an email to sales@oecd.org Visit our Web site: www.oecd.org/edu/facilities ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT www.oecd.org