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THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR Colonialism and Restricted Trade A. Colonialism 1. Control by one…

THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR Colonialism and Restricted Trade A. Colonialism 1. Control by one… 2. England over the colonies 3. Source… 4. Market… B. Navigation Act (1651) 1. Only English ships 2. Monopoly a. Only one… b. Effect on colonies

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THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR Colonialism and Restricted Trade A. Colonialism 1. Control by one…

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  1. THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR • Colonialism and Restricted Trade • A. Colonialism • 1. Control by one… • 2. England over the colonies • 3. Source… • 4. Market… • B. Navigation Act (1651) • 1. Only English ships • 2. Monopoly • a. Only one… • b. Effect on colonies • 3. Result in higher prices • 4. Additional restrictions… • 5. Net effect up/down

  2. Restricted Rights • A. Writs of Assistance • 1. Beginning of… • 2. Gave custom officials right… • 3. Illegal goods • 4. Combat smuggling • B. French and Indian War (1754-1763) • 1. aka Seven Years War • 2. B/t British & French • 3. Control of NA & colonies • 4. Albany Conference • a. Before war • b. By Benj. Franklin • c. Albany Plan of Union • d. Form Fed Gov’t • e. Rejected but… • 5. French allies: Algonquians and Hurons • 6. British allies: Iroquois (may be) • 7. British victory gain all land…

  3. C. Pontiac’s War 1. Delaware Prophet idea 2. Ottawa, Delaware, Shawnee, Seneca vs. British 3. England could not afford another war 4. England could not afford loss of fur trade 5. Led to… D. Proclamation of 1763 1. Forbid… 2. Restriction of movement/improvement 3. 10,000 troops 4. Collect… 5. Writs 6. Appalachian Mtns

  4. Taxation without Representation (sorta) • A. The Sugar Act (1764) • 1. Lowered… • 2. Strictly… • B. The Stamp Act (1765) • 1. Legal documents… • 2. First… • C. The Towshends Acts (1767) • 1. Followed repeal… • 2. Imported glass…

  5. Other Events Leading to Colonial Separation • A. The Quartering Act (1765) • 1. Pay for… • 2. Build, pay, private • B. The Boston Massacre (3/4/1770) • 1. Long period… • 2. Day of… • 3. Five • 4. Crispus Attucks • 5. Sons of Liberty • a. Organization • b. Samuel Adams • c. A member • 6. British remove… • 7. Troops stand trial

  6. C. Boston Tea Party 1. Sons of Liberty 2. Indians 3. Dumped tea D. Intolerable Acts (aka Coercive Acts) 1. Result of… 2. Punishment 3. Shut down harbor 4. Restricted town meetings 5. Only tried in GB E. First Continental Congress (1774) 1. Boycott 2. No exports

  7. War Begins • A. Patrick Henry • 1. Burgess • 2. Speech 3/1775 • 3. “I know not what …” • B. Minutemen • 1. First formed in MA • 2. Citizen soldiers • 3. Ready to fight at… • C. Sides • 1. Patriots • a. 1/3 • b. Fighting against England • c. Strongest in NE • 2. Loyalist (aka Tories) • a. 1/3 • b. Loyal to King and England • 3. Neither • a. 1/3 • b. Waiting to see…

  8. D. First Action 1. British troop move a. Concord MA b. Confiscate 2. Midnight Ride a. Old North Church b. Paul Revere et al c. Horseback warning d. “The British are coming!” 3. Lexington and Concord MA a. AM April 19,1775 b. Minutemen vs. British troops c. British retreat 73KIA/200 wounded d. Recognized as start of RevWar

  9. E. Second Continental Congress 1. Philadelphia PA 5/10/1775 2. Few hoped 3. Most wanted military/break 4. Olive Branch Petition a. Peace proposal b. To King George III c. Refused 5. Delegates make three key decisions a. Establish Continental Army b. Name George Washington commander-in-chief c. Permanent break from Britain

  10. Declaration of Independence • A. Delegates meet • B. Declare indep July 2, 1776 • C. Written by Thomas Jefferson et al • D. Signed July 4, 1776 • E. Foundation • F. Principle points • 1. All men are created equal • 2. All people have certain unalienable rights • 3. Governments exist only by the consent of the governed • 4. Governments must be changed if they become unjust

  11. People • A. William Howe • 1. Commander of all British forces • 2. Victories/loses • B. John Burgoyne • 1. Commander of Northern British Army • 2. “Gentleman Johnny” • 3. Pivotal loss • C. Ethan Allen • 1. “Colorful” Patriot leader • 2. “Green Mountain Boys” • D. Nathanael Greene • 1. Patriot commander South • 2. Frances Marion aka “Swamp Fox” • E. Molly Pitcher • 1. Mary Ludwig Hayes • 2. Fought as Patriot gunner • F. Nathan Hale • 1. Patriot spy • 2. Captured – hanged • 3. “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”

  12. G. Benedict Arnold • 1. Patriot hero • 2. Traitor • H. Marquis de Lafayette • 1. French general • 2. Trained Patriot soldiers • Major Battles • Battle of Lexington and Concord • Fort Ticonderoga NY • 1. May 1775 us • 2. July 1777 them • Battle of Bunker Hill MA • 1. July 1775 • 2. British suffer heavy casualties • 3. Patriots run out of ammunition • D. Battle of Saratoga NY • 1. October 1777 • 2. British surrender 6,000 • 3. Turning point of war • 4. France and Spain agree to support

  13. E. Valley Forge PA 1. Winter 1777-78 2. Training camp 3. Discipline and morale F. Battle of Kings Mountain 1. Appalachian Mtns in Carolina 1780 2. Greene, Marion et al 3. Turning point in south G. Battle of Cowpens SC 1. 1781 2. Greene, Marion again 3. Guerrilla war tactics a. No fighting in the open b. Strike quickly then disappear into woods/swamps H. Battle of Yorktown VA 1. Sept-Oct 1781 2. Cornwallis surrounded 3. French navy blockade 4. Patriots block escape by land 5. British surrender 6. End of fighting in RevWar

  14. Battle at Sea • A. Patriot non-navy • B. Letters of Marque • 1. Issued by CC • 2. Licenses • 3. Authorize • Treaty of Paris 1783 • A. Terms to end war • B. Required of British • 1. Recognize independence of United States • 2. Set US borders • a. Canada to the north • b. Mississippi River to the west • c. Spanish Florida to the south • d. Atlantic Ocean to the east

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