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Intensive Newcomer Research 2006 - 2007. Seven Oaks School Division Karen Guenther (Principal: Special Projects). Seven Oaks School Division Intensive Newcomer Research. Purpose
Intensive Newcomer Research 2006 - 2007 Seven Oaks School Division Karen Guenther (Principal: Special Projects)
Seven Oaks School DivisionIntensive Newcomer Research • Purpose • To conduct research exploring the demographics and numbers of war affected and recent immigrant (< 5 yrs in Canada) families whose children are registered in Seven Oaks School Division schools with the aim of informing any educational reform needed to support newcomer students and their families.
Seven Oaks Intensive Newcomer ResearchRESEARCH QUESTIONS • What is known about Canadian immigration patterns currently affecting the make-up of our schools and community? • Are there common experiences identified by students & families regarding backgrounds, immigration experiences, re-settlement in Manitoba, school registration, classroom placements & educational goals? • How many students & families, who are recent immigrants and/or from war affected nations, have made their homes in the Seven Oaks SD? What are the ages & grades of the students registered in Seven Oaks? What are the educational goals families have for their children & themselves? • What Seven Oaks supports have been important & useful to students & their families? • Are there additional supports and/or professional development that would assist educators in supporting students & families?
UNDERSTANDING RECENT CANADIAN IMMIGRATIONDemographic Changes in Canada and their Impact of Public Education(study done by The Learning Partnership (OISE), November 2006) • Our system of public education is – apart from the family – the major institutional setting in which young people acquire values & understandings about citizenship & the dynamics of living in society (p. 1) • Canada is a meritocracy. We are institutionally committed to advancing people on the basis of their capabilities & their achievements, not on the basis of characteristics ascribed at birth, such as gender, race & socioeconomic background . . . . This is especially important in Canada, a country that welcomes around 250,000 immigrant newcomers each year. (p. 2) • Education is the institution through which much of socioeconomic mobility takes place . . . An effective public education system is all about fostering choice: for the society and for the individuals who comprise that society. (p. 2)
Demographic Changes in Canada and their Impact of Public Education • Public education plays a key role in shaping economic & social opportunities for newcomers. Societies that do not establish a basic level of social cohesion (not to be confused with making everyone the same) pay a high price in terms of family breakdown, substance abuse, crime, and other areas of social dysfunction. (p. 5) • The importance of staying in school cannot be over-estimated. An urban Canadian resident with only a high school diploma earns, on average, 70% more than a high school drop out. (p. 3)
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) Immigration & Canada’s Changing Face • Canada is facing an increasingly aging populationand a birth rate that will remain low and may decline further . . . However, we are a nation that is highly receptive to immigrants. Canada is a country of immigration. • In the year 2000, 227,465 immigrants came to Canada. By 2005, this had risen to 262,236 (59.6% economic immigrants, 24.2% family reunification, 13.6% refugees, 2.5 % other) (CIC, 2004, 2006). • 2001 Census revealed that there were 5.4 million immigrants living in Canada (18.4% of the total Canadian population). This places Canada among the OECD countries with the highest proportion of immigrants (Australia 23%, Switzerland 22.4%, Germany 12.5%, USA 12.3%). (OECD website, pp. 26-27) • By 2017, more than 7.6 million immigrants are expected to be living in Canada . . . These immigrants will represent 22.2% of the total population.
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) • Ontario welcomed greater than half the immigrants who entered Canada between 1990 & 2004. Manitoba received, each year, the equivalent of .5% of its population. It is interesting to note that more immigrants are choosing rural regions, especially in the Western provinces. Based on Stats Canada data the “Demographic changes” study concluded that “new immigrants tend to choose large urban centres . . Winnipeg & Edmonton will likely experience a small or no increase of their immigrant population in the next 15 yrs. (p. 28) • Notwithstanding the conclusions published in the “Demographic changes…” study; recent Provincial Nominee programs & growth in immigrant settlement numbers are significant when considering the changing face of Manitoba (rural & urban). CIC documentation in 2005 concludes that Manitoba’s recent immigrant population growth is tied to the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) which allows provincial and territorial governments to actively participate in the immigration process. This program has grown five-fold in the past five years (2000-2005). The PNP has proven to be a model with great potential for supporting the regionalization of immigrants to centres outside Canada’s three largest cities. The most active PNP, that of Manitoba, accounted for over 4,000 landings in 2004, representing more than half of the 7,427 landings in that province that year. (CIC, Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, 2005, Section 3) • Total newcomers to Manitoba in 2006 was almost 11,000 (23%) greater than 2005. (Citizenship & Immigration Canada). “Manitoba, for the first time ever, has the highest rate of immigration in Canada. “ (Winnipeg Free Press, Sept. 28, 2007, p. A3) Manitoba’s goal through the PNP is to double this number in the next 10 years. (see following slides 2006 CIC graphs: Youth Immigration Urban/Rural; Manitoba Immigration by Age Group) • Like the immigrant population, the population of visible minorities is increasing rapidly in Canada. By 2017, one person out of five would have a visible minority identity in Canada. When combining immigrants & visible minorities (immigrant & Canadian born) we obtain a portrait of a population with a largely foreign origin. (pp. 30 & 32). By 2017, Manitoba should expect 20,000 newcomers per year. (CIC)
Youth Immigration by Urban / Rural Destination Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Manitoba Immigration by Age Group Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) • Asia remains the main source area (120,000 each year, about 50% of the total). The only source area that is increasing is Africa & the Middle East. When looking at settlement patterns from West to East (Canada), the proportion of Asians diminishes while the proportion of Africans & immigrants from the Middle East increases. (p. 24) • Nearly 80% of all immigrants to Canada are members of visible minority groups. Most of these immigrants are adults & almost half are between 25 & 44 yrs old. The population of children (0 – 14 yrs) represents 20% of the total. In 2001, the median age of new immigrants was 24 yrs, as compared to 34 yrs for the Canadian born population (CIC, p. 14) (see also next slide Youth Immigration by Source Country) • Visible minority immigrants were more disadvantaged than immigrants who were not visible minorities: over 35 yrs visible minority immigrants have higher unemployment rates, lower incomes and higher poverty levels. (p. 45)
Youth Immigration by Source Country Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) • Since 1995 more than 50% of all new immigrants are considered economic immigrants (CIC, pp. 16-19) “One of the changing Canadian immigrant recruitment strategies to attract more economic immigrants has been to increase the general level of education required of new immigrants . . . There is a striking difference in education attainment between economic immigrants on one side and family class & refugees on the other. 70% of principal economic applicants are university educated with 40% of their spouses & dependents. Less than 20% of family class and even lower for refugees are university educated (CIC, 2004, 2005) (p. 21) • Quebec & Manitoba have occupied an intermediate position . . . Both have received a more balanced proportion of the 3 categories of immigrants (refugees, economic, family reunification) (CIC, 2004, 2005) (p. 20) • The immigration population without a school diploma or with only a trade diploma has decreased or stabilized (1994-2004) in both groups of immigrants, while the number of immigrants with a university diploma has been increasing (CIC, 2004 & 2005)(pp. 22-23) • The impact of this evolution of parental education levels on the school age population is noteworthy. A population with a higher level of education should have a positive effect on their children (p. 23)
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) • However, increasing levels of education among immigrants has not translated into better knowledge of French or English; knowledge of official languages has declined among economic immigrants. This decline will have a variety of implications for Canada’s education system & economy including such factors as literacy skills, labour market integration and skills shortages, etc. (CIC, 2004 & 2005) (pp. 25-26) • The proportion of immigrants & visible minorities with one or the two official languages as mother tongue has decreased between 1986 & 1991. “Levels of linguistic assimilation in Canada are noticeable. . . . In the case of Canadians who are not visible minorities, linguistic assimilation to one of the two official languages affects half for whom neither English nor French is their mother tongue (European immigrants). Linguistic assimilation is lower for immigrants in general, just over 20%, especially for immigrants with a visible minority identity.” (p. 43)
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) • The immigration rate to Canada is high and will remain so at least for the next 15 years featuring an increase in the visible minority population. This group is still very young & its population growth will ultimately exceed the pace of current demographic changes. (p. 47)
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) School Performance of Visible Minorities & Immigrant Children • “. . . Children of immigrants general do on average at least as well as the children of the Canadian-born along each dimension of school performance (Canadian Composite Learning Index) . . . The children of immigrant parents whose first language is either English or French have especially high outcomes. The children of other immigrant parents have lower performance in reading than do other children; however, their performance in other areas is comparable to that of the children of Canadian-born parents . . . With more years in the Canadian education system, the performance of these children converges to that of the children of Canadian-born parents . . . by the age 13. (Worswick, 2001, p. 13) (p. 81) (See following slides: Manitoba Refugee’s by Country of Last Permanent Residence and Youth (0 to 30) Immigration by Top First Languages) • Gluszynski & Dhawan-Biswal (2006) found that even though recent immigrant children perform less well than Canadian-born children, they are able to catch up in reading skill after 5 years in the country . . . Immigrant children are less likely to drop out of high school than are Canadian-born children. (p. 82)
Manitoba Refugee’s by Country of Last Permanent Residence Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Youth (0 to 30) Immigration by Top First Languages Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
School Performance of Visible Minorities & Immigrant Children (con’t) • The belief that all immigrants do very well in school can be misleading. Lee Gunderson of UBC (2004) found “amazing differences” in achievement between Mandarin speakers & other groups such as Spanish & Vietnamese speakers. These differences in socioeconomic status highlighting the high risk nature of some groups of immigrant students. • Gunderson found that 40% of all immigrant students drop out of high school before graduation. • In reviewing Stats Canada data on 26,000 15 yr olds from across Canada . . . it was found that “immigrant and visible minority youth face incredible barriers in getting an education. They may struggle with language or discrimination, their culture may not be represented in textbooks or stories or their families might be poor . . .” (Krahn & Taylor, University of Alberta, quoted in Edmonton Journal, April 5, 2006 “New Canadians Aim Higher than Native Born Counterparts”) • A pattern is emerging: Aboriginals, Latin American immigrants and Black people born in Canada have lower educational attainment levels than other groups (less than 20%), while Chinese (80%) and Asians in general appear to have higher attainment levels. (p. 94)
Demographic changes … impact on public education (con’t) School Performance of Visible Minorities & Immigrant Children (con’t) • Future research also is needed on the transition from the school system to the labour market to see whether children of immigrants & visible minorities “continue to succeed at a level comparable to the children of the Canadian-born. . . . Or whether goals and opportunities are impeded as youth become more exposed to “systemic racism” or other factors.” (p. 83) • 2001 unemployment rates clearly affected ethno-cultural groups in very different ways. 2001 unemployment data closely correlated with education data (low school performance & low level of education = higher unemployment rates) (p. 96) GroupUnemployment Rate Aboriginals > 20% Cdn born non visible minority 6.3% Africans > 20% West Asians > 20% UK and USA < 6 % Long term Europeans < 6% Cdn born Chinese & other Asians < 6%
What Communities Need to Understand About the Immigrant Experience • A more effective approach to immigrant settlement would greatly benefit newcomer families and their children in the school system. • The immigrant settlement experience is a multi-stage process involving several different & competing jurisdictions • Many newcomers experience a sense of isolation & powerlessness. Neighbourhood programs designed to invite and include newcomers (sports, monitoring initiatives, befriending programs) are needed in most all Canadian communities. • Newcomers need information to make a successful transition to Canadian society. • Successful labour market entry & the opportunity to use the skills & experience they bring with them – is fundamental if newcomers are to enter the social & economic mainstream of Canada. Policy / practice necessities: ESL programs that focus on language skills that are labour market related; better & faster ways to assess prior learning experience & credentials; bridging programs; preparatory programs for educators delivering high relevance ESL. (pp. 110-112) [Source: Demographic Changes in Canada and Their Impact on Public Education, November 2006, The Learning Partnership (OISE)]
Questions to Consider as We Learn about the Seven Oaks S.D Newcomer Data • How can schools best support newcomers dealing with cultural dislocation? How much emphasis should be placed on rapid assimilation to mainstream educational materials & language? versus How much emphasis should be placed on maintenance of the student’s home language and culture? • How can we best “blend” at the classroom level the maintenance of a student’s cultural roots and strengths while achieving the objectives of a socially cohesive society? How can we develop “valuing diversity” programs & experiences in all classrooms? How can we build bridges between a student’s family life and classroom experience? How can we maximize the opportunities for students from different backgrounds to learn from one another? How can we most effectively use mentors & community role models in the classroom setting? • How can we best approach: educating teachers to become perceptive about students’ different cultural backgrounds & effectively link this understanding to their own teaching methods; supporting teachers with curriculum materials that value diversity; developing teachers whose vision includes an understanding of students’ family & community dynamics & forging connections between these & other social realities and what transpires in the classroom? (p. 114) [Source: Demographic Changes in Canada and Their Impact on Public Education, November 2006, The Learning Partnership (OISE)]
Quantitative Source: Seven Oaks SD Schools # of students & families from war affected countries; # of students & families who are recent immigrants (in Canada < 5 yrs) Identification of students from war affected students including: homeland; yrs in Canada; birth date, age, grade, first language; EAL; yrs of interrupted schooling Data from 22 Schools in Seven Oaks SD: Recent immigrants (< 5yrs): 751 students Recent Immigrant Families:575 families War Affected Families: 81 families War Affected Students: 101 students War Affected Countries: Columbia, Sierra Leone, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Ethiopia; Israel, Russia/Israel, Libya, South Africa Seven Oaks School DivisionQUANTITATIVE DATA(collected Jan. – March, 2007)
Quantitative data (con’t) ESL/EAL numbers reported by 7Oaks SD 2001 - 2006 War affected students with current Educational Clinical Student Services Files & involvement Seven Oaks Newcomer Survey data collected February – June, 2007 (Student Survey, Teacher Survey, Family Survey) 7Oaks ESL/EAL students* 2001 227 students 2002 233 students 2003 255 students 2004 313 students 2005 336 students 2006 428 students 2007 637 students** *Sept. 30 enrolment reports ** 2007 enrolment report under revision Clinical Files (March 2007) 4 open psychology files 4 open speech & language files Seven Oaks SD Data (continued)
Seven Oaks Intensive Newcomer ResearchQUALITATIVE DATA • Interviews and/or focus group discussions were used as a follow-up to written surveys completed by students and educators. The research focus was on the collection of stories describing the immigrant student and family experience re-locating to Winnipeg & Seven Oaks Schools. Data collected from educators focused on educators’ experiences learning about and supporting newcomer students. Qualitative data collection has included: • In person interviews with newcomer students enrolled in the EAL program at Maples Collegiate (Jan/Feb, 2007) • In person interviews with a war affected family focus groups & individual war affected families (January, June & July, 2007) • Surveying & interviewing educators to identify current or emerging experiences, trends and challenges regarding the support of newcomer students & their families. • Seven Oaks Intensive Newcomer Advisory Group – research advisory group round table discussions
INFORMATION GATHERING CHALLENGES: • Newcomer information such as country of origin, # of years in Canada, yrs of interrupted schooling are not routinely collected by schools when a family registers a child. Hence, it is difficult to ascertain accurate divisional numbers of war affected and recent immigrants and related demographic information. Also, no previous comparable data is available. • Teachers are reluctant to ask students questions about their families’ immigrant experiences. • The nature & unpredictability of parents / guardians work schedules makes it difficult to conduct newcomer family interviews. Meetings arranged with the assistance community immigrant outreach worker, and, by chance (one interview was conducted with a parent seated next to me during a domestic air flight) proved most effective in gathering meaningful info. • Newcomer parents/guardians are reluctant to allow their children to participate in research surveys or interviews. This was especially seen with war affected families whose experiences have left them leery of anyone who appears to work for the government.
STUDENT INTERVIEWS (Senior Years EAL class) • All students interviewed indicated that their families came to Canada due to military conflicts and/or economic strife. • Most war affected students interviewed arrived in Canada without their parents or other adult members of their families. • Some war affected students spoke in matter of fact, emotionless terms about horrific experiences (e.g. witnessing friends eaten alive by wild animals while walking from one refugee camp to another). • All students felt under pressure to learn English quickly, progress beyond the EAL class and graduate to university as soon as possible. Each felt that their families were depending on them. • All students with university educated parents shared that their parents had not been able to get their homeland countries’ university educations recognized in Canada (e.g. the only jobs they’ve been able to ascertain are at min. wage like midnight shifts at 7Eleven). Hence, the male EAL students have been required to work 18 – 25 hrs / week to help make ends meet & to send money back to family in the homeland.
STUDENT INTERVIEWS (Senior Years EAL class) • All students expressed that they are very lonely. There is little time for anything but school & part time work. Most have made very few social connections in school or in Winnipeg. • Most indicated difficulty learning about & understanding Canadian culture and school culture. • Each EAL student interviewed fit Canadian researcher profiles of Newcomer students eager to progress beyond the EAL class into regular High School classes despite their English language skills (spoken, written) being weak. Inadequate EAL progress leave them at risk of following the Canadian trend of the 40% drop out rate before graduating high school. (Lee Gunderson, 2006, English Only Instruction & Immigrant Studies in Secondary Schools). • Canadian & American Research have revealed that EAL students’ marks suffer greatly if they do not take advantage of 4 – 5 years of EAL instruction. Gunderson’s Canadian study revealed that even highly motivated EAL students’ grades drop below C once removing themselves from ESL (EAL) classes making transitions to graduation & post secondary very difficult.
Newcomer Teacher Survey Data • 67 surveys distributed 37 surveys completed & returned • Surveys were completed March, April & May, 2007 • Respondents included 26 classroom teachers, 6 resource teachers; 5 school or divisional administrators; 1 immigrant outreach worker • Instructional grade levels: 17 Early Years; 10 Middle Years; 13 Senior Years; 1 Adult Ed • 25 respondents had taught children from war affected countries • 34 respondents had taught children of families who have lived in Canada for fewer than 5 years.
Newcomer Teacher Survey Data (con’t) • 26 of 37educator respondents had taught war affected students. Surveyed educators said: • war affected student s arrived in our classrooms without adequate schooling for their ages and lacked adequate English language proficiency for school success (42%) • war affected students arrived in Canada with interrupted or no schooling (54%) • war affected students speak one or more languages other than English. (65%) • language barriers hinder a student’s progress in school (62%) • war affected students require the support of a resource teacher (73%) • war affected students require the support of a guidance counselor or clinician (65%) • war affected families depend on a child to interpret all communications from school (65%) • war affected families live in poverty (62%) • war affected families live in Winnipeg because they have family or friends here (46%) • war affected families expect their children to get college / university educations (31%)
Newcomer Teacher Survey Data . . . • 34 of 37educator respondents had taught recent immigrant students(< 5 yrs in Canada). Surveyed educators said: • newcomer students arrive in our classrooms without adequate schooling for their age (74%) • newcomer students have conversational proficiency in English but inadequate English for school success (65%) • newcomer students require the support of a resource teacher, early learning support teacher and guidance counselor or clinician (85%) • newcomer students speak one or more languages other than English (91%) • language barriers hinder a student’s progress in school (71%) • parents depend on a child to interpret all info sent home by the school (71%) • newcomer families expect their children to get university educations (65%) • newcomer families often live in poverty (53%)
School Registration & Reception 32% of educators surveyed indicated that their school had developed and practiced a reception procedure geared to meeting the needs of newcomer students and their families. Most also indicated that the reception practices were difficult to implement. All families interviewed indicated that they were warmly received by Seven Oaks school personnel; however, there was much they did not understand about Seven Oaks Schools (policies, routines, homework, school contact info, class placement, etc.) Parental focus group participants would like to see a newcomer info DVD or package on Seven Oaks Schools and opportunities for their children and families Student Placement 87% of educators surveyed said that newcomer students are routinely mainstreamed into regular classrooms 76% of educators indicated that a resource teacher did the testing to determine a language & literacy needs and 54% indicated that learning adaptations are determined by a resource teacher 58% said that classroom teachers do testing to determine newcomer students’ needs and 76% indicated that classroom teachers make the learning adaptations to a student’s program All parents (of senior yrs students) did not understand why their children were repeating so many things taken previously in their homeland schools) Early years parents had many unanswered questions about multi age classrooms School Reception & Student Placement(from teacher surveys & parent interviews)
Professional Development(from Newcomer Teacher Survey) • 22 educators surveyed had not rec’d info or PD to assist in understanding the situations likely experienced by war affected students & families; 11 did research on their own to improve understanding; 6 had attended PD workshops with a newcomer student theme. • Most all respondents indicated a need for professional development opportunities. Topics requested: EAL (20) ; supporting children and youth from refugee backgrounds with EAL needs & interrupted schooling (17); Canada as a multilingual & multicultural nation (17); Cross cultural communication & education (15); Aboriginal Language, education & equity (18); Community and parental partnerships in education (11); Information sessions relating to the experiences of war affected families & other recent immigrants (possibly with the immigrant outreach workers) (15).
What educators are saying & asking in focus groups. . . • Recent immigrants, who are skilled labourers, seem to arrive with less formal English language education. Their children require much more EAL support than what 7Oaks educators have experienced in the past. • A language rich environment is best regardless of the learner. • A student’s success is dependent on that student’s willingness & ability to make connections. • Middle & Sr Yrs students with poor English language comprehension skills quickly exhibit behaviours that eventually lead to early school leaving. • Without adequate support at all levels, the newcomer experience quickly morphs from immersion to submersion (e.g. there is a 20,000 – 30,000 word deficit for a middle yrs EAL learner) • We know very little about what happens to our newcomer students after leaving our high schools. Have supports been sufficient?
WHAT EDUCATORS ARE SAYING & ASKING IN FOCUS GROUPS . . . • There is a need for all schools to engage in many bridging activities with students & their families (de-mystifying our schools, education, culture, values, routines, Cdn family laws & values, etc). Focusing on greater understandings & bridging will foster the growth of each school’s capacity to support newcomer students & families. • When registering a newcomer student how do we plan for that student’s success? How do we bridge the gap between academic rigour and a student’s feelings of self worth? • Teacher professional development is key in understanding the needs for bridging with students & families (e.g. learning about culture & language differences; knowing about the different phases that characterize the immigrant experience, etc.) • Given the number of newcomer families, each school should develop a bank of cultural knows & resources to foster a school staff’s understanding & support. • Although First Nations Peoples migrating to our communities are not considered, by most definitions, to be newcomers similar to recent immigrants, they appear to have many of the same needs and fewer supports within communities than most recent immigrant newcomers.
WHAT PARENTS ARE SAYING & ASKING IN FOCUS GROUPS . . . • “Why can I not have my child in a before & after school program at my neighbourhood school?” • “Why are my children repeating all of the same things in school this year as they learned in our homeland school last year?” • “We were warmly welcomed by the staff at our child’s school. However, all information was in English with no one to translate and no material in languages other than English. The schools need materials to explain about schools in Winnipeg. Winnipeg schools are very different from our homeland.” • “Our middle and senior years children sometimes get some help with English. Many times the teacher is not available to help them with English.” • “My son never read a book before. Now he is reading books all of the time (even when he goes to the toilet)!” • “My child is very shy and I wanted to stay with him at the school for his first few days. The school would not allow me to stay with him.” • “My child came home with many bruises from a fight at school. No one from the school informed me. When I asked the teacher, the teacher did not think it was serious.” • “We feel very involved, respected and cared for in our son’s school (early years). We have been invited to be involved.” • “Great activities with students, teachers and parents together including student lead conferences. We could use more of these activities with everyone working and having fun together.” • “Our schools’ infrastructure is impressive (book, computers, equipment).”
What Next?“Currently the Global, Canadian and Manitoban situation, when it comes to the living conditions of the poor, displaced, disenfranchised, is to shame all levels of government, NGO’S and other groups into recognizing a broader picture of concerns and issues hopefully resulting in pro-active policies and actions.” (Keynote: Human Rights & Social Justice Conference University of Wpg, Feb. 2007)Let the Seven Oaks Educational Community continue to be the leaders we publicly are viewed as being by acting on the following recommendations . . .
RECOMMENDATIONS Given increasing newcomer and EAL student and family numbers in the Seven Oaks School Division: • Develop a divisional reception & registration process for newcomer families & their children including: multi-lingual school/division info (general school info, school calendar/routines, etc.). Include or follow up with the community immigrant outreach worker. Consider the development of a multilingual DVD & website link in which music & pictures may be most effective in sharing who we are in 7Oaks. Translate divisional & school websites, newsletters and key informational letters into the most common languages found in the division and schools’ catchments. • Annually review newcomer registration numbers, ages & grades of children, homeland countries and languages. Follow up by providing support and resources to match newcomer registrant numbers where needed. • Study middle & senior years EAL student numbers; years of EAL support/instruction; graduation rates; social development; and post secondary directions. Are we providing adequate instruction & support to ensure all students develop the level of English proficiency req’d for school and workplace success?
RECOMMENDATIONS (con’t) • Consider the development of an EAL transition program for middle – senior years newcomer students. Its purpose would be to support students in language & cultural transitions without having to feel overly self conscious in front of their Canadian born peers. [examples: LEAP program (Toronto); sheltered classroom (Louis Riel SD)] • Host a student leadership workshop for newcomer students where they would share experiences, challenges, aspirations, needs, etc. and learn avenues to achieve their goals. • Develop more EAL Adult Education courses and opportunities within Seven Oaks School Division. Many newcomers do not have vehicles or childcare. Explore the possibility of workshops and/or courses available (at cost) at locations on both sides of McPhillips (evenings and weekends)
RECOMMENDATIONS (con’t) • Professional Development for teachers and all Seven Oaks staff Consider the development of a divisional committee that would review divisional newcomer numbers and coordinate workshops / courses fostering : - generative thinking (the ability to add to understandings in complex & dynamic settings all the while applying knowledge to learn new topics and solve new & unfamiliar problems (‘generative thinking’, Dr. Arnetha Ball, Stanford University, November, 2006) (knowledge becomes generative when the learner sees the need to integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge while continually reconsidering existing knowledge in light of new knowledge). Given the ever changing face of our communities it is essential that we think generatively in order to understand people, cultures and ways of meeting educational needs. - greater knowledge & understanding of newcomer students & families (their experiences, stages of the immigrant experience, refugee experiences, cultural & language similarities & differences) - supportive EAL strategies (consider the parallels between French Immersion & the English immersion experienced by newcomer students) - effective communications with non-English speaking families (school & home partnerships) - development of multi-lingual resource banks (print & non print materials featuring languages and cultures)
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