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The global epidemiology of tobacco and related chronic diseases. Professor Judith Mackay Plenary Session 4 - Chronic Disease World Congress of Epidemiology Edinburgh, Scotland; 9 August 2011. Smoking prevalence. Male. Female. Same key. Female smoking numbers: Top 20.
The global epidemiology of tobacco and related chronic diseases Professor Judith Mackay Plenary Session 4 - Chronic Disease World Congress of Epidemiology Edinburgh, Scotland; 9 August 2011
Smoking prevalence Male Female Same key
Youth smoking prevalence, 2000-2007, GYTS Boys Girls Same key
↑ Tobacco epidemic (~ other NCD) Smoking prevalence Tobacco consumption Tobacco deaths 6m->8m p.a. by 2030
Obstacles to Tobacco Control • Lack of awareness of risk factors • Preoccupation with other diseases • Tobacco may not yet cause many deaths • Focus on curative medicine, not prevention • Smoking, alcohol, diet seen as personal behaviour • Tobacco industry: promotion, distortion of health and economic evidence, financial might, challenge/threats to governments other industries not far behind • Tobacco tax revenue (but not debit) seen • Misperceived economic costs • Lack of funds for research and intervention
The tobacco industry: Not changed its spots… Acknowledgement to http://www.wildlife-pictures-online.com/leopard-pictures-1.html
Neo-libertarian groups – now gone global “Nanny state” “Less government” “Personal freedom”
Tobacco Control:WHO FCTC • WHO FCTC into effect 2005 • Parties ratified: 174/ 192
Tobacco Control:Ban Tobacco Promotion People’s Republic of China Las Palmas Philippines
Tobacco Control:Smoke-Free Laws Hong Kong RestaurantTax Receipts Before ban and2 years later: 31% Example: Hong Kong
Tobacco Control:Pack Warnings Example: Hong Kong • 27 Oct 2006: Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance 2006 in effect • 6 pictorial health warnings – all cigarettes to display 50% health warning messages in both Chinese & English
Tobacco Control:Media Campaigns worldlungfoundation.org/mmr
Tobacco Control:Quitting Reduces NCD Risk For Smoker:Quitting Works
Tobacco Control:Raising Taxes Key Economic Messages • Tobacco is debit to the economy • Tobacco control is cost-effective • Price increases most effective • tobacco tax does not govt revenue • tobacco tax does not smuggling • tax on other NCD risk factors (e.g. alcohol, certain foods); tax on vegetables??
Tobacco Control:Earmarked Tax for Health Example: Thailand • 2% of tobacco and alcohol tax used for health promotion
And now: Major private donors Michael Bloomberg But funding from governments completely inadequate… Bill Gates
NCDs: 60% Global Deaths Source: WHO, 2010
Deaths fromCardiovascular Disease Coronary heart disease Stroke * Different keys
Cancer Registries % of the population covered by cancer registration 67.0 85.0 7.1 19.0 7.9 13.0 82.0 17.0% total IARC, 2011
UN Summit on NCDs 19-20 Sep 2011 • 28 such meetings at UN sinceend-WWII only 1 on health (AIDS) • This one: 135 co-sponsoring countries and unanimous approval • Outcome Document is critical • Call for addition of all NCDs into next round of UN MDGs in 2015
The fight for tobacco control will continue!Thank You Professor Judith Mackay Senior Advisor jmackay@worldlungfoundation.org