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Education 481 Curriculum Project. 6 th Grade. The main goal of the sixth grade science curriculum is to prepare students for their seventh and eighth grade science classes. Students will cover units on cells, physical science, earth science, and technology and the nature of science.
The main goal of the sixth grade science curriculum is to prepare students for their seventh and eighth grade science classes. • Students will cover units on cells, physical science, earth science, and technology and the nature of science. • Standard 1: Unifying Concepts • Asks students to create a model of a system, and identify systems that are composed of subsystems. • Students will create a model of a solar system. • Also asks students to explain the connection between cause and effect in a system. Students will learn about this in their unit on physical science. • Standard 2: Science Inquiry • Students will complete two different projects to fulfill this standard. • Written report • Science fair project
Standard 3: Physical Science • Various units will be completed in relation to physical science: • Properties of matter • Force • Forms and sources of energy • Vibrations/wavelengths • Standard 4: Life Science • Units on life science will include: • Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells • Identification of single and multi-celled organisms • Differences between, and advantages of asexual versus sexual reproduction • The importance of reproduction for the continuation of a species • Standard 5: Earth and Space Science • Units on earth and space science will include: • Weather • Rocks • Layers of the Earth • Basic characteristics of the solar system
Standard 6: Science and Technology • This unit asks for students to learn about the nature of science. Students will complete a group project designed to create a solution to a current environmental problem. • Students will learn about the relationship between science and technology, and how technology has evolved. • Standard 6: Science and Technology • This unit asks for students to learn about the nature of science. Students will complete a group project designed to create a solution to a current environmental problem. • Students will learn about the relationship between science and technology, and how technology has evolved. • Standard 6: Science and Technology • This unit asks for students to learn about the nature of science. Students will complete a group project designed to create a solution to a current environmental problem. • Students will learn about the relationship between science and technology, and how technology has evolved.
7th Grade Life Science • First experience in a science content course. • Students will cover units on: • Unit 1: Cells • Unit 2: Taxonomy • Unit 3: Ecosystems • Unit 4: Environmental Science • Unit 5: Science and Technology
Unit 1: Cells • Types • Structure and Function • Students will explain the role of a cell. • 7.4.1. Explain the functions of the cell • Replication • Students will explain models having to do will cell replication. • 7.1.1. Explain how models can be used to illustrate scientific principle • Basic Unit of living Organisms • Students will identify all significant components of a system. • 7.1.2. Identify the components within a system • 7.4.2. Identify levels of organization in living systems
Unit 2: Taxonomy • Classifying Organisms • Students will classify organisms based upon mode of reproduction. • 7.4.3. Identify the characteristics of reproduction • Students will classify organisms based upon the taxonomical hierarchy • 7.4.5. Classify organisms • Diversity among Organisms
Unit 3: Ecosystems • Students will give a presentation on a specific ecosystem. • 7.2.1. Communicate the results of scientific investigations using an appropriate format • 7.8.2. Explain the importance of keeping clear and accurate records of scientific investigations • Energy Flow through an Ecosystem • Students will explain how energy flows through an ecosystem. • 7.3.1. Explain how forms of energy can be transferred • Interactions between Organisms • Students will identify predator/prey relationships • Students will explain the importance of competition • Students will identify the different interactions between species • 7.4.4. Identify interactions among organisms and their environment
Unit 3: Ecosystems (cont’d) • Adaptations • Students will relate feedback mechanisms to specific adaptations to an environment. • 7.1.3. Identify examples of feedback mechanisms • Students will identify specific adaptations that organisms have which allow them to live in their environment. • 7.1.4. Identify the relationship between form and function • 7.4.6. Explain how different adaptations help organisms survive • Students will explain how organisms have adapted to the changing seasons • 7.5.2. Explain how seasons affect organisms • Environment • Students will explain the factors which lead to different ecosystems. • 7.5.1. Identify the factors that affect the Earth’s climate
Unit 4: Environmental Science • Resources • Students can differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources • 7.5.3. Identify the Earth’s renewable and nonrenewable resources • Overpopulation • Students will identify problems associated with overpopulation • 7.7.3. Explain how overpopulation affects organisms, resources, and environments
Unit 5: Science and Technology • Influences of and on Science • Students will explain how individuals have advanced science and technology. • 7.8.1 Explain how science is influenced by human qualities • Students will identify bias for or against new technology. • 7.6.2. Identify technologies that are influenced by societies • 7.6.1. Identify ways in which technology has influenced the course of history and improved the quality of life • Science’s Impact • Students will pros and cons of the advancement of technology. • 7.6.3. Identify intended benefits and unintended consequences that result from the development and use of technologies • 7.7.4. Explain the impact of science on food technology • Students will identify technological advances in science and medicine. • 7.7.2. Identify the factors that may result in disease
8th Grade Semester 1: Earth Science Semester 2: Physics/ Chemsirty
8th Grade Earth Science • Units Covered • Geological Processes • Characteristics of the Earth; Weather, Seasons, and Climate • Natural Selection and Biological Evolution • Solar System
Geological Processes • Understand rock cycle • Explain how landforms are formed and changed • Identify evidence for plate tectonic theory
Characteristics of the Earth; Weather, Seasons, and Climate • Explain how phenomena on earth are related to position and motion of sun, moon, and earth. (Seasons, tides) • Explain how factors affect weather. • Explain the water cycle.
Natural Selection and Biological Evolution - Identify evidence of biological evolution as found in the fossil record.
Solar System • Identify characteristics of stars. • Identify the composition and scale of the universe.
8th Grade Physics, Chemistry, and Solar Systems • Units to be Covered: • Properties of Matter • Force and Motion • Energy Transfer and Transformation; Vibrations and Waves
Properties of Matter • Identify elements and compounds. • Explain relationships between phases of matter and temperature.
Force and Motion • Interpret effect of balanced and unbalanced forces of motion of an object. • Explain gravitational force
Energy Transfer and Transformation;Vibrations and Waves • Identify when heat can be transformed by conduction, convection, and radiation. • Explain the characteristic properties and behaviors of waves.
Earth Science Grade 9
Earth Science • UNITS: • Earth History • Matter, Atoms, and Elements • The Universe • Geologic Processes, Human Activities, and Environment
Earth History • Relative Age • 9-10.5.2: Relate the changes in the earth’s atmosphere to the evolution of photosynthetic life forms • Earthquakes and Volcanoes • 9-10.5.4: Analyze the past evidence of natural hazards and geologic events to predict future hazards and events. • Radioactive Decay, Isotopes and Half Life • 8.5.6: Understand the changes Earth has undergone over geologic time
Matter, Atoms, and Elements • Matter • 9-10.3.2: Classify changes in matter as physical or chemical • 9-10.3.3: Recognize the Law of Conservation of Matter in physical and chemical changes • Atoms • 9-10.3.4: Construct a model of an atom • Elements • 9-10.3.1: Classify elements according to similar properties
The Universe • Big Bang Theory • 9-10.5.1: Compare and contrast the most widely accepted scientific theories explaining the origin and evolution of the universe • 11-12.5.1: Explain how the Sun and other stars are powered by nuclear reactions
Geologic Processes, Human Interaction, and Environment • Rock Cycle • 8.5.1: Understand the rock cycle • Water Cycle • 8.5.2: Understand the water cycle • Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Continental Drift • 9-10.5.3: Know the short-term and long-term effects of physical processes • Weather • 8.5.7: Understand the factors
Biology Grade 10
Biology • Standard 4: Students understand the basic concepts and principles of life science. • 11-12.4.1: Explain the importance of cell differentiation in the development of tissues, organs, organ systems, and multi-cellular organisms • Standard 7: Students understand relations between science and personal, social, and environmental issues. • 11-12.7.4: Explain how science and technology can influence personal, industrial, and cultural decisions
Biology: Units • Biology in the World • Chemistry of Life • Cell Structure • Cell Function • Cell Reproduction • Sexual Reproduction • Genetics • DNA • Genetic Engineering
Biology:Essential Questions • Identify the structures in the cell model and explain their roles. • What are the steps in mitosis and meiosis? What happens during each step? • How might clinging affect society in the future, or will it have an effect? Explain your reasoning.
Chemistry Grade 11
Chemistry • Standard 1: Students understand the unifying concepts and processes of science. • 11-12.1.5: Explain how classification can be based on the relationship between form and function • Standard 2: Students use the process of science inquiry. • 11-12.2.2: Select and use appropriate instruments, measuring tools, and units of measure to improve scientific investigations.
Chemistry: Units • Measurements and Calculations • Matter • Periodic Table • Naming Compounds • Bonding • Chemical Reactions • Acids and Bases • Redox Reactions • Stoichiometry • Equilibrium
Chemistry: Essential Questions • Explain the role of electrons in covalent and ionic bonding. Compare and contrast the two. • What is the law of conservation of energy? Give an example. • What can you determine about an element simply by its placement on the periodic table?
Physics Grade 12
PHYSICS • UNITS: • Habits of Mind • Kinematics • Forces and Newton’s Laws • Energy • Electricity and Magnetism • Waves
Habits of Mind • Inquiry • 11-12.2.1: Use appropriate safety equipment and precautions during investigations • 11-12.2.2’ Select and use appropriate instruments, measuring tools, and units of measure to improve scientific investigations • Gathering and Analyzing Data • 11-12.2.3: Use data from scientific investigations in order to accept or reject a hypothesis • 11-12.2.4: Formulate and revise explanations based upon scientific knowledge and experimental data • 11-12.2.5: Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications • 11-12.2.6: Analyze data using appropriate strategies
Kinematics • Acceleration • 11-12:3.8: Understand the principle and relationships influencing forces and motion • Velocity • 11-12.3.8: Understand the principle and relationships influencing forces and motion
Forces and Newton’s Laws • Force and Momentum • 11-12.3.8: Understand the principle and relationships influencing forces and motion • Gravitation • 11-12.3.8: Understand the principle and relationships influencing forces and motion • Inertia • 11-12.3.8: Understand the principle and relationships influencing forces and motion
Energy • Thermodynamics • 11-12.3.12: Understand the relationships between thermal energy, temperature, and the motion of particles • Redistribution of energy in a system • 11-12.3.13: Apply the law of conservation of energy to a variety of situations • 11-12.3.14: Understand how energy is related to physical changes of matter
Electricity and Magnetism • Electrostatics • 11-12.3.10: Know how magnetic forces relate to electric forces • Potential Difference • 11-12.3.10: Know how magnetic forces relate to electric forces • Current • 11-12.3.11: Distinguish between alternating current and direct current and their uses
Waves • Wave Properties • 11-12.3.9: Relate wave energy to wavelength and frequency • Wave Behavior • 11-12.3.9: Relate wave energy to wavelength and frequency
Anatomy • UNITS: • Organization of Human Body • Cells and Tissues • Body Systems in Health and Disease
Organization of Human Body • Structure and Function • 11-12.4.1: Explain the importance of cell differentiation in the development of multicellular organisms
Cells and Tissues • Cells Function • 9-10.4.1: Relate cell function to cell structure • 9-10.4.2: Relate the functions of cells in multicellular organisms to their cell type • 9-10.4.3: Know the relationship between protein structure and function
Body Systems in Health and Disease • Personal Health • 9-10.7.1: Understand how personal health is related to fitness, substance abuse, sexual activity, and nutrition • Reproduction • 9-10.4.4: Understand how DNA, genes, and chromosomes are related • 9-10.4.6: Know how mitosis and meiosis differ