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Understanding Hindu God: A Spiritual Perspective

Explore the Hindu belief in one Supreme Being, the various forms of God, and the significance of worship in Hinduism. Discover the monotheistic and henotheistic aspects of Hindu views on divinity. Learn how God's presence within us shapes the essence of Hindu spirituality.

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Understanding Hindu God: A Spiritual Perspective

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  1. SGM Religion & Music Class A Hindu Perspective of God January 13, 2012

  2. Let’s test our knowledge • Who/what is our Hindu God? • How many God(s) do we have in Hinduism? • Why do we have so many murtis? • Do Hindus worship idols?

  3. A Pluralistic View • The Hindu view of God allows one to exercise complete freedom in worship. A Hindu may worship any deity as she/he chooses based upon her/his own mental constitution. • We know that different modes of worship are just different roads to the same destination of union with God. We have no quarrel with other religions as we consider them as different rivers flowing to ultimately merge in the same ocean.

  4. We Worship One God • Hindus all worship a one Supreme Being, though by different names – • Let’s identify the different forms of God at our Altar.

  5. Monotheistic & Henotheistic • Hinduism is both monotheistic and henotheistic. Hindus were never polytheistic, in the sense that there are many equal Gods. Henotheism (literally "one God") better defines the Hindu view. It means the worship of one God without denying the existence of other Gods. We Hindus believe in the one all-pervasive God who energizes the entire universe. • We can see Him in the life shining out of the eyes of humans and all creatures. This view of God as existing in and giving life to all things is called panentheism.

  6. God is Within Us • Knowing that God is always with us gives us hope and courage. Knowing the One Great God in this intimate and experiential way is the goal of Hindu spirituality. • One of the unique understandings in Hinduism is that God is not far away, living in a remote heaven, but is inside each and every soul, in the heart and consciousness, waiting to be discovered. • Hence, part of the mission of SGM

  7. Let’s test our knowledge again • Who/what is our Hindu God? • How many Gods do we have in Hinduism? • Why do we have so many murtis? • Do Hindus worship idols?

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